KEYDEF(OPCSDEFS)        Optical Printer Control System       KEYDEF(OPCSDEFS)

        keydef - This command has been made obsolete by KEYFUNC(OPCSDEFS)

                            ----- KEY DOWN -----   ----- KEY RELEASE -----
        keydef [function]   [port] [mask] [test]   [rport] [rmask] [rtest]

        [function] is the name of the keyfunction to redefine. See the list
        of names below.

        The 'KEY DOWN' port/mask/test definitions define the IBM PC port
        to monitor which will invoke the named function.

        The 'KEY RELEASE' port/mask/test definitions define the IBM PC port
        to monitor to determine when the key is released. This can optionally
        be defined to monitor a 'continuous' switch, so that the motors will
        stop when the continuous switch is released:

                keydef  profwd1  3bd 40 40  3bd 41 00

        The above monitors port 0x03bd for the 0x40 bit. When set, the motor
        will run until the 0x40 and the 0x01 bit of the same port are zero.
        In this case, the 0x40 bit is probably the invoking button, and the
        0x01 bit is the 'continuous' switch; if on, the motor will run until
        the continuous switch is turned off, even if the 0x40 bit is released.

        This command allows the user to redefine the keyboard keys while the
        KEY(OPCS) command is running. The user can actually assign the 
        operations to not only any keys on the keyboard, but any bit on
        any port on the IBM PC.
        This allows for external buttons to control bits on the parallel port
        (or whatever ports are available) and thus control any of the functions
        supported by the KEY(OPCS) command.
        The following is a list of all functions the KEY(OPCS) command 
        currently supports. These names are used in the KEYDEF(OPCSDEFS)
        commands that appear in the OPCSDEFS.OPC setup file as a default:

                keydef quit             0060 ff   01    0060 80   80
                keydef pro2fwdslew      0060 ff   3b    0060 80   80
                keydef pro1fwdslew      0060 ff   3f    0060 80   80
                keydef camfwdslew       0060 ff   43    0060 80   80
                keydef pro2revslew      0060 ff   3c    0060 80   80
                keydef pro1revslew      0060 ff   40    0060 80   80
                keydef camrevslew       0060 ff   44    0060 80   80
                keydef pro2fwd1         0060 ff   3d    0060 80   80
                keydef pro1fwd1         0060 ff   41    0060 80   80
                keydef camfwd1          0060 ff   57    0060 80   80
                keydef pro2rev1         0060 ff   3e    0060 80   80
                keydef pro1rev1         0060 ff   42    0060 80   80
                keydef camrev1          0060 ff   58    0060 80   80
                keydef unlock           0060 ff   47    0060 80   80
                keydef load             0060 ff   49    0060 80   80
                keydef lineup           0060 ff   52    0060 80   80
                keydef seek             0060 ff   0e    0060 80   80
                keydef rep+1            0060 ff   02    0060 80   80
                keydef rep-1            0060 ff   03    0060 80   80
                keydef repset           0060 ff   04    0060 80   80
                keydef pro2set          0060 ff   05    0060 80   80
                keydef pro1set          0060 ff   06    0060 80   80
                keydef camset           0060 ff   07    0060 80   80
                keydef fdiset           0060 ff   08    0060 80   80
                keydef fdoset           0060 ff   09    0060 80   80
                keydef dxiset           0060 ff   0a    0060 80   80
                keydef dxoset           0060 ff   0b    0060 80   80
                keydef cls              0060 ff   0c    0060 80   80
                keydef opn              0060 ff   0d    0060 80   80
                keydef seek             0060 ff   0e    0060 80   80
                keydef continuous       0000 00   00    0060 80   80


        DEENERGIZE(OPCSDEFS)  - define port/bit to deenergize motors
        ALLSTOP(OPDSDEFS)     - define port/bit to detect the allstop key
        BUCKLE(OPCSDEFS)      - define port/bit to detect film buckles
        VIEWER(OPCSDEFS)      - define port/bit to detect viewer open
        TRIPSWITCH(OPCSDEFS)  - define port/bit to detect trip switches
        SETBIT(OPCSDEFS)      - set bit(s) on a port
        CLRBIT(OPCSDEFS)      - clear bit(s) on a port
        XORBIT(OPCSDEFS)      - invert bit(s) on a port

        Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 03-28-92
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.