OPCSETUP(DOCS)          Optical Printer Control System          OPCSETUP(DOCS)

        opcsetup - opcs setup notes


        This text describes how to set up the OPCS software from scratch,
        especially for a NEW installation. To greatly simplify this text,
        it is assumed you know certain DOS techniques and terminology that
        is available from your DOS manual, such as copying files to and from
        floppies, what subdirectories are, how to create them, execution
        PATHs, etc.

        It is assumed you have:

                o A KUPER or A800 stepper control card plugged in
                o An IBM PC with ISA or EISA slots
                o 512K or more of system memory.
                o Running MS-DOS 6.xx or Win95 or Win98 to boot in DOS mode
                o A hard disk (needed for the online manual pages)
                o AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS (see below)

        Your CONFIG.SYS should at minimum have these (or similar) settings:


        > HIMEM.SYS pushes DOS into high memory (>640k) allowing apps like
          OPCS to have more ram to run in the lower 640K. Use this if your
          machine has extended memory installed (most computers do).

        > ANSI.SYS provides text colors/highlighting which OPCS uses

        > OPCSBOLD.SYS (OPCSK200 and up) provides the special character set
          needed for 'bigcounters nixie' in OPCS version K2.xx and up.
          (Leave this line out if your OPCS version is K1.xx)

        > The FILES and BUFFERS lines help speed up disk access by allowing
          ram caching to be used. Optional but generally recommended.

        Note HIMEM.SYS and ANSI.SYS come with the operating system, 
        so they should be present already. OPCSBOLD.SYS comes with the
        newer OPCS versions (K2.xx and up), so only include that line if
        your OPCS version has that file.

        Your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT should add the OPCS 'BIN' directory to the PATH,
        and start the correct driver for the stepper card you're using. For
        instance, if you have the OPCS K2.XX version and an A800 card:

            SET PATH=\OPCSK200\BIN;%PATH% -- add the opcs 'bin' to the PATH
            SET MANPATH=\OPCSK200\MAN\MAP -- sets up the OPCS 'man' pages
            A800DRV  -- start the A800 driver with default settings
            CD \OPCSK200\WORKA800 -- leave DOS in the A800's WORK directory

        These are the different drivers OPCS supports for stepper motor
        cards; use these in place of the A800DRV command above:

             A800DRV.COM  - for the OPCS a800 card
             RTMC48.COM   - for the Kuper RTMC48 or Kuper Industrial card
             MDRIVE.COM   - for the Kuper RTMC16 card

        If started with no command line flags, the drivers assume the cards
        are using the default jumper settings (usually baseaddr=300, IRQ=5).

        OPCS K2.10 (and higher)
        In K2.10 and up, the A800DRV, RTMC48, and MDRIVE motor drivers
        support options to set the IRQ and/or BaseAddr to something other
        than the defaults. Run the driver with the -help flag to view the

            a800drv -help
            rtmc48 -help
            mdrive -help

            NOTE: If your driver doesn't show a help screen, that driver
                  ONLY supports the default jumper settings.

        So if your A800 card has the BaseAddr jumpers set to 340
        (instead of default 300) then you must specify the -b flag, e.g.

            a800drv -b340                   
                       Sets BaseAddr to 340 

        Similarly if you have the IRQ jumper on the A800 set to IRQ6
        (instead of default IRQ5) then you must specify the -i flag, e.g.

            a800drv -i6               
                     Sets the IRQ to 6

        On OPCS K2.10 and up, the RTMC48 and MDRIVE drivers have similar
        option flags.

    On Windows 95/98 machines, you should disable Windows from starting so
    the machine boots directly to DOS. To do this, run these commands:

        1) ATTRIB -R -H -S C:\MSDOS.SYS
           ..which un-hides the file so you can edit it.
        2) EDIT C:\MSDOS.SYS
        3) Under [OPTIONS], adjust so you have these settings:
               BootGUI=0   -- disables Windows from starting automatically
               Logo=0      -- disables the Windows splash screen
               BootDelay=0 -- prevents any delay during booting:
        4) Save changes
        5) ATTRIB +R +H +S C:\MSDOS.SYS
           ..which re-hides the system file so it is used on boot.

        To verify that the software is installed properly, reboot the
        system (so changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS file take
        effect), and watch for any errors, and fix them.

	Then run OPCS.  The software should start, printing the copyright
	banner, and indicating the OPCSDEFS file loaded properly. Look
	for error messages and fix them.

	When properly operating, the large counters should show up on
	the screen, and you should get a triangular arrow prompt.

        At any time, you can type 'q' or 'qq' to quit the software to 
        return to DOS.

        If you see any error messages, the software either cannot access
	the OPCSDEFS.OPC file which should be in your current directory,
	or there are errors in the file. Use the text editor to fix
	or otherwise customize the OPCSDEFS.OPC file.

        Execute 'man cam' from within the software to verify that the 
        online manual has been installed properly. 

	If so, documentation on the 'CAM' command should come up with
	a MORE prompt at the bottom of each page. Hit 'SPACEBAR' to
	advance a page, 'B' to go back a page, or 'Q' to quit. 
	Hitting RETURN will advance single lines. In newer versions,
	Up and Down arrow and/or 'J' and 'K' will move up/down one line.

        If you see any errors while trying to run the MAN command:

        'Bad command or filename'
            Either the 'MAN.EXE' command or 'MORE.EXE' is not in the machine's
            execution path. Make sure these files are in your executable
            \BIN directory, and the directory is properly specified in 
            DOS's execution PATH. Use the DOS 'set' command to check.

        'man: could not open map'
            The file 'map' is not in the \USR\CATMAN directory, or the 
            directory \USR\CATMAN does not exist.

            MAN may be using DOS's inferior MORE program to view the manual
            pages. Type ^C or ^BREAK to break out of DOS's MORE program,
            and make sure the \BIN directory is in the execution path before
            the DOS directory is. Example:

            If your execution path is setup in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to
            check the DOS directory before checking the BIN directory, 
            such as:


            Then change the order so the opcs BIN directory is first, e.g.

        It is probable that the software should now immediatly be able to
        make motors spin round and round, assuming the hardware is connected
        correctly. Maybe not smoothly, or making complete revolutions, but 
        that comes next.

        You must now spend some time jumping in and out of the software,
        tuning your OPCSDEFS.OPC file to suit your hardware. Keep in mind
        that each time you make a change to the OPCSDEFS.OPC file, you
        must either rerun the OPCS software, or execute 'ldefs opcsdefs.opc'
        to force the software to recognize the changes.

        The following checklist should help you correct most problems:

            o If your motors stall when trying to run them at speeds that
              they SHOULD turn at, you may want to tune the RAMP(OPCSDEFS)
              and SPD(OPCSDEFS) values in your OPCSDEFS.OPC file
              If you think the motors may just be running too fast, modify
              the SPD(OPCSDEFS) commands in your OPCSDEFS.OPC file to run
              the motor slower. See man pages on this command for details.

            o If frame-oriented motors are not making complete revolutions,
              alter the PPR(OPCSDEFS) command to change the number of pulses
              in a revolution for your motor. Most shutters need 2000 pulses 
              to revolve one full turn when using micro stepper drives. For
              those of you with VISTAVISION shutters, 4000 might be more 

            o If a motor runs reverse when told to run forward, and vice
              versa, change the DIRXOR(OPCSDEFS) value for that motor. (see
              man pages on DIRXOR). This command allows you to invert the 
              direction of a motor without modifying the hardware.

            o If your fader does not fully open, fully close, or does not do
              linear dissolves properly, see the INTERP(OPCSDEFS) documentation
              for setting interpolation positions for every 10 degrees on the 

            o If you dont like the initial speed the software comes up with
              for the camera or the default running speed for the projector,
              see the SPD(OPCSDEFS) documentation (which will come after the 
              SPD(OPCS) docs).

            o If the fader appears to suffer from hardware slop (ie. the
              sequence 'cls shu 150' and 'opn shu 150' do not send the 
              physical shutter to the exact same position, even though the 
              motor does not appear to stall) this is due to mechanical 
              hysterisis in the shutter mechanism, and can usually be 
              alliviated ENTIRELY by use of the SLOP(OPCSDEFS) command, even 
              in systems where slop of 5 to 10 degree deviations (typical of 
              most old printers) is found. SLOP is a cool command, and can make
              really sloppy hardware work very accuratly.

        Once you have tuned the system, and wish to start learning the 
        commands, type ? in the software to get a list of all available
        commands, and read the online MAN pages for each command that 
        interests you.

        OPCSDEFS(DOCS) - OPCS configuration file
        OPCSHARD(DOCS) - hardware specifics (wiring, etc)
        OPCSIFAC(DOCS) - OPCS interface boards (A800, PIO-100, SD-800..)

        Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 11/29/89
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.