CHEAT(5)		Erco's UNIX Cheat Sheet     		CHEAT(5)

    cheat - cheat sheet for unix commands

    Section             Description
    ------------------  ----------------------------------------
    FUNCTION KEYS       How to program your keyboard's Function keys
    VI TEXT EDITOR      Tricks in 'vi'
    EX                  Tricks with 'ex'
    NICE                Running processes 'nice'ly
    GENERAL TRICKS      General tricks with rlogin, mail, printing etc.
    TAR                 Creating/extracting tar backups
    DD                  Using   'dd': with tape devices
    SED                 Using  'sed': the file stream editor
    GREP                Using 'grep': wild card search for lines of text
    CUT                 Using  'cut': cut character/field columns
    TR                  Using   'tr': translate characters in files
    FIND                Using 'find': to search for files
    SORT                Using 'sort': sorting files alpha/numerically
    AWK                 Using    'awk': tricks,techniques
    PERL                Using   'perl': tricks,techniques
    PYTHON              Using 'python': tricks,techniques
    CSH (C Shell)       Using    'csh': tricks,techniques,compare w/sh
    SH (Bourne Shell)   Using     'sh': tricks,techniques,compare w/csh
    WINDOW MANAGER      Recovering from frozen window managers (SGI)
    DBX                 How to use dbx (SGI)
    GDB                 How to use gdb (gnu debugger)
    LLDB                How to use lldb (OSX debugger)
    SYSTEMD             How to use systemd

     I don't know about you, but I forget this shit all the time, and like
     to have a simple reference around. 
     This document has sections which have ALL CAPS section headings 
     in the left margin (key words shown above) to make it easy to quickly 
     seek to a section via the '/' search option in 'More'. 
     For example, to zip to the AWK section, at the 'More' prompt just type 
     the following and hit 'return', and you'll be there:


     Working examples are used as much as possible to let the user just 'grab'
     the examples and execute them verbatim to see how they work.

     If you find bugs or inconsistencies, please send me mail.

--     --     --     --     --     --     --     --     --     --     --


     bindkey -r f1,"ls -la\n"
		-- ----------
		|  |
		|  The command programmed to the key
		The name of the function key

    ...How to get some of those nasty, hard to get characters:
        \n      # LINEFEED (LF)
        \r      # RETURN (CR)
        \t      # tab
        \b      # back space
        \\      # backslash
        \xxx    # 3 digit octal


    Here's some 'vi' text editor magic. These examples can also be used in 
    shell scripts with 'ex':

        Search................................. /abc
        Search multiple words.................. /\(abc\|def\)
	Global replace......................... :g/old text/s//new text/g
	Global replace btwn lines.............. :10,20g/old text/s//new text/g
	Global uppercase....................... :g/./s//\U&/g
	Global lowercase....................... :g/./s//\L&/g
	Remove ^M's from IBM PC files.......... :g/<CONTROL-V><CONTROL-M>/s///g
	Insert '>' to every line in file....... :g/^/s//>/g
	Insert '>' to the end of the file...... :.,$s/^/>/
	Reverse all lines in file.............. :g/^/m0
	Delete all blank lines................. :g/^$/d
	Delete blank or all-white lines........ :g/^[ TAB]*$/d
						     | |
						     | TAB: a 'tab' character
						     A single space

	Alphabetize lines 10 - 20.............. :10,20!sort
        Numerical sort lines 10 - 20........... :10,20!sort -n

        VI's setup file is called ~/.exrc, and you can stick in all sorts
	of custom keystrokes. Note that to get control characters, such as
	^[ and ^E, you must type Control-V, followed by the control character.
	My favorite ~/.exrc settings:

	    set autoindent			-- auto indenting
	    set shiftwidth=4			-- indent 4 spaces with '>>'
	    set report=1			-- report changes to >=1 lines
	    set shell=/bin/csh			-- use the CSH to run ! cmds
	    map q ^Y				-- 'q' is scroll line up
	    map z ^E				-- 'z' is scroll line down
	    map ; ^B				-- ';' page up
	    map , ^F				-- ',' page down
	    map = :vi#^[			-- switch to last edited file
	    map s :!spell -l < % \| more	-- spell check current file
	    map ^N :n^[				-- edit next file
	    map F :'a,.!fmt^[			-- 'F' will reformat range

	I hate hitting the goddamn control key to move around. I edit large
	text files often, so I like 'q' and 'z' to scroll up and down. I like
	';' and ',' to move up and down full pages.

	To make it easier for me to do spell checking, I setup 's' to invoke
	the spell checker. Since 's' is easy to accidentally hit, I don't have
	it automatically execute; you have to hit 's' and return.

	I like '=' to toggle between the last file I was editing, and ^N to
	advance editing the next file in a chain, when 'vi file1 file2 file3'
	was used on the command line.

	Since VI has no automated paragraph formating, I programmed 'F' to
	reformat text into ragged right paragraphs using the fmt(1) program. 
	To use it, go to the top of the text you want to reformat, and hit 
	'ma' to mark the start.  Move to the bottom of the text to reformat,
	then hit 'F'. This will reformat the text between the mark you set, 
	and the cursor positon.  See 'man fmt' for more info on 'fmt'.

	Search for a string using wildcards..In this case, search
	for any string that starts with 'Fre', and is followed by any
	number of characters, followed by 'Flin' (which could find 
	'Fred Flintstone' among other things):


    All of the above VI commands CAN ALSO BE USED IN SCRIPTS by piping the 
    commands to 'ex', the line editor that lays underneath vi. This allows 
    you to use all the ':' commands you are familiar with in vi. The following
    example shows how to reverse all the lines of the file 'foo':

	    echo 'g/^/mo0\012wq' | ex foo
		     |      |
		     |      \012=Linefeed, wq=write and quit
		     The 'reverse all lines in a file' command from above

    Note that '\012wq' needed to be appended to the command; the \012 is an 
    octal linefeed so ex can run the 'wq' that follows, which tells ex to 
    'write' out the file and 'quit'.


   Nice will run your program at a lower priority. Often, this makes little
   difference in actual execution time, and makes the machine much more
   friendly to use for humans (quick response to key presses). If the machine
   is doing nothing else, it will run low priority jobs as fast as possible
   anyway. Tars are particularly good to run at low priority, because they
   are usually waiting for the tape drive anyway.

	/bin/nice -19  omni -fov 108 -reso 2048 1536 infile.rla outfile.rla 
	-------------  ----------------------------------------------------
	|              |
	|              Your program as you would normally run it, with args
	'nice' runs your program at lowest priority with -19

    One thing confusing about 'nice' is that there are too many versions of 
    'nice'. So as not to confuse you, just trust me, and stick with /bin/nice.

    OK, a lot of this stuff is really old. Mail? cu? finger?
    You must have gray hair by now if you still know how to use those.

    Suspending an rlogin. The tilde must be the first character on a new
    line, so hit ENTER first if you are unsure, then type the following: 

	~^Z         (type '~' then ctrl-Z)

    Killing an rlogin. Again, tilde must be first on the line. This closes
    the connection:


    NOTE: These '~' commands are the same in rlogin(1), rsh(1), and cu(1).

    To 'mail' someone a file, you can say:

	cat file | Mail fred,jack                      # send 'file'
	cat file | Mail fred,jack -s "Here's a file"   # send with a 'subject'

    To see EVERYONE's login names and full names, try:

        ypcat passwd | awk -F: '{ printf("%-10s %s\n",$1,$5); }'  # NIS
        awk -F: '{ printf("%-10s %s\n",$1,$5); }' /etc/passwd     # non-NIS

    To see someone's login name based on their real name (or vice-versa):

	finger flintstone		# all matches for 'flintstone' shown
					# gives phone numbers, etc.

    To see your path in an easy-to-read fashion, try:

	echo $PATH | tr -s ':' '\012'

    To see an easier-to-read process listing than 'ps', try:

	piss                   # Shows all processes and how they're parented
	piss fred              # Show all processes owned by fred

	kill -STOP 5196        # suspend a process (like ^Z)
	kill -CONT 5196        # continue a process from suspend

    Note: 'piss' is available from:

    Usually, most sysadmins configure lp(1) for users to print files.
    On SGI's, lp(1) can be used as a simple tool for printing text files 
    and/or images:

	lp myfile                   # print a file
	lp file1 file2              # print several files
	cat file1 | lp		    # print thru a pipe
	lp image.rgb		    # print an RGB image

    A note about tar some people don't know: you can always ^Z (suspend)
    a tar, and again be able to restart it without worry. You can ^Z and
    'fg' a tar all day, and nothing will go wrong because of it. This goes 
    for tape reading and tape creation. 
    Note all examples show that you should use 'nice' when running tar
    to avoid unnecessary system load:

    /bin/nice -19 tar tvf /dev/xtape                # Listing of a tar tape
    /bin/nice -19 tar cvf /dev/xtape .              # Backup the current dir
    /bin/nice -19 tar xvf /dev/xtape                # Extract entire tar tape

    /bin/nice -19 tar xvf /dev/xtape ./tmp/myfile   # extract 'myfile'
    /bin/nice -19 tar xvf /dev/xtape `cat mine.lst` # Extract files in 'mine.list'

    cat myfile.tarlist | tarsize        # Total up file sizes from tar listing

    How to run a tar in the background, redirecting the tar's output to
    a file, and also to the screen (so you can see the output without
    tailing the file):

	csh -c '/bin/nice -19 tar cvf /dev/xtape .' |& tee ../junk.tarlist &

	Note: 'csh -c' is necessary to allow seeing the listing's
	      progress in real time, so tar's stdout isn't buffered. 
	      Without the 'csh -c', the listing will be buffered, and 
	      will thus not show in real time.

    How to copy entire directory trees to another machine, preserving
    file creation times, modes, owner info, etc. using tar:

	cd fromdir; tar cBf - . | rsh  remote "(cd todir; tar  xBfpv -)"

    How to tar to a remote machine through dd (works with suns too)

	pebble: tar cvfb - 20 . | rsh tahoe dd of=/dev/xtape obs=20b

    To make copies from one tape drive to another WITHOUT using a disk 
    for intermediate storage:

	dd ibs=20 if=/dev/xtape | rsh remote obs=20 of=/dev/xtape

    How to print all lines from file up to a line that ends with 'STOP':

    	    cat file | sed '/STOP$/q'

    How to print lines 4 thru 10 from a file:

	    cat file | sed -n '4,10p'

    How to globally replace a string in a file:

	    cat file.old sed '/oldstring/s//newstring/g' > 

    How to delete line #12 from a file (this modifies the file):

            sed -i 12d somefile.txt

    How to delete lines 12 thru 20 from a file (this modifies the file):

            sed -i 12,20d somefile.txt

    How to remove blank lines from a file:

	    cat file | sed '/^$/d' >

    Search for a string using an embedded wildcard..print any line that
    contains 'Thom' followed by any number of characters, followed by 'Ros':

	    cat /etc/passwd | sed -n '/Thom.*Ros/p'

    To do the OPPOSITE of the above (note the ! infront of the 'p', and
    how it must be escaped with '\'):

	    cat /etc/passwd | sed -n '/Thom.*Ros/\!p'


   Print any lines that contain the string 'fred':

	ps -elf | grep fred

   Print any lines that DO NOT contain the string 'root':

	ps -elf | grep -v root

   Print any lines that contain 'jimbo' OR 'rman':

	ps -elf | egrep 'jimbo|rman'
   Print any lines that contain 'Jimbo', 'jimbo', 'JIMBO', etc:

	cat file | grep -i jimbo


    The 'cut' tool can cut character columns, or field delimited columns
    sometimes easier in syntax than awk.

    Cut out character columns 42 thru 53 from an 'ls -la' listing:

	ls -la | cut -c42-53

    Cut out the fifth field (-f5) delimited by the ':' character (-d:) from
    the password file (basically just show full name field):
        cat /etc/passwd | cut -f5 -d:

    Improved version of above; show only the field delimited by ',' so that
    only the full names are shown:

        cat /etc/passwd | cut -f5 -d: | cut -f1 -d,

    'tr' translates one range of characters to another. It's also good for
    converting one character to another throughout a file, which makes it
    good for converting horizontal lists to vertical ones.
    The following converts a DOS file to unix text file:

	tr -d '\015' < text.dos > text.unix

    The following converts a mac file to unix:

	tr '\015' '\012' < mac.txt > text.unix

    The following converts all ':' characters in your path to line feeds,
    making the path easier to read:

	echo $PATH | tr -s ':' '\012'

    The following converts all 'words' consisting of the letters A-Z, a-z 
    into a vertical column of words, removing punctuation and spaces:

	echo This is a test, you know. | tr -cs "[A-Z][a-z]/" "[\012*]"

    The following forces all text on input to lower case on output:

	cat upper_and_lower_case | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" > all_lower_case

    To remove all carriage returns from a file, effectively turning a file
    into one long, single line:

        cat file | tr -d '\012'

    'find' is actually a really useful program to find files in directory
    trees, although it's syntax is a little odd. It has quite a bit of
    flexibility, and is worth learning. Here's some examples:

	Show full pathname to all files in the current directory, and all
	subdirs (Try this, it's like 'ls -R', but easier to parse w/pgms):

	    find . -print

	Search several directories recursively for all occurances of 
	the file 'foo' in several directories:

	    find /usr /prod1 /prod2 -name foo -print

	Search several directories recursively for all files that end in '.c':

	    find /usr /prod1 /prod2 -name '*.c' -print

	Find also has arguments that control the output of filenames based on
	their modification times, etc. The following shows all files that
	were created today in the current directory (and all subdirs):

	    find . -mtime 0 -print

	Show all files that are symbolic links:

	    find . -type l -print
	UHOH! Watch out, this one is destructive. RECURSIVELY REMOVES 
	ALL FILES THAT ARE SYMBOLIC LINKS starting with the current directory:

	    find . -type l -exec rm {} \;
				 -- -- --
				 |  |  |
				 |  |  Terminates the -exec arguments.
				 |  These are replaced by each filename found.
				 Execute the rm command.

	Here's an alias I like to have in my .cshrc; 'findtext string' will
	recursively invoke an egrep on all files from the current directory on
	down for 'string', printing the filenames of all files that match:

	    alias findtext "find . -exec egrep '\!*' {} /dev/null \;" if you type 'findtext fred', it invokes the command:

	    find . -exec egrep 'fred' {} /dev/null \;

      To alphabetically sort a file:

	   cat file | sort

      To alphabetically sort a file IN REVERSE:

	   cat file | sort -r

      To sort a file numerically (the file contains numbers instead of words):

	   cat file | sort -n

      To sort a file by a certain column of data, use sort's '+' option:

	   ls -la | sort -n +4		# sort an 'ls' listing by file size

      Assuming you have a file containing three columns of ascii numeric data
      (X Y Z) you can sort the file by any column you want. In this case, sort
      by 'Z':

	   cat unsorted_xyz_data | sort -n +2 > xyz_sorted_by_z

      I sometimes like to see 'ls -la' listings sorted by file size. I use
      the following alias in my .cshrc on SGI systems.. you may need to change
      the +4 to make it work on other platforms, since ls output differs:

	   alias lss   '/bin/ls -la \!* | sort -n +4'


   (Update: Since perl has pretty much become a standard on all unix machines
   now, and it kicks so much ass on awk/nawk it isn't funny, try to learn
   perl for writing new programs instead.)

   I love Nawk. I've written entire software systems using nawk. 
   It always comes with Unix bare bones, so it's great for sysadmin tools, 
   as well as user apps.  It's a lot like C, really!

   How to pad a frame number with four zeroes (Wavefront format):

       echo $frame | awk '{printf("%.4d", $1)}'

   How to extract the third and ninth column from an 'ls -la' listing:

       ls -la | awk '{ print $3 " " $9 }'

   How to sum all the values in a column of numbers (this example
   sums all the numbers in column 5 in an SGI's ls listing):

       /bin/ls -l *rla | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=$5} END {print sum " bytes"}'

   How to do a for/next loop in awk (faster than the csh):

       echo | awk 'BEGIN { for(t=1; t<1000; t++){ printf("Loop# %.5d\n",t); }}'

   How to print columns of text in nicely formatted columns

        cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{ printf("%-10s %s\n",$1,$5); }'

   How to reverse all lines in a (short) file:

       cat /etc/passwd | \
	   awk '{ foo[i++]=$0 } END { for (t=i-1;t>=0;t--) { print foo[t] } }'

   How to print out your path in an easy to read fashion:

	echo $PATH | nawk '{split($0,arr,":"); for(i in arr) print arr[i]}'

   How to loop thru an associative array:

       arr[one] = 1;
       arr[two] = 2;
       for ( i in arr ) { print arr[$i] }

   How to walk the lines of a file:

	while ( (getline s <filename) > 0 )	# how to open & read a file
	    { print s }

   How to load an array with the output of a command:

        for ( tlines=0; "ls -la" | getline; tlines++ )
            arr[tlines] = $0;

   How to do a file existance check:

	function Exist(filename)
	    _err = ( getline _junk < filename );
	    if (_err == -1) return(0); else return(1);

   Here are some functions that awk [NAWK] supports:

	index(string, search);                  # Returns char pos'n of search
	                                        # 0 means search not in string
	length(string);                         # Returns length of string
	split(string, array [, sepchars]);      # Splits string into an array
	                                        # sepchars defaults to FS
        str  = sprintf("fmt", expr);            # Formatted string
	str  = substr(str, start[, length] );   # Take a sub string

	yn   = sub(regex, replace, str);        # Single replace  [NAWK]
	nsub = gsub(regex, replace, str);       # Global replace  [NAWK]
	err  = system(cmd);			# run command, get errcode
	position = match(str, regex);           # 0 if no matches [NAWK]

	"/bin/id" | getline id_string;		# run 'id', capture output
						# (returns 0 when no more input)

   Here are AWK's variable built-ins:

       ARGC / ARGV	- like C's args (ARGV[0..ARGC-1])
       FILENAME		- current input filename
       FNR		- input record number in current file
       FS		- input field separator (default blank)
       NF		- number of fields in input record
       NR		- input record number since beginning (total so far)
       OFMT		- output format for numbers (default %.6g)
       OFS		- output field separator (default blank)
       ORS		- output record separator (default newline)
       RLENGTH		- length of string matched by regex in match
       RS		- input record separator (default is newline)
       RSTART		- beginning position of string matched by match
       SUBSEP		- array subscripts sep of form [i,j,..] (default "\034")

   AWK limits:

       100 fields
       3000 chars per input record
       3000 chars per output record
       1024 chars per field
       3000 chars per printf() string
       400 chars max literal string
       400 chars in character class
       15 open files
       1 pipe
       double-precision floating point

    Things to watch out for:

        o 'for (var in arr) { }' does not walk the list in the order created!

	o '#!/bin/nawk' scripts invoked as 'foo -help', the -help may actually
	  get parsed by nawk (IRIX 4.0.5, 5.3)

    If you have GAWK, you have built-in case conversion. But in AWK/NAWK you 
    have to do it yourself, and it's pretty non-obvious. This is the best way
    I've seen.. right off alt.lang.awk, with some mods:

	function upper(s,l,o,i)
	    l = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	    for(i=1; i<=length(s); i++)
		c = substr(s,i,1);
		if (index(l,c) != 0) { o = sprintf("%s%c",o,index(l,c)+64); }
		else                 { o = o c; }

	function lower(s,l,o,i)
	    for(i=1; i<=length(s); i++)
		c = substr(s,i,1);
		if (index(l,c) != 0) { o = sprintf("%s%c",o,index(l,c)+96); }
		else                 { o = o c; }

    Here's how to get rid of leading and trailing white space:

	gsub("^[ \t]*", "", s);	   # nuke leading white
	gsub("[ \t]*$", "", s);	   # nuke trailing white

    Here's how to fold white space spans to single spaces:

	gsub("[ \t][ \t]*", " ", s);

    How to parse out the text between <>:
            gsub(".*<", "", s);
            gsub(">.*", "", s);

    How to parse out the text between "":

            # PARSE OUT FILENAME FROM #include "filename"
            sub("[^\"]*\"", "", s);
            sub("\".*", "", s);

    How to type out a large ascii file with delays between each screen:

           nawk 'BEGIN { for (t=0; getline < "foo"; t++) { print $0; if ((t % 40)==39) system("sleep 3"); } } '

    Perl kicks ass. These days you should write everything in perl
    instead of awk. Back in the day, awk was all we had.

    How to do the 'Wavefront' style 4 digit padding for frame numbers:

	perl -e 'printf("%04d\n",$ARGV[0]);' $frame

    IBM PC files have ^M/^J at the end of each line, rather than just
    the unix ^J's. To remove the unwanted ^M's, you can use:

	perl -e 'while(<>){s/\015//;print $_;}' < ibmpc_file > unix_file

    Common gotchyas:
	> All commands must end with a ;
	> '==' only tests NUMERIC equality, 
	> 'eq' only tests STRING equality.
	> =~ can be used to do regex matches, ie. if ( $s =~ /^root.*System/ )
	> Subroutine calls are prefixed with & in perl4
	> Variable use must be preceded with '$', EVEN in assignments.
	> Use chop() to get rid of trailing CRLFs.
	> $ means a string or numeric value
	> @ means an array or list, eg. @arr = ( 1, 2, 3);
	> % means a hash, eg. %foo = ( "One" => 1, "Two" => 2 );
	> . can be used to concatenate strings ("this and" . "this")
	> {} is mandatory around commands in if/while/for/foreach/etc blocks
	> `` (backticks) will retain crlfs (unlike csh) for command output
	> To print to files, use 'print FD "text";' and 'printf(FD "text");'

    Variables similar in the CSH and PERL:

	CSH           PERL    Description
	-----         -----   ----------------------------------------------
	$var          $var    Expands variables
	$#var         $#var   Number of elements in array (-1=empty in perl)
	$status       $?      Status of last command
	$$            $$      Current process pid
    How to loop thru command line arguments (even if they contain spaces):

	printf("You supplied %d arguments: %s\n", $#ARGV, join(", ",@ARGV));
	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++)
	    { print "\t$i) Working on: $ARGV[$i]\n"; }

    You can also walk the arguments this way:

	foreach $i ( @ARGV )
	    { print "\tWorking on: $i\n"; }

    Closest thing to a 'switch' statement. This is considered optimal:

	# Read line of input, including CRLF. Note == tests ignore the \n(!)
	print "Type something: "; $s = <STDIN>; 		
	   if ($s == 1) { print "You entered one\n"; }
	elsif ($s == 2) { print "You entered two\n"; }
	else            { print "No grok <$s>\n"; }

    How to 'include' (source) another file, ie. to bring in subroutines,
    variable settings, etc:

	require ""

    How to do a 'foreach' loop:

	foreach ( 0 .. 5 )
	    { print "$_) $_ of 5 lines\n"; }

	# USES $i
	foreach $i ( "one" "two" "three" )
	    { print "Value=$i\n"; }

    How to do a 'while' loop:

	$count = 0;
	while ( $count < 10 )
	    print "$count\n";

    How to do an 'if' statement:

	if ( $a == $b )
	    { print "Print this if true\n"; }
	    { print "Print this if false\n"; }

    How to test for:

	if ( -e "~/.cshrc" ) 		# ..the existence of a file
	if ( -z "~/.cshrc" ) 		# ..the file is zero size
	if ( -d "~/rman" ) 	        # ..the path is a directory

    How to read a line of input into a variable:

	$VAR = <STDIN>;			# read a line, including \n.
	chop($VAR);			# (how to remove trailing \n)

    How to make a wrapper script (without worrying about wildcard args):

        exec('/bin/echo', 'Your arguments are:', @ARGV);

    Open and read a file:

        $file = "/etc/fstab";
        open(F, $file) || die "$file: $!";
	for ($t=0; $buf = <F>; $t++)
	    { printf("%03d: %s", $t, $buf); }

    Open and write a file. In this case, print the current date 20 times:

        require "";
        $file = "foobar";
        open(F, ">$file") || die "$file: $!";
        for ($t=0; $t<20; $t++)
            { printf(F "%03d: %.24s\n", $t, &ctime(time())); }

    Open a file for append. Just change the open() in the above to:

	open(F, ">>$file") || ..

    How to declare (and call) a function:

	#    usage: &Prompt("Type something: ");
	sub Prompt
	    print @_;
	    $s = <STDIN>;

	$stuff = &Prompt("Type something: ");
	print "You typed: $stuff\n";

    How to read key/value pairs from a file, using ':' as field delimiter:

	while (<STDIN>)
	    s/^[ \t]*//;                # nuke leading white
	    @fields = split(/:/,$_,2);  # first two fields
	    $fields[1] =~ s/^[ \t]//;   # nuke leading white
	    $fields[1] =~ s/[ \t]*$//;  # nuke trailing white
	    printf("%-12s <%s>\n", "<".$fields[0].">", $fields[1]);

    How to declare and print an array:

	local(@array) = ( "one", "two", "three" );
	foreach ( @array )
	    { print "Value=$_\n"; }

    How to print large amounts of text (similar to the CSH):

	print <<"EOF";
		Lots and lots of text.
		Embedded variables are expanded between the EOF's,
		ie: the current process id is $$.

    NOTE: As in the CSH, the EOF must be flush left. 
    The above technique can be used to set variables and in function calls:

        $var = <<"EOF";
	one two three.
	Four five six.

	ls -la;
	echo That was fun;
	cat /etc/passwd

    Hashes can be initialized inline as:

	%foo = (
	    "Name"      => "Fred Flintstone",
	    "Wife"      => "Wilma",
	    "Kid"       => "Pebbles",
	    "Dog"       => "Dino",
	    "Address"   => "301 Cobblestone Way",
	    "Email"     => ""
	foreach $i ( sort ( keys ( %foo ) ) )
	    { printf("KEY='%s', VALUE='%s'\n", $i, $foo{$i}); }


    How to do 'Wavefront' style 4 digit padding for frame numbers:

	set frame = 12
	python -c 'import sys; print "%04d" % int(sys.argv[1])' $frame

    IBM PC files have ^M/^J at the end of each line, rather than just
    the unix ^J's. To remove the unwanted ^M's, you can use:

	#!/usr/bin/env python
	import sys
	for line in sys.stdin.readlines():

    Common gotchyas:
        o Code blocking is done with indenting, not braces
        o No trailing semicolons needed
        o All if/loops end in ':', eg. "while (something):"
        o for loops aren't really for loops, they're foreach loops (see below)
        o No printf..  use: print "Twelve is %d" % 12
        o No sprintf.. use: var = "Twelve is %d" % 12
        o No switch..  use: if (..): .. elsif (..) ..
        o range(start:end) -- 'end' is NOT inclusive, eg. range(1:5) yields [1,2,3,4]
	o import's arguments do not need quotes
        o No pass-by-reference (eg. functions can't change parameters that are numbers or strings)
        o When calling instances of classes, 'self' is secretly passed as the first argument
        o 'import'ing .py files can try to create pyc files automatically. (potential for races)
        o There are many implementiations of popen().. be sure to use the 'right' one
        o Old 'import string' no longer needed; built in strings have same methods
        [..WORK IN PROGRESS..]

    Variables similar in the CSH and PERL:

	Csh       Perl      Python       Description
	-----     -------   ----------   ----------------------------------------------
	$argv[]   $ARGV[]   sys.argv[]   Command line arguments
	$var      $var      var          Expands variables
	$#var     $#var     len(var)     Number of elements in array (-1=empty in perl)
    How to loop thru command line arguments (even if they contain spaces):

	#!/usr/bin/env python
	import sys
	print "You supplied %d arguments:" % (len(sys.argv)-1)
        for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
            print "ARGV[%d]='%s'" % ( i, sys.argv[i] )

    Simple functions:

        def Add(a,b,c):
        print "ADD(1,2,3)=%d" % Add(1,2,3)

    Functions returning multiple values:

        def AddAndMultiply(a,b,c):
            return(a+b+c, a*b*c)

        (add, mult) = AddAndMultiply(1,2,3)
        print " ADD=%d" % add
        print "MULT=%d" % mult

    Printing to stderr:
        print >>> sys.stderr, "This is stderr"   # This is changing in Python 3.x
        sys.stderr.write("This is stderr\n")

    A note about for loops. 'for' loops are really 'foreach' loops; it loops
    through lists, and does not do conditional tests. This means you can't do
    common things like changing the loop variable within the loop, a common thing
    to do when doing argv[] parsing, eg. in C:

        import sys
        for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
            if ( sys.argv[i] == "-file" ):      # e.g. "-file filename"
                i += 1                          # NO! CHANGE WONT AFFECT NEXT ITERATION
                filename = sys.argv[i]
                print "%s: Unknown argument" % sys.argv[i]'d have to use a while loop instead:

        i = 1;
        while  i < len(sys.argv):
            if ( sys.argv[i] == "-file" ):      # e.g. "-file filename"
                i += 1                          # OK
                filename = sys.argv[i]
                print "%s: Unknown argument" % sys.argv[i]
            i += 1


CSH (The C Shell)

    How to loop thru command line arguments (even if they contain spaces):

        #!/bin/csh -f
	echo You supplied $#argv arguments: $*:q
	foreach i ( $*:q )
	    echo Working on: $i

    How to redirect:

	myprogram > file                  # ...stdout to a file
	( myprogram > /dev/tty ) >& file  # ...stderr to a file
	myprogram >& file                 # ...stdout AND stderr to a file

    To run a process correctly in the background:
	prog >& err.log < /dev/null &		# stdout/err to log
	( prog > stdout.log ) >& stderr.log &	# separate stdout/err logs

    How to do a 'case' (or 'switch') statement:

	switch ( $var )
	    case 'a':
	    case 'A':
		echo "var is A"
	    case 'b':
	    case 'B':
		echo "var is B"
		echo "var isn't A or B"

    How to 'include' (source) another file (to set environment variables):

	source filename

    How to do a 'foreach' loop:

	foreach i ( *.rla )
	    echo $i

    How to do a 'while' loop:

	set count = 0
	while ( $count < 10 )
	    echo $count
	    @ count ++

    How to do an 'if' statement:

	if ( "$variable" == "test" ) then
	    echo Print this if true
	    echo Print this is false

    How to test for:

	if ( -e ~/.cshrc ) 		# ..the existence of a file
	if ( -z ~/.cshrc ) 		# ..the file is zero size
	if ( -d ~/rman ) 	        # ..the path is a directory

    How to extract parts of filenames:

     set vari = "/usr/dd/bin/foo.12.c"

     $vari:h = "/usr/dd/bin"          # get 'Head' of pathname (path)
     $vari:t = "foo.12.c"             # get the 'Tail' of pathname (filename)
     $vari:r = "/usr/dd/bin/foo.12"   # get the Root of pathname (no extension)
     $vari:e = "c"                    # get Extension of pathname only

    How to read a line of input into a variable:

	setenv VARNAME "$<"		# read a line into VARNAME
	setenv VARNAME "`line`"		# this works too, but slower

    How to disable '*', '?' and '[]' expansion (globbing):

	set noglob			# disable '*' expansion
	unset noglob			# enable '*' expansion

    How to make a wrapper script (without worrying about wildcard args):

        #!/bin/csh -f
        real_program $*:q

    How to parse arguments:

	#!/bin/csh -f

	set sfrm = -1
	set efrm = -1
	set file = ""
	set argz = ""

	@ i = 1
	while ( $i <= $#argv )
	    switch ( $argv[$i] )
		case '-s':
		    @ i ++
		    set sfrm = $argv[$i]

		case '-e':
		    @ i ++
		    set efrm = $argv[$i]

		case '-file':
		    @ i ++
		    set file = "$argv[$i]"

		    set argz = ( $argz "$argv[$i]" )
	    @ i ++

	echo sfrm is $sfrm
	echo efrm is $efrm
	echo file is $file
	echo argz is $argz

SH (The Bourne Shell)
    How to loop through command line arguments (even if args contain spaces):

        echo You supplied $# args: $@
        for i in "$@"; do
            echo Working on: $i

    How to redirect:

	myprogram 1> file                     # ...stdout to a file
	myprogram 2> file                     # ...stderr to a file
	myprogram 1> file 2>&1                # ...stdout AND stderr to a file
	myprogram 1> stdout.log 2> stderr.log # ...stdout AND stderr to separate files

    How to do a 'case' (or 'switch') statement:

	case "$var" in
		echo "var is A"
		echo "var is B"
		echo "var isn't A or B"

    How to 'include' (source) another file (to set environment variables):

	. filename

    How to do a 'for' loop:

	for i in *.rla; do
	    echo "<$i>"

    How to do a 'while' loop:

       while [ "$count" -lt 10 ]; do
	   echo $count
	   count=`expr $count + 1`

    How to do an 'if' statement:

	if [ "$variable" = "test" ]; then
	    echo true
	    echo false

    How to run a command, and act conditionally on its exit code:

        if some_command; then
            echo Command exited with zero
            echo Command exited with non-zero

    How to test for:

	if [ -f ~/.cshrc ] 		# ..the existence of a file
	if [ -z ~/.cshrc ] 		# ..the file is zero size
	if [ -d ~/rman ] 	        # ..the path is a directory

	if [ "$val" -lt 10 ]			# ..if val is less than 10
	if [ "$val" -gt 10 ]			# ..if val greater than
	if [ "$val" -eq 10 ]			# ..if val equal
	if [ "$val" -ne 10 ]			# ..if val not equal
	if [ "$val" -le 10 ]			# ..if val less or equal
	if [ "$val" -ge 10 ]			# ..if val greater or equal

    How to do variable math (old style sh):

	val=`expr $val + 1`			# val = val + 1

    How to do variable math (new bash style):

        let val=${val}+1                          # val = val + 1
        let val=${total}%5                        # val = total % 1

    How to set a variable to the output of a command:


    How to set a variable to the output of a complex command with a 'here' document:

        output=$(write fred << EOF
            This is a test.
            So is this.

    How to extract parts of filenames:


     dirname  $vari      -> "/usr/greg/src"    # get directory name
     basename $vari      -> "foo.12.c"         # get filename
     basename $vari '.c' -> "foo.12"           # get filename without extension

    How to read a line of input into a variable:

	VARNAME=`line`				# invokes /bin/line

    How to disable '*', '?' and '[]' expansion (globbing):

	set -f					# disable '*' expansion
        set +f					# enable expansion

    How to make a wrapper script (without worrying about wildcard args):

        real_program "$@"

    My favorite prompt setup in ~/.profile:

        # ERCO PROMPT
        export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo; echo "`date \"+%a %D %T\"` `pwd`"'
        export PS1='[\u@\h] \! \$ '

    ..which gives a shell prompt that looks like this:

        Sat 05/13/17 11:52:40 /root
        [root@zoar] 136 #


    If your window manager is 'hung' (you can't close or open windows
    with the mouse, or logout, etc) you can try the following steps:

    1) RECOVER. The following key sequence will attempt to recover the
       window manager.

                       CTRL  ALT  SHIFT  !

    2) The following keyboard sequence will restart the window manager:

		       CTRL  ALT  F12  /	# hold keys down in this order

    3) If none of the above works, try to rlogin to the machine from another
       host, and restart the window manager. 

       If that doesn't work, reboot the son of a bitch. That'll show it. Try 
       to get a sysadmin to reboot it for you. Don't use the reset button 
       unless you have to. Many of the newer machines (Indy's, O2's) will 
       do a clean shutdown if you hit the power button. Use reset only if 
       the whole system is locked.

    [OK, dbx is really old -- the SGI debugger.

    Probably nobody cares anymore, but leaving this here anyway, because
    "history, man". In case someone is (still) using an SGI to debug
    natively compiled C and C++ programs.]

    Assumes you compiled with debugging enabled and the executable
    is not stripped:

    you@host: foo
    core dumped				; bad way to start the day

    you@host: dbx `which foo`		; let's find the problem
    (dbx) file foo.C
    (dbx) where				; shows calling hierarchy (stack trace)
    (dbx) w				; view source (if compiled with '-g'!)
    (dbx) up				; move up 1 in calling hierarchy
    (dbx) w				; view source
    (dbx) stop at 37			; setup a stop at line 37 of foo.C
    (dbx) run				; run the program
    Stopped at line 37			; dbx stops this far
    (dbx) step				; now step thru program a line at a time
    37: a = b;
    (dbx) step				; another line
    38: *c = 12;			; here's the line of code that killed it
    Segmentation fault - core dumped	; dbx senses coredump
    (dbx) print c			; what was 'c' at the time of assign?
    (nil)				; that figures.. an assignment thru NULL
    (dbx) quit

    It's assumed you compiled your program with debugging enabled (-g)
    and your app is not strip(1)'ed. Here's how to debug a program that
    already dumped core:

    you@host: ./foo -arg1 -arg2
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    you@host: gdb ./foo ./core        # Debug your app './foo' using the core file './core'
    GNU gdb with Linux support
    [bla bla]
    (gdb) where
    #0  0x8048780 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffc44) at foo.C:5
    #1  0x4008ccb3 in __libc_start_main (main=0x8048750 <main>, argc=1, argv=0xbffffc44, 
	init=0x8048604 <_init>, fini=0x80487ec <_fini>, rtld_fini=0x4000a350 <_dl_fini>, 
    stack_end=0xbffffc3c) at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:78
    (gdb) list
    1       #include <stdio.h>
    2       int main(int argc, char **argv)
    3       {
    4           for ( int t=0; t<200; t++ )
    5               argv[t][0] = 1;
    6           printf("%d %s\n", argc, argv[1]);
    7           return(0);
    8       }
    (gdb) print t
    $1 = 1
    (gdb) printf "%d\n",t
    (gdb) quit

    Or, you can run your program within the debugger, so that when it
    crashes, gdb is already attached to it:

    you@host: gdb foo                 # Load your program in the debugger
    GNU gdb with Linux support
    [bla bla]
    (gdb) run -arg1 -arg2             # Runs your app with arguments -arg1 and -arg2
    [app runs until it crashes or until you hit ^C..]
    (gdb) where
    [..see above example..]

    ### Using GDB with C++ and breakpoints

    You can set up GDB so that it stops at a certain function, so that you
    can inspect variables, then continue execution. Even set a conditional
    test so that the app stops at your breakpoint when the condition is matched:

    you@host % gdb keyboard
    (gdb) break MyWindow::handle(int)      <-- set breakpoint
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x804d8a5: file keyboard.cxx, line 54.
    (gdb) run                              <-- run the program
    Starting program: ..
    Breakpoint 1, MyWindow::handle(int) (this=0x8080598, msg=16) at keyboard.cxx:54
    54        if (msg==FL_MOUSEWHEEL)
    (gdb) condition 1 msg==8               <-- set a condition
    (gdb) cont                             <-- continue
					   <-- hit any key on your keyboard
					   <-- and the app will break
    Breakpoint 1, MyWindow::handle(int) (this=0x8080598, msg=8) at keyboard.cxx:54
    54        if (msg==FL_MOUSEWHEEL)
    (gdb) print msg                        <-- condition is true
    $1 = 8

    ### Using gdb to debug a threaded application

    You only need to know two extra commands to debug a threaded app:

      info threads      -- shows the active threads
      thread <thread#>  -- selects a different thread to be the 'current thread'

    With the threaded program suspended (or at a breakpoint), use the
    'info threads' command to show all active threads, and use the 
    'thread <thread#>' command to choose which thread to be current:

        (gdb) info threads
          2 process 19339 thread 0x3fab  0x9002b888 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap ()
        * 1 process 19339 thread 0xd03  0x9002b978 in semaphore_wait_trap ()
        (gdb) thread 2
        [Switching to thread 2 (process 19339 thread 0x3fab)]

    Each thread will have it's own execution stack that 'where' will display,
    depending on which thread is currently selected with the 'thread' command.
    The 'up' and 'down' commands to move through the selected thread's stack
    as usual.

    You can either have the threaded app running under the debugger,
    or attach to an already running process with 'gdb -p <pid>' as usaul.

    ### Using gdb to inspect memory

    info proc mappings     -- shows the heap start/end points
    info variables         -- lists all global variables
    info files             -- shows address ranges of program and loaded lib's data/heap, text, etc
    x/1000bc 0x41e78000    -- hex dump of 1000 bytes starting at 0x41e78000, including ascii
    x/1000s  0x41e78000    -- hex dump of 1000 bytes as strings starting at 0x41e78000
    info symbol 0x14b62830 -- shows the variable/symbol whose address is 0x14b62830

    It's assumed you compiled your program with debugging enabled (-g)
    and your app is not strip(1)'ed. Here's how to run a program in the
    debugger, so when it crashes you can analyze it:

    you@host: lldb        # Debug the program
    [bla bla]
(lldb) run
[bla bla]
Process 67973 stopped   <-- crashed
[bla bla about crash]
(lldb) bt     <-- generates a backtrace (similar to gdb 'where')
[shows stack trace]
(lldb) list   <-- list source code of stopping point
[shows source code, just like gdb list]
(lldb) help   <-- reasonable help info
[shows commands]
(lldb) ^D


    A small cheat sheet of systemd commands I find myself using.

        SysV init vs. systemd:

             SysV Init                    Systemd equivalent
             ===========================  ===============================
             /etc/init.d/foo start        systemctl start   foo.service   (".service" suffix is often optional)
             /etc/init.d/foo stop         systemctl stop    foo
             /etc/init.d/foo restart      systemctl restart foo
             /etc/init.d/foo status       systemctl status  foo
             chkconfig foo off            systemctl disable foo
             chkconfig foo on             systemctl enable  foo
             killall foo                  systemctl kill    foo.service
             ls /etc/init.d               ls /usr/lib/systemd/system /etc/systemd/system
             cat /etc/init.d/foo          cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/foo.service   -- vendor file
                                          cat /etc/systemd/system/foo.service       -- sysadmin's optional override of vendor file

        Managing daemons started on boot:

            systemctl start   sshd.service        -- Start it running now (doesn't affect next reboot)
            systemctl stop    sshd.service        -- Stop it running now (doesn't affect next reboot)
            systemctl enable  sshd.service        -- Enable service on next boot (does not affect if service is running now)
            systemctl disable sshd.service        -- Disable service on next boot (does not affect if service is running now)
            systemctl status  sshd.service        -- See status of service; process hierarchy, last 10 lines in log
            systemctl status                      -- See status of 'everything' (tree view)

        Note: the '.service' suffix is optional *IF* there's no 
        other unit with that same name (e.g. foo.service vs foo.socket)

        To see all the services and their status:

            systemctl -t service                     -- Lists all of type service (similar to 'chkconfig --list')

        To see a graphic horizontal time bar chart of how long it took 
        all the services to start during the last boot:

            systemd-analyze plot > /tmp/foo.html     -- open /tmp/foo.html in a browser.
                                                        Use browser's ^F (search) to find services of interest

    Other interesting stuff:

        echo Hello there | systemd-cat          -- similar to logger(1)

        systemctl is-enabled sshd.service       -- see if service enabled for running

        systemd-cgls     -- systemd cgroups report -- shows process groupings as a tree,
                                                      similar to 'ps fax'

        systemd-cgtop    -- like top(1): shows cpu/mem use of all services (includes children!)
                            Note: cpu/mem/io accounting info *only* tallied for services
                            that have these values enabled in their .service file, e.g.

                                $ cd /usr/lib/systemd/system
                                $ egrep 'CPUAccounting|MemoryAccounting|BlockIOAccounting' sshd.service

                            For details, see 'man 5 systemd.resource-control'

    To enable the web GUI interface to systemd called 'cockpit':

        1) yum install cockpit
        2) yum install cockpit-ws

    ..then, whenever you want to use it:

        1) systemctl start cockpit.socket     -- turns the service on. (see below)
        2) open a browser and go to: http://localhost:9090/
           You'll be prompted to login.

    Note on #1: The service automatically turns itself OFF 
    if no one logs into it within 10 minutes (for security reasons)

    Some useful links for systemd:

        Video of Lennart Poettering describing systemd at a RedHat summit (45 mins):

        Poettering's written description of why systemd was created:

        Someone's article on systemd daemon management:

        Top level document on systemd for all linux distros:

        Wikipedia page overview:

        The systemd source code:
