// vim: autoindent tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 expandtab softtabstop=4 /* PIC16F features used: * TMR0 - V1.4: interlink data pulse width timing (reset/read during IOC) * TMR1 - V1.4: main loop ITERS_PER_SEC timing (poll) * TMR2 - V1.4: 60Hz PWM (PWM1/CCP1) * (can be TMR2, TMR4 or TMR6; doesn't have to be TMR2) * IOC - (Interrupt-on-change) - handles receiving interlink data recv * INLVL - Schmitt inputs * WPU - weak pull-up for most inputs */ /* * File: main-cpu1.c * Author: Greg Ercolano, erco@seriss.com * Version: V1.4a * Current Board Revision: REV-J5 * * Created on Apr 24, 2019, 08:22 AM * Compiler: MPLAB X IDE V5.10/5.25/5.50 + XC8 -- Microchip.com * * This firmware runs on CPU1 on the 1A2 Multiline Phone Control board, * managing 1A2 functions for Line #1 and #2: Hold, Lamp, and Ringing. * * It monitors the Ring Detect and Line Sense inputs for each line, * and responds by controlling the line's lamps, bells, and buzzers. * _ _ * V+ | |__| | GND * L1_RING_DET (IN) -- RA5 | | RA0 -- (OUT) L1_LAMP (DAT) * L1_LINE_DET (IN) -- RA4 | | RA1 -- (OUT) L1_HOLD_RLY (CLK) * (MCLR) X (IN) -- RA3 | | RA2 -- (OUT) RING_GEN_POW * L1_A_SENSE (IN) -- RC5 | | RC0 -- (OUT) L2 HOLD_RLY * L2_A_SENSE (IN) -- RC4 | | RC1 -- (OUT) BUZZ_RING * SECONDARY_DET (IN) -- RC3 | | RC2 -- (OUT) L1_RING_RLY * L2_LINE_DET (IN) -- RC6 | | RB4 -- (OUT) L2_RING_RLY * CPU_STATUS_LED (OUT) -- RC7 | | RB5 -- (OUT) L2_LAMP * L2_RING_DET (IN) -- RB7 |______| RB6 -- (IN/OUT) SYNC_ILINK * * PIC16F1709 / CPU1 * REV J5 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Copyright (C) 2019, 2021 Seriss Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * For the GPL license, see COPYING in the top level directory. * For board revisions, see REVISIONS in the top level directory. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V1.4b * * Prevent buzzer oscillator from running when no ringing is present. * * V1.4a * * No changes in CPU1 firmware. * (only changes were in CPU2 firmware to support for REV-J5 boards) * * V1.4 * * Much changed, this code now depends on REV-J4 board and up. * * Changed INLVLA/B/C from default (TTL?) to Schmitt * * Ringing is synchronized between PRIMARY and SECONDARY (interlinked) * * Bell System's "Interrupter" concept used for synced ring/lamps * * Changed BUZZ_60Hz from software generated to hardware (PWM/CCP/PPS) * (allows bidir send/recv of 8data reliably over SYNC_ILINK) * * SECONDARY board's status LED now controlled by PRIMARY over interlink * * For details on V1.4 mods, see: * * * REVISIONS file for V1.4 and REV-J4 details * * * README-firmware-description.txt, sections: * > BIDIRECTIONAL DATA * > V1.4 and REV-J4 notes * * * README-circuit-description.html, sections: * > IMPLEMENTATION OF BIDIR DATA TRANSMISSION */ #define ABS(a) (((a)<0)?-(a):(a)) // Port(ABC) // 76543210 |Bit# in port // Inputs |||||||| || #define L1_A_SENSE ((G_portc & 0b00100000)?0:1) // RC5: low when A lead engaged (0:1 instead of 1:0 to undo negative logic) #define L2_A_SENSE ((G_portc & 0b00010000)?0:1) // RC4: low when A lead engaged (0:1 instead of 1:0 to undo negative logic) #define L1_RING_DET ((G_porta & 0b00100000)?0:1) // RA5: low on ring detect (0:1 instead of 1:0 to undo negative logic) #define L2_RING_DET ((G_portb & 0b10000000)?0:1) // RB7: low on ring detect (0:1 instead of 1:0 to undo negative logic) #define L1_LINE_DET ((G_porta & 0b00010000)?0:1) // RA4: low on line detect (0:1 instead of 1:0 to undo negative logic) #define L2_LINE_DET ((G_portc & 0b01000000)?0:1) // RC6: low on line detect (0:1 instead of 1:0 to undo negative logic) // REV-J3 and older: You MUST cut trace from CPU2 RA5 (see above) for this // firmware to detect the SECONDARY_DET jumper on J3, otherwise it won't work. // Reason: when CPU2 is powered down, it forces SECONDARY_DET low, preventing detection. // #define SECONDARY_DET ((G_portc & 0b00001000)?0:1) // RC3: detects if card configured as SECONDARY (JP4) #define IS_PRIMARY (SECONDARY_DET) ? 0 : 1 // true if card is PRIMARY #define IS_SECONDARY (SECONDARY_DET) ? 1 : 0 // true if card is SECONDARY // Outputs #define L1_HOLD_RLY LATAbits.LATA1 // hi puts L1 on hold #define L2_HOLD_RLY LATCbits.LATC0 // hi puts L2 on hold #define L1_RING_RLY LATCbits.LATC2 // hi rings L1 #define L2_RING_RLY LATBbits.LATB4 // hi rings L2 #define RING_GEN_POW LATAbits.LATA2 // hi supplies +12V to ring generator #define L1_LAMP LATAbits.LATA0 // hi turns on L1's lamp on all extensions #define L2_LAMP LATBbits.LATB5 // hi turns on L2's lamp on all extensions #define CPU_STATUS_LED LATCbits.LATC7 // hi turns on CPU STATUS LED #define BUZZ_RING LATCbits.LATC1 // hi/lo output to buzz phones during incoming calls // In/Out #define SYNC_ILINK_OUT LATBbits.LATB6 // RB6[OUT]: pull low when sending sync to "other" cpu #define SYNC_ILINK_IN ((PORTBbits.RB6)?1:0) // RB6[IN]: low when sync sent by "other" cpu // Ring timers // The following macros define the timing of ringing (ring cadence) generated by the KSU. // Since the KSU manages multiple lines that can each have their own ring cadence, // the KSU regenerates ringing to standardize a single ring cadence across all lines. // // Terminology: // // RING_CYCLE_MSECS: The maximum amount of time to wait for the next ring from the CO. // During this time, the line is considered "ringing"; lamps flashing, // bells ringing, and the 12V "ring generator power" turned on. // Each CO ring restarts this timer. There is one timer per line. // // RING_SEQ_MSECS: The 4 sec 1A2 ring sequence: 1 sec ring followed by 3 sec pause. // There is one ring sequence timer for all lines, so that lines // all ring together. // // The ring result: // // 1sec 2sec 3sec 4sec 5sec 6sec 7sec // |......|......|......|......|......|......|..... // ______ ______ // | | | | // | RING |____________________| RING |_________.. // // : : // :<---- RING_SEQ_MSECS ----->: // : : #define RING_CYCLE_MSECS 6000 // #msecs count for ring cycle (how long to keep lamps flashing) #define RING_SEQ_MSECS 4000 // #msecs count for ring sequence (used for fixed cadence ringing) // This must be #defined before #includes #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000UL // system oscillator speed in HZ (__delay_ms() needs this) // --- The following section copy/pasted from MPLAB X menu: Production -> Set Configuration Bits -> Generate Source.. // CONFIG1 #pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // USE INTERNAL OSCILLATOR: Oscillator Selection Bits (INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on CLKIN pin) #pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT disabled) #pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT disabled) #pragma config MCLRE = OFF // MCLR Pin Function Select (MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR) #pragma config CP = OFF // Flash Program Memory Code Protection (Program memory code protection is disabled) #pragma config BOREN = OFF // Brown-out Reset Enable (Brown-out Reset disabled) #pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable (CLKOUT function is disabled. I/O or oscillator function on the CLKOUT pin) #pragma config IESO = OFF // Internal/External Switchover Mode (Internal/External Switchover Mode is disabled) #pragma config FCMEN = OFF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is disabled) // CONFIG2 #pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Memory Self-Write Protection (Write protection off) #pragma config PPS1WAY = OFF // Peripheral Pin Select one-way control-> V1.4: Need this *off* to switch between PWM and TRIS #pragma config ZCDDIS = ON // Zero-cross detect disable (Zero-cross detect circuit is disabled at POR) #pragma config PLLEN = OFF // Phase Lock Loop enable (4x PLL is enabled when software sets the SPLLEN bit) #pragma config STVREN = ON // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable (Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset) #pragma config BORV = LO // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection (Brown-out Reset Voltage (Vbor), low trip point selected.) #pragma config LPBOR = OFF // Low-Power Brown Out Reset (Low-Power BOR is disabled) #pragma config LVP = OFF // Low-Voltage Programming Enable (Low-voltage programming enabled) // --- end section // PIC hardware includes #include // our Microchip C compiler (XC8) #include // uint8_t, etc. // DEFINES #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int // OUR OWN MODULES #include "Debounce.h" // our signal debouncer module #include "TimerMsecs.h" // our TimerMsecs module #include "Interrupter.h" // our "1A2 interrupter" emulator module //#include "scopetext.h" // ERCODEBUG: Displays text on RA0 analog output // This defines SCOPETEXT_H which we use below.. // REF: // TMR0 - V1.4: interlink data pulse width timing (reset/read during IOC) // TMR1 - V1.4: main loop ITERS_PER_SEC timing (poll) // TMR2 - V1.4: 60Hz PWM (PWM1/CCP1) #define ITERS_PER_SEC 250 // while() loop iters per second (Hz). *MUST BE EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO 1000* #define TIMER1_FREQ 31250 // timer1 counts per second #define TIMER1_ITER_WAIT (TIMER1_FREQ/ITERS_PER_SEC) // What Timer1 counts up to every iteration #define DATA_WATCHDOG_MAX (ITERS_PER_SEC * 2) // no data received after 2 secs? something's amiss // GLOBALS const int G_msecs_per_iter = (1000/ITERS_PER_SEC); // #msecs per iter (if ITERS_PER_SEC=125, this is 8. If 250, 4) TimerMsecs L1_hold_tmr; // timer for L1 hold sense TimerMsecs L2_hold_tmr; // timer for L2 hold sense uchar L1_hold = 0; // Line1 HOLD state: 1=call on hold, 0=not on hold uchar L2_hold = 0; // Line2 HOLD state: 1=call on hold, 0=not on hold // 1A2 Interrupter // Handles emulation of a 1A2 KSU "Interrupter", an electro-mechanical device // that generates signals for ringing and lamp flashing (for ring flash/hold flash). // This entire struct should be volatile, some contents managed by CPU interrupts. // Interrupter G_int; TimerMsecs L1_ringing_tmr; // 6sec ring timer reset by each CO ring. Keeps lamps flashing, TimerMsecs L2_ringing_tmr; // 6sec ring timer reset by each CO ring. Keeps lamps flashing, uint G_data_watchdog = 0; // counts up when data not recvd, zeroed whenever data received uchar G_buzz_signal = 0; // 1 indicates isr() should toggle buzzer int G_curr_line = 0; // "current line" being worked on (1 or 2). Used by HandleLine() and hardware funcs uchar G_porta, G_portb, G_portc; // 8 bit input sample buffers, once per main loop iter uint G_timer1_cnt = 0; // running value of main loop Timer1. counts 0 to TIMER1_FREQ. uint G_iter = 1; // iteration counter (1-250) // Interlink Data Xmit/Recv // IOC (Interrupt On Change) is used to receive bits, and TMR2 times // how long between state changes to determine 1 or 0. // // Data bits are sent every few main loop iterations to update the // various variables managing the remote's state. // // The first bits sent are 1 followed by 0 to tell the receiver how long // to expect 1 and 0 to be for the data bits that follow. // // The PRIMARY sends the interrupter state bits for ring relay, ring flash, hold flash. // The SECONDARY replies with two bits indicating if any lines it manages have incoming // calls, or calls on hold, indicating the PRIMARY should have its interrupter running. // // The user programs actual ringing across boards using the L1+L2 BELL // terminal block, which may or may not be necessary in future revisions // if this info is sent as data over the interlink SYNC signal. // #define IS_SYNC_POS_EDGE (IOCBFbits.IOCBF6 && PORTBbits.RB6 == 1) // pos edge interrupt occurred #define IS_SYNC_NEG_EDGE (IOCBFbits.IOCBF6 && PORTBbits.RB6 == 0) // neg edge interrupt occurred #define TIME_1BIT G_data_times[0] // tmr0 data pulse width count for a 1 bit #define TIME_0BIT G_data_times[1] // tmr0 data pulse width count for a 0 bit #define XMIT_BITS 6 // number of bits PRIMARY/SECONDARY sends to each other (<=8!) volatile uchar G_data_index = 0; // data array index volatile uchar G_data_times[8]; // TMR0 counts for each data bit (indexed by G_data_index) volatile uchar G_data_received = 0; // int handler sets to flag main() to parse complete data volatile uchar G_remote_line_ring = 0; // PRIMARY: 1 if remote (SECONDARY) has a line ringing volatile uchar G_remote_line_hold = 0; // PRIMARY: 1 if remote (SECONDARY) has line on hold //////// # # # ##### ###### ##### # # # # # # //////// # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # //////// # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # #### //////// # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # //////// # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # //////// # # # # ###### # # ###### # # # # # // // PRIMARY SECONDARY // ----------------------- ------------------------------ // 0. DataXmitMode() (receive mode) // 1. Send() : // : : // :-- send bits ---> parse bits // : : // :-- done --------> HandleRecv() // // 2. DataRecvMode(); delay to allow primary to switch to recv mode // // 3. (receive mode) DataXmitMode() // : : // 4. : Send() // : : // parse bits <--- send bits --: // : : // HandleRecv() <------ done --: // : // DataRecvMode() // // 5. Remain in recv mode until next // iteration, then goto (0) // // TMR0 enable/disable interrupt on overflow void EnableTMR0IntOnOverflow() { TMR0 = 0; // reset timer INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // zero IF INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1; // enable int on overflow } void DisableTMR0IntOnOverflow() { INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 0; // disable int on overflow INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // zero IF } // Configure hardware to receive data over the SYNC pin. void DataRecvMode() { G_data_index = 0; // zero data bit counter // SYNC input mode, schmitt, wpu, TRISBbits.TRISB6 = 1; // SYNC_ILINK out (0=out, 1=in) INLVLBbits.INLVLB6 = 1; // TTL(0) vs Schmitt(1) level inputs WPUBbits.WPUB6 = 1; // Enable weak pullup resistor (prevent noise when line open) // IOC enable INTCONbits.IOCIF = 0; // clear IOC interrupt flag before enabling ints IOCBPbits.IOCBP6 = 1; // enable IOC on pos SYNC bit (B6) IOCBNbits.IOCBN6 = 1; // enable IOC on neg SYNC bit (B6) } // Configure hardware to send data over SYNC pin. void DataXmitMode() { DisableTMR0IntOnOverflow(); // TMR0 unused during xmit // IOC disable IOCBPbits.IOCBP6 = 0; // disable IOC on pos SYNC bit (B6) IOCBNbits.IOCBN6 = 0; // disable IOC on neg SYNC bit (B6) INTCONbits.IOCIF = 0; // clear IOC interrupt flag before enabling ints // SYNC output mode SYNC_ILINK_OUT = 1; // resting state for SYNC bit is hi TRISBbits.TRISB6 = 0; // SYNC_ILINK out (0=out, 1=in) SYNC_ILINK_OUT = 1; // resting state for SYNC bit is hi } // Send a single bit to the remote over the interlink // Remote will use "interrupt on change" to time edge changes // void SendBit(uchar val) { // Low time: determined by data being sent volatile int count = val ? 20 : 10; while (count) { SYNC_ILINK_OUT = 0; --count; } // stay low for count // High time: 3 iters count = 20; while ( count ) { SYNC_ILINK_OUT = 1; --count; } // stay hi for at least 3 // Remain hi on exit } // Is any local line ringing? inline int IsAnyLineRinging() { return( IsRunning_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr) | IsRunning_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr) ); } // Is any local line on hold? inline int IsAnyLineHold() { if ( L1_hold || L2_hold ) return 1; return 0; } // Determine a particular bit that was received to see if it was 1 or 0 volatile uchar ZeroOrOne(uchar val) { uchar onediff = ABS(TIME_1BIT - val); // how different from known 1 bit time uchar zerodiff = ABS(TIME_0BIT - val); // how different from known 0 bit time return ( onediff < zerodiff ) ? 1 : 0; // closer to 1 bit timing? return 1, else 0 } // Send data over the interlink. // Sends XMIT_BITS total; two start bits for timing, and the rest data. // void Send() { if ( IS_PRIMARY ) { // PRIMARY -> SECONDARY _ SendBit(1); // 0. start bit (1) | SendBit(0); // 1. start bit (0) | SendBit(G_int.ring_relay ? 1 : 0); // 2. is interrupter ringing? |__ XMIT_BITS = 6 total SendBit(G_int.ring_flash ? 1 : 0); // 3. is interrupter ring flash high? | SendBit(G_int.hold_flash ? 1 : 0); // 4. is interrupter hold flash high? | SendBit(CPU_STATUS_LED ? 1 : 0); // 5. is cpu status LED on? _| } else { // SECONDARY -> PRIMARY _ SendBit(1); // 0. start bit (1) | SendBit(0); // 1. start bit (0) | SendBit(IsAnyLineRinging() ? 1 : 0); // 2. any local lines ringing |__ XMIT_BITS = 6 total SendBit(IsAnyLineHold() ? 1 : 0); // 3. any local lines on hold | SendBit(0); // 4. unused | SendBit(0); // 5. unused _| } } // Handle receiving data from remote. // Main loop calls when XMIT_BITS of data are confirmed received from remote // (G_data_index==XMIT_BITS) and it's convenient (timing-wise) to parse data bit timing // into actual data. We then reset G_data_index to zero. // // void HandleRecv() { if ( G_data_index != XMIT_BITS ) return; // no complete data yet if ( IS_SECONDARY ) { // SECONDARY: Receive data from PRIMARY G_int.ring_relay = ZeroOrOne(G_data_times[2]); G_int.ring_flash = ZeroOrOne(G_data_times[3]); G_int.hold_flash = ZeroOrOne(G_data_times[4]); CPU_STATUS_LED = ZeroOrOne(G_data_times[5]); } else { // PRIMARY: Receive data reply from SECONDARY G_remote_line_ring = ZeroOrOne(G_data_times[2]); G_remote_line_hold = ZeroOrOne(G_data_times[3]); } G_data_index = 0; } //////// # # # ##### ###### ##### ##### # # ##### ##### //////// //////// # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # //////// //////// # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # //////// //////// # # # # # # ##### ##### # # ##### # //////// //////// # # ## # # # # # # # # # # //////// //////// # # # # ###### # # # # #### # # //////// // Interrupt service routine // Handles receiving data over the interlink SYNC_ILINK signal. // (Both PRIMARY and SECONDARY act as receivers, alternating roles) // void __interrupt() isr(void) { uint tmr0 = TMR0; // save TMR0 value on entry for timing accuracy // Handle IOC to receive data bits // // XXX: Shouldn't do all this in int handler -- move to main loop! // Set a flag when data received, main loop sees flag at end // of loop and handle it there. // if ( INTCONbits.IOCIF ) { INTCONbits.IOCIF = 0; // SYNC_ILINK went lo? Reset TMR0 to zero. // // TMR0 is used to time low period to determine if // a logic '0' or logic '1' was sent. // // TMR0 also generates an interrupt if it overflows, // an indication transmitter stopped transmitting, // possibly unexpectedly (indicating noise on the line) // if ( IS_SYNC_NEG_EDGE ) { // RB6 (SYNC) became negative? IOCBFbits.IOCBF6 = 0; // ack int TMR0 = 0; // reset TMR0 to time how long SYNC is low if ( G_data_index == 0 ) { // first bit of data? EnableTMR0IntOnOverflow(); // overflow tells us waited too long for data bit } } else if ( IS_SYNC_POS_EDGE ) { // RB6 (SYNC) became positive? IOCBFbits.IOCBF6 = 0; // ack int if ( G_data_index < XMIT_BITS ) { // receive up to XMIT_BITS of data G_data_times[G_data_index++] = tmr0; // save TMR0 timings for Recv() to parse later if ( G_data_index == XMIT_BITS ) { // all bits recvd? DisableTMR0IntOnOverflow(); // ..no need for overflow ints G_data_received = 1; // flags main() data was received to parse it } } } } // TMR0 overflow? Waited too long for data over interlink, reset index.. if ( INTCONbits.TMR0IF ) { INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // ack int G_data_index = 0; // re-zero index } } // Turn buzzer 60hz signal on or off // Buzzer signal is generated in hardware by PIC's PWM1/CCP1. // void Buzz60hz(uchar onoff) { if ( onoff == 1 ) { // ON: This outputs the PWM's programmed 60Hz output RC1PPS = 0x0c; // enable RC1 -> CCP1 pin assignment } else { // OFF: Output forced to logic '0' (low) RC1PPS = 0x00; // disable RC1 -> CCP1 pin assignment LATCbits.LATC1 = 0; // make sure RC1 stays /low/ when "off" } } //////// # # # # ##### //////// //////// # ## # # # //////// //////// # # # # # # //////// //////// # # # # # # //////// //////// # # ## # # //////// //////// # # # # # //////// // Initialize TMR0 - Times interlink data pulses void TMR0_Initialize(void) { // PSA not_assigned; PS 1:2; TMRSE Increment_hi_lo; mask the nWPUEN and INTEDG bits OPTION_REGbits.TMR0CS = 0; // TMR0 Clock Source: 0=use Fosc/4, 1=use T0CKI pin OPTION_REGbits.TMR0SE = 0; // TMR0 Source Edge Select: 1=hi-to-lo on T0CKI, 0=lo-to-hi on T0CKI OPTION_REGbits.PSA = 0; // Prescaler Assignment bit: 0=use prescaler, 1=don't use prescaler OPTION_REGbits.PS = 0b011; // Prescaler Select (See pp.245): // 000=1:2 100=1:32 // 001=1:4 101=1:64 // 010=1:8 110=1:128 // 011=1:16 111=1:256 // TMR0 255; TMR0 = 0x00; INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; } // Used to time main iter loop void TMR1_Initialize(void) { //T1GSS T1G_pin; TMR1GE disabled; T1GTM disabled; T1GPOL low; T1GGO_nDONE done; T1GSPM disabled; T1GCON = 0x00; //TMR1H 248; TMR1H = 0xF8; //TMR1L 16; TMR1L = 0x10; // Clearing IF flag. PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0; // Load the TMR value to reload variable // T1CKPS 1:1; T1OSCEN disabled; nT1SYNC synchronize; TMR1CS LFINTOSC; TMR1ON enabled; T1CON = 0xC1; } void PWM1_Initialize(void) { // PWM1 pin assignment of RC1 -> CCP1/PWM1 RC1PPS = 0x0C; //RC1->CCP1:CCP1; 0x0c=0b00001100=Pin(output) Source Selection is CCP1 // Duty Cycle of 511 (0x1ff) // // CCP1M="PWM mode"; DC1B=0b01; CCP1CON = 0b00111100; //0x3C; // |||||||| _ // ||||||||_ Bit0 | CCP1M - Mode select bits: // |||||||__ Bit1 |__ 1100 - PWM Mode <<< // ||||||___ Bit2 | 1010 - Compare Mode.. // |||||____ Bit3 _| : ..see "27.4 Register Definitions: CCP Control" // |||| _ // ||||_____ Bit4 |__ DC1B - Duty cycle: lower 2 bits // |||______ Bit5 _| // || // ||_______ Bit6 x // |________ Bit7 x // CCPR1L=127; MSB of Duty Cycle //CCPR1L = 0x7F; // 60HZ Buzz (better for complementary FET's) CCPR1L = 0x40; // 120HZ Buzz (better for TIP125's) // CCPR1H 0; CCPR1H = 0x00; // Selecting Timer 2 CCPTMRS = 0b00000000; // _ // ||||||||_ Bit0 |__ C1TSEL - CCP1/PWM1 Timer selection bits // |||||||__ Bit1 _| 00=TMR2, 01=TMR4, 10=TMR6 // |||||| _ // ||||||___ Bit2 |__ C2TSEL - CCP2/PWM2 Timer selection bits // |||||____ Bit3 _| 00=TMR2, 01=TMR4, 10=TMR6 // |||| _ // ||||_____ Bit4 |__ P3TSEL - PWM3 Timer selection bits // |||______ Bit5 _| 00=TMR2, 01=TMR4, 10=TMR6 // || _ // ||_______ Bit6 |__ P4TSEL - PWM4 Timer selection bits // |________ Bit7 _| } // TMR2 - Timer used to generate BUZZ60HZ void TMR2_Initialize(void) { // PWM Period //PR2 = 0xff; // 60HZ Buzz (better for complementary FET's) PR2 = 0x81; // 120HZ (better for TIP125's) // TMR2 0; TMR2 = 0x00; // Clearing IF flag. PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0; // T2CON: 26.5 Register Definitions: Timer2 Control pp.259 // T2CKPS 1:64; T2OUTPS 1:1; TMR2ON on; // T2CON = 0b01111111; //0x7f; // |||||||| _ // ||||||||_ Bit 0 |__ T2CKPS: TMR2 Clock Prescaler Select // |||||||__ Bit 1 _| 11=Prescaler 64, 10=Prescaler 16, 01=Prescaler 4, 00=Prescaler 1 // |||||| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // ||||||___ Bit 2 ---- TMR2 on/off: 0=off, 1=on // ||||| _ ^^^^ // |||||____ Bit 3 | // ||||_____ Bit 4 |__ T2OUTPS: TMR2 Output Postscaler // |||______ Bit 5 | 1111=1:16, 1110=1:15,..0001=1:2, 0000=1:1 // ||_______ Bit 6 _| ^^^^^^^^ // | // |________ Bit 7 } // Don't need this as we do this already in PIC_Init() void OSCILLATOR_Initialize(void) { // SCS FOSC; SPLLEN disabled; IRCF 500KHz_MF; // See 6.6 Register Definitions: Oscillator Control // OSCCON = 0b01101000; // 0x68; // |||||||| _ // ||||||||_ Bit0 |__ SCS: System Clock Select // |||||||__ Bit1 _| 10=internal osc // |||||| 01=Secondary // |||||| >>> 00=Clock determined by FOSC2<2:0> in Config Words // |||||| // ||||||___ Bit2 x // ||||| _ // |||||____ Bit3 | IRCF: Internal Oscillator // ||||_____ Bit4 |__ 1111=16MHz HF // |||______ Bit5 | 1110=8MHz or 32MHz HF // ||_______ Bit6 _| 1101=4MHz <<< // | : // | 1010=500kHz HF // | : // | 0111=500kHz MF (Default on RESET) // | : // |________ Bit7 SPLLEN: Software PLL Enable // SOSCR disabled; OSCSTAT = 0x00; // TUN 0; OSCTUNE = 0x00; // SBOREN disabled; BORFS disabled; BORCON = 0x00; } // IOC Initialize // See section "13.0 INTERRUPT-ON-CHANGE" (pp.144) // This isn't really necessary, as DataRecvMode() and SetXmitMode() set/unset these as needed // void Init_IOC(uchar enable) { INTCONbits.IOCIE = 1; // Interrupt-On-Change Enable: 1=on, 0=off INTCONbits.IOCIF = 0; // Interrupt-On-Change flag: 0=no IOC detected, 1=at least one IOC pin changed state if ( enable ) { // Enable IOC for SYNC_ILINK (RB6) // We want an interrupt on rising AND falling edges for RB6 // so we can time pulse widths to read data over the interlink cable. // IOCBPbits.IOCBP6 = 1; // enable IOC for RB6 on Positive Edge IOCBNbits.IOCBN6 = 1; // enable IOC for RB6 on Negative Edge IOCBFbits.IOCBF6 = 0; // clear int flag } else { IOCBPbits.IOCBP6 = 0; // disable IOC for RB6 on Positive Edge IOCBNbits.IOCBN6 = 0; // disable IOC for RB6 on Negative Edge IOCBFbits.IOCBF6 = 0; // clear int flag } } // Initialize PIC chip I/O // Configures the clock speed of the processor, which I/O pins are inputs vs outputs, // enables input pullup resistors, and enables the interrupt timer. // // TTL vs Schmitt input table: // ........................ // : LOW(max) : HIGH(min) : // :..........:...........: // TTL: 0.8V : 2.0V : Bad zone is 0.9v - 1.9v // Schmitt: 0.2V : 0.8V : Bad zone is 0.3v - 0.7v // :..........:...........: // void Init_PIC() { //// CHIP OSCILLATOR SPEED //// OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b1101; // 0000=31kHz LF, 0111=500kHz MF (default on reset), 1011=1MHz HF, 1101=4MHz, 1110=8MHz, 1111=16MHz HF OSCCONbits.SCS = 0b10; // 10=int osc, 00=FOSC determines oscillator OSCCONbits.SPLLEN = 0; // disable 4xPLL (PLLEN in config words must be OFF) // OSCILLATOR_Initialize(); // (same as above) //// I/O PIN CONFIGURATION //// // WPUEN - Weak Pullup ENable OPTION_REGbits.nWPUEN = 0; // Enable WPUEN (weak pullup enable) by clearing bit // NOTE: in the following TRISA/B/C data direction registers, // '1' configures an input, '0' configures an output. // 'X' indicates a don't care/not implemented on this chip hardware. // TRISA = 0b00111000; // data direction for port A (0=output, 1=input) INLVLA = 0b00111000; // TTL(0) vs Schmitt(1) level inputs WPUA = 0b00111000; // enable 'weak pullup resistors' for all inputs // ||||||||_ A0 (OUT) L1 LAMP // |||||||__ A1 (OUT) L1 HOLD RLY // ||||||___ A2 (OUT) RING GEN POW // |||||____ A3 (IN) unused/MCLR // ||||_____ A4 (IN) L1 LINE DET // |||______ A5 (IN) L1 RING DET // ||_______ X // |________ X TRISB = 0b11000000; // data direction for port B (0=output, 1=input) INLVLB = 0b11110000; // TTL(0) vs Schmitt(1) level inputs WPUB = 0b11000000; // enable 'weak pullup resistors' for all inputs // ||||||||_ X // |||||||__ X // ||||||___ X // |||||____ X // ||||_____ B4 (OUT) L2 RING RLY // |||______ B5 (OUT) L2 LAMP // ||_______ B6 (IN) SYNC_ILINK // |________ B7 (IN) L2 RING DET TRISC = 0b01111000; // data direction for port C (0=output, 1=input) INLVLC = 0b01111000; // TTL(0) vs Schmitt(1) level inputs WPUC = 0b01111000; // enable 'weak pullup resistors' for all inputs // ||||||||_ C0 (OUT) L2 HOLD RLY // |||||||__ C1 (OUT) BUZZ 60HZ // ||||||___ C2 (OUT) L1 RING RLY // |||||____ C3 (IN) SECONDARY_DET // ||||_____ C4 (IN) L2 A SENSE // |||______ C5 (IN) L1 A SENSE // ||_______ C6 (IN) L2 LINE DET // |________ C7 (OUT) CPU STATUS // Disable analog stuff ANSELA = 0x0; ANSELB = 0x0; ANSELC = 0x0; ADCON0 = 0x0; // disables ADC // Disable slew rate controls SLRCONA = 0x0; SLRCONB = 0x0; SLRCONC = 0x0; //// HARDWARE MODULE INIT //// // Timers, PWM, CCP, IOS, etc. // TMR0_Initialize(); // TMR0 - V1.4: times interlink data pulses (reset/read during IOC) TMR1_Initialize(); // TMR1 - V1.4: main loop ITERS_PER_SEC timing (poll) TMR2_Initialize(); // TMR2 - V1.4: 60Hz PWM (PWM1/CCP1) for BUZZ_60HZ PWM1_Initialize(); // PWM1 - V1.4: 60Hz PWM for BUZZ_60HZ Init_IOC(0); // IOC - V1.4: RB6 generates int on pos AND neg edges during recv mode //// INTERRUPTS //// INTCONbits.IOCIE = 1; // IOC (Interrupt-on-change) - for interlink data recv INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // PEripheral Interrupt Enable (PEIE) INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // Global Interrupt Enable (GIE) ei(); // enable interrupts last } //////// ##### # # ##### ### //////// # ## ## # # # # //////// # # ## # # # # # //////// # # # ##### # # //////// # # # # # # # //////// # # # # # ### // Set TMR0 interlink data timer to specific value inline void SetTimer0(uchar val) { TMR0 = val; } // Return upcounting TMR0 interlink data timer value as a uchar. // We use TMR0 to time interlink data bits. // inline uchar GetTimer0() { return TMR0; } //////// ##### # # ##### # //////// # ## ## # # ## //////// # # ## # # # # # //////// # # # ##### # //////// # # # # # # //////// # # # # # ##### // Set main loop timer1 to specific value inline void SetTimer1(uint val) { // Stop timer before writing to it T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 0; // Write new values to TMR1H/TMR1L TMR1H = (val >> 8); TMR1L = val & 0xff; // Start timer again T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; } // Reset main loop timer1 to zero // Also resets G_timer1_cnt and G_iter // inline void ResetTimer1() { SetTimer1(0); G_timer1_cnt = 0; // adjust G_timer1_cnt G_iter = 1; // adjust iter counter } // Return the upcounting TMR1 counter as a 16bit unsigned value // (We use TMR1 as a free running timer to time the main loop delay) // inline uint GetTimer1() { int hi, lo; do { hi = TMR1H; lo = TMR1L; } while(hi != TMR1H); // read 2nd time to check timer for wrap return (hi << 8) | lo; } // Flash the CPU STATUS LED once per second inline void FlashCpuStatusLED() { int count = G_timer1_cnt % TIMER1_FREQ; if ( IS_PRIMARY ) { // PRIMARY: flash status LED directly CPU_STATUS_LED = (count <= 15625) ? 1 : 0; } else { // SECONDARY: status LED flashes based on data from PRIMARY, so we do // nothing here when that's working. But, if no data received within // 2 secs, then G_data_watchdog will count up to DATA_WATCHDOG_MAX // indicating something's wrong with interlink (no cable?); so let's // keep status LED blinking but with a flicker it to indicate a problem. // if ( G_data_watchdog >= DATA_WATCHDOG_MAX ) { CPU_STATUS_LED = ((count <= 15625) && (G_iter & 8)) ? 1 : 0; // "& 8" flickers LED } else { // Do nothing here: // LED flash is controlled by msgs from PRIMARY. // } return; } } // Change the hardware state of current line's HOLD_RLY inline void SetHold(char val) { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: L1_HOLD_RLY = val; L1_hold = val; return; case 2: L2_HOLD_RLY = val; L2_hold = val; return; } } // Change the hardware state of current line's RING_RLY inline void SetRing(char val) { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: L1_RING_RLY = val; return; case 2: L2_RING_RLY = val; return; } } // Change the hardware state of current line's LAMP inline void SetLamp(char val) { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: L1_LAMP = val; return; case 2: L2_LAMP = val; return; } } // Start the 1/20sec (50msecs) software hold timer value for current line. inline void StartHoldTimer() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: Set_TimerMsecs(&L1_hold_tmr, 50); return; case 2: Set_TimerMsecs(&L2_hold_tmr, 50); return; } } inline void StopHoldTimer() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: Stop_TimerMsecs(&L1_hold_tmr); return; case 2: Stop_TimerMsecs(&L2_hold_tmr); return; } } // Is 1/20sec hold timer running? // Returns the state of current line's 1/20sec hold timer // inline int IsHoldTimer() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: return IsRunning_TimerMsecs(&L1_hold_tmr); case 2: return IsRunning_TimerMsecs(&L2_hold_tmr); default: return 0; // shouldn't happen } } // Manage counting one-shot hold timers (if enabled) for current line. // Stop timer when it expires. // inline void HandleHoldTimer() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: if ( Advance_TimerMsecs(&L1_hold_tmr, G_msecs_per_iter) ) { Stop_TimerMsecs(&L1_hold_tmr); } return; case 2: if ( Advance_TimerMsecs(&L2_hold_tmr, G_msecs_per_iter) ) { Stop_TimerMsecs(&L2_hold_tmr); } return; } } // See if current line's 6sec ring cycle timer is running inline int IsRingCycle() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: return IsRunning_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr); case 2: return IsRunning_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr); default: return 0; // shouldn't happen } } inline int IsAnyRemoteLineRinging() { return G_remote_line_ring; } // Start the 4sec (4000msec) software ringing timer value for current line // This timer keeps lamp flashing between CO rings. // This counts in msec. // inline void StartRingingTimer() { // See if first ring // If so, reset interrupter so first 1a2 ring happens now. // if ( IsStopped_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr) && IsStopped_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr) ) { Start_Interrupter(&G_int, RING_SEQ_MSECS); } // Start 6sec ringing timer running switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: Set_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr, RING_CYCLE_MSECS); return; case 2: Set_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr, RING_CYCLE_MSECS); return; } } // Stop the 6sec software ringing timer value for current line // Also stops the ring sequence timer if no lines are ringing. // inline void StopRingingTimer() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: Stop_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr); break; case 2: Stop_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr); break; } } // Advance ringing timers // Check for expirations and stop. // inline void HandleRingingTimers() { // Advance L1 timer if running, and stop if timer expired if ( Advance_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr, G_msecs_per_iter) ) { Stop_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr); } // Advance L2 timer if running, and stop if timer expired if ( Advance_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr, G_msecs_per_iter) ) { Stop_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr); } } // Return the state of the RING_DET optocoupler with noise removed inline int IsTelcoRinging(Debounce *d) { return (d->value > d->thresh) ? 1 : 0; } // Initialize debounce struct for ring detect input // // 'value' range: // max_value 30 __________________ // / // on thresh 20 ....../................... // / // off thresh 10 ..../..................... // 0 ____/ // // inline void RingDetectDebounceInit(Debounce *d) { d->value = 0; d->max_value = 30; d->on_thresh = 20; d->off_thresh = 10; d->thresh = d->on_thresh; } // Manage the L1/L2 RING_DET debounce timers // Ignore noise false-triggering RING_DET due to capacitive noise from CO lines // during pickup/hangup. // // Noisy RING_DET Input: // _ ___ _______________ __ _ // | | |||| | | | ||| | || | | | // ___________| |_|||| |_| |_||||| ||_|_____| |_______ // . . . . . // .<-- Noise -->. .<---- Noise ---->. // . . . . . // . . . . . // . . . . . // Internal RINGDET COUNTER: . . _____________. _ . // . ^ . / \ / \/\_ . // on thresh - - - - - - - - - - -/ \./- - - - - - - -\- - / - - -\ - -.- - - - - on thresh // . /: v \/\/ \ . _ // off thresh - - - - - - - - - _/-:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ -./ \ - - - off thresh // ___________/ \_/\/ : :\_/ \____ // : : // :<-- hits "on" threshold :<-- hits "off" threshold // : : // IsTelcoRinging(): _________________________________ // | | // _____________________| |_________ // inline void HandleRingDetTimers(Debounce *d1, Debounce *d2) { DebounceNoisyInput(d1, L1_RING_DET); DebounceNoisyInput(d2, L2_RING_DET); } // Initialize debounce struct for A lead input // // 'value' range: // max_value 10 __________________ // / // on thresh 7 ....../................... // / // off thresh 4 ..../..................... // 0 ____/ // // inline void ALeadDebounceInit(Debounce *d) { d->value = 0; d->max_value = 10; d->on_thresh = 7; d->off_thresh = 4; d->thresh = d->on_thresh; } inline void HandleALeadDebounce(Debounce *d1, Debounce *d2) { DebounceNoisyInput(d1, L1_A_SENSE); DebounceNoisyInput(d2, L2_A_SENSE); } // Returns 1 if A Lead is engaged inline int IsALead(Debounce *d) { return (d->value > d->thresh) ? 1 : 0; } // Return the hardware state of the LINE_DET optocoupler // Returns 1 when current is flowing through Tip/Ring, indicating // the line is in use; either with an active call, or call on HOLD. // inline int IsLineDetect(Debounce *ad) { // A Lead debounce // V1.3D 11/04/2020: // Bypass line detect check IF ringing and no A lead yet. // Line Detect optocoupler can sometimes false trigger during ringing, // apparently detecting ringing as line current, falsely stopping ring cycle. // if ( IsRingCycle() && !IsALead(ad) ) return 0; // early exit if noisy line detect switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: return(L1_LINE_DET ? 1 : 0); case 2: return(L2_LINE_DET ? 1 : 0); default: return 0; // shouldn't happen } } // Is any remote line on hold? inline int IsAnyRemoteLineHold() { return G_remote_line_hold; } // Returns 1 if call is currently on hold, 0 if not inline int IsHold() { switch ( G_curr_line ) { case 1: return(L1_hold); // TODO: try reading hardware state (L1_HOLD_RLY) case 2: return(L2_hold); default: return 0; // shouldn't happen } } // MANAGE L1/L2 INPUTS/OUTPUTS // Set G_curr_line before calling this function to define the line# // to be managed during execution. // // In the following, letters in caps (A:, B:, etc) refer to points // in the logic diagram file (README-firmware-logic-diagram.txt) // included with this .c file. // void HandleLine(Debounce *rd, Debounce *ad) { // A: Line Detect? if ( IsLineDetect(ad) ) { // B: Hold? if ( IsHold() ) { // line currently on HOLD? // C: A lead? if ( IsALead(ad) ) { // on hold, but A LEAD now active? // D: Pickup From HOLD StopHoldTimer(); StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(0); // return to non-hold state SetRing(0); // not ringing SetLamp(1); // line lamp on steady return; } else { // no A lead, still on HOLD // E: Call on HOLD StopHoldTimer(); StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(1); // stay on hold SetRing(0); // not ringing SetLamp(G_int.hold_flash); // flash line lamp at HOLD rate return; } } else { // F: Active Call if ( IsALead(ad) ) { // G: On Call -- Line in use StopHoldTimer(); StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(0); // not on hold SetRing(0); // not ringing SetLamp(1); // lamp on steady return; } else { // H: Hold or Hangup // Wait 1/20sec: if A lead still gone but Line Det active, call went on HOLD. // Otherwise, if Line Det dropped too, call was hung up. // if ( ! IsHoldTimer() ) { // A LEAD /just/ dropped? StartHoldTimer(); // Start 1/20sec hold timer StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(0); // no HOLD yet until verified when 1/20th timer expires SetRing(0); // not ringing SetLamp(1); // lamp on steady; still active call, not sure if HOLD yet return; } // Count hold timer HandleHoldTimer(); // Watch for hold condition when timer expires if ( IsHoldTimer() ) { // HOLD timer still running? //HandleHoldTimer(); // timer handled in main() StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(0); // no HOLD relay yet until verified SetRing(0); // not ringing SetLamp(1); // lamp on steady; still active call, not sure if HOLD yet return; } else { // HOLD timer expired: if we're still here, put call on HOLD. StopHoldTimer(); StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(1); // put call on hold SetRing(0); // not ringing SetLamp(G_int.hold_flash); // flash line lamp at HOLD rate return; } } } } else { // I: Idle (no line detect) if ( IsTelcoRinging(rd) ) { // CO is currently ringing the line? // Restart 'line ringing' timer whenever a ring is detected. // StartRingingTimer(); // Start 6sec ring timer } // Line has incoming call, either ringing or between rings. // Keep lamp blinking between rings, have 1A2 ring relay // follow the CO's ring cadence. // if ( IsRingCycle() ) { // J: Line is ringing // Let 6sec ringing counter count to keep lamp flashing between rings, // and let ring relay follow the CO's ringing signal for same cadence. // StopHoldTimer(); SetHold(0); SetRing(G_int.ring_relay); // manage ring relay SetLamp(G_int.ring_flash); // flash line lamp at RING rate return; } else { // K: Line idle // Nothing is going on; no ringing, no hold, no call, nuthin. // StopHoldTimer(); StopRingingTimer(); SetHold(0); // disable HOLD relay SetRing(0); // disable ringing SetLamp(IsALead(ad) ? 1 : 0); // Keep lamp lit if A LEAD (prevent flash during rotary) return; } } } // Buffer the hardware state of PIC's PORTA/B/C all at once. // Run this at the beginning of each iter of the 125Hz main loop. // We then do bit tests on these buffered values, to avoid multiple // hardware reads throughout execution to avoid sampling parallax. // inline void SampleInputs() { // Buffer the hardware input states G_porta = PORTA; G_portb = PORTB; G_portc = PORTC; } // Drive buzzer's PWM 60hz signal based on state of interrupter's ring_relay // This signal is already gated by the ring relay's contacts, // but lets turn it off when not needed, just to prevent // 60hz switching noise as background radiation on the board.. // inline void HandleBuzzRing() { //Buzz60hz(G_int.ring_relay ? 1 : 0); // v1.4a Buzz60hz((IsAnyLineRinging() || IsAnyRemoteLineRinging()) && G_int.ring_relay ? 1 : 0 ); // v1.4b } // Handle running or stopping the interrupter void HandleInterrupter() { // Reasons the interrupter should be running.. if ( IS_PRIMARY ) { // PRIMARY? Run the interrupter if ( IsAnyLineRinging() || IsAnyRemoteLineRinging() || // local or interlink ringing? IsAnyLineHold() || IsAnyRemoteLineHold() ) { // local or interlink on hold? Start_Interrupter(&G_int, RING_SEQ_MSECS); } else { Stop_Interrupter(&G_int); } Handle_Interrupter(&G_int, G_msecs_per_iter); } else { // SECONDARY? Do NOT run the interrupter; PRIMARY tells us what to do. Stop_Interrupter(&G_int); // Stops interrupter in case it's running (zeroes data, but only once) // If it's not running, does nothing. } } #ifdef SCOPETEXT_H // Print some debugging data to scope on RA0 analog output void PrintDebugData() { char s[40]; char *p = s; *p++ = 'D'; *p++ = '='; p = SCOPETEXT_AsHex((G_data_watchdog >> 8)& 0xff, p); p = SCOPETEXT_AsHex((G_data_watchdog )& 0xff, p); *p++ = ','; p = SCOPETEXT_AsHex(sizeof(G_data_watchdog), p); SCOPETEXT_Print(s); /** char s[40]; char *p = s; *p++ = '0'; *p++ = '='; p = SCOPETEXT_AsHex(TIME_0BIT, p); *p++ = ','; *p++ = '1'; *p++ = '='; p = SCOPETEXT_AsHex(TIME_1BIT, p); SCOPETEXT_Print(s); **/ } #endif // SCOPETEXT_H ////// # # ## # # # ////// ## ## # # # ## # ////// # ## # # # # # # # ////// # # ###### # # # # ////// # # # # # # ## ////// # # # # # # # // // Main -- Initializes hardware, and enters main while() loop. // // The timing of the while() loop is locked to the hardware TIMER1 // to ensure consistent timing between iterations, regardless of // the execution time of while() loop code. // void main(void) { uint timer1_wait = 0; // Ring detect debounce/hysteresis struct Debounce ringdet_d1, ringdet_d2; // A lead debounce/hysteresis struct Debounce a_lead_d1, a_lead_d2; // Initialize PIC chip Init_PIC(); // Initialize L1/L2 ring timers Init_TimerMsecs(&L1_ringing_tmr); Init_TimerMsecs(&L2_ringing_tmr); // Initialize interrupter Init_Interrupter(&G_int); RingDetectDebounceInit(&ringdet_d1); RingDetectDebounceInit(&ringdet_d2); ALeadDebounceInit(&a_lead_d1); ALeadDebounceInit(&a_lead_d2); // Start hardware timer1 at zero ResetTimer1(); // Both primary and secondary start in recv mode DataRecvMode(); #ifdef SCOPETEXT_H // FONTSCOPE DEBUGGING: ERCODEBUG // Configure RA0 as an analog output so we can use it to display text // with the fontscope module. // { // DAC initialize // See pp.238 "22.6 Register Definitions: DAC control" DAC1CON0 = 0x00; // start with zero, then set bits we want DAC1CON0bits.DAC1EN = 1; // enable DAC1 DAC1CON0bits.DAC1OE1 = 1; // enable output to DAC1OUT1 pin (RA0) DAC1CON0bits.DAC1PSS = 0; // use VDD for analog pos vref DAC1CON0bits.DAC1NSS = 0; // use VSS for analog neg vref DAC1CON1 = 0x00; // initial output voltage gnd } #endif //SCOPETEXT_H // Loop at ITERS_PER_SEC // If ITERS_PER_SEC is 125, this is an 8msec loop // while (1) { // DO THIS FIRST! // Sample input ports all at once to prevent races and "impossible" // state combos that can happen with serialized polling.. // SampleInputs(); //// NEW_SYNC //// // Take snapshot of timer1's count, reset timer if reaches 1sec count. // G_timer1_cnt is the time base for all flashing, ringing, etc. // G_timer1_cnt = GetTimer1(); // runs 0 to TIMER1_FREQ (31250) if ( G_timer1_cnt >= TIMER1_FREQ ) { // wrap? ResetTimer1(); // reset hardware timer to zero G_timer1_cnt = 0; // snapshot zero count G_iter = 1; // reset iter counter to zero } // Determine timer count to wait for timer1_wait = G_iter * 125; // 125*250=31250 // Keep CPU STATUS lamp flashing FlashCpuStatusLED(); // Manage the A lead inputs HandleALeadDebounce(&a_lead_d1, &a_lead_d2); // Manage counting the 1/10sec L1/L2_ringdet_timer each iter. HandleRingDetTimers(&ringdet_d1, &ringdet_d2); // Manage the 1A2 interrupter struct HandleInterrupter(); // Manage counting the ring cycle related counters HandleRingingTimers(); // Manage buzz ringing HandleBuzzRing(); // Handle logic signals for Line #1 and Line #2 G_curr_line = 1; HandleLine(&ringdet_d1, &a_lead_d1); G_curr_line = 2; HandleLine(&ringdet_d2, &a_lead_d2); // Handle ring generator power // This should be 'on' during and between all ringing on L1 or L2, // so we combine the 6sec ringing timers for both lines.. // RING_GEN_POW = IsAnyLineRinging(); // PRIMARY? SEND DATA TO REMOTE EVERY 10 ITERS if ( IS_PRIMARY ) { if ( (G_iter % 5) == 0 ) { DataXmitMode(); // switch to xmit mode Send(); // send data to secondary DataRecvMode(); // immediately switch to recv mode, expect secondary to reply } } // DATA RECEIVED FROM OTHER BOARD VIA INTERRUPT HANDLER? // Parse and switch modes as needed. // Do this here in main() instead of in interrupt handler // to keep ints short. // if ( G_data_received ) { G_data_received = 0; // 'acknowledge' receipt G_data_watchdog = 0; // reset data watchdog if ( IS_SECONDARY ) { // Secondary turns around with reply HandleRecv(); // we have to handle what we recvd here or we'll loose it DataXmitMode(); // switch to xmit mode __delay_us(800); // spacing between send/reply bytes Send(); // send secondary data to primary DataRecvMode(); // return to recv mode } else { // PRIMARY? Remain in recv mode until our next xmit HandleRecv(); } } else { // No data received? // Advance data watchdog timer until max reached. // This flags the cpu status LED should flicker-flash, indicating // something's wrong with the interlink. // if ( G_data_watchdog < DATA_WATCHDOG_MAX ) { ++G_data_watchdog; // advance watchdog timer until max reached } } #ifdef SCOPETEXT_H //OLD if ( G_iter == 1 ) PrintDebugData(); // ERCODEBUG PrintDebugData(); #endif //SCOPETEXT_H // LOOP DELAY: Wait on hardware timer for iteration delay // This gives accurate main loop iters, no matter speed of code execution // while ( GetTimer1() < timer1_wait ) { } // wait until timer reaches iter timer count // Advance iteration timer ++G_iter; // may go above 250! (we don't want to wrap until timer resets) } }