SPD(OPCS)		Optical Printer Control System		SPD(OPCS)

        spd - set the camera's exposure speed

	spd [speed]           # set CAMERA's exposure speed
	spd [+-/*][speed]     # relative adjust current exposure speed

	spd .30               # set camera's speed to .30 second
	spd +.1               # add 0.1 to current camera speed

        This command sets the camera's exposure speed.
	In K1.12E+, speeds can also be adjusted relative to the current speed. 
	Just prefix the speed with one of the following characters:

                Prefix  Description                        Examples
		------  ---------------------------------  --------
		  +     Add value to current speed         spd +.10
		  -     Subtract value from current speed  spd -.10
		  *     Multiply value to current speed    spd *2.0
		  /     Divide current speed by value      spd /2.0
	This is useful for wedging camera exposures. EXAMPLE:

		spd .20 do 9 cam 1 spd +.10

	..this will shoot a 9 frame exposure wedge for the camera speeds 
	.20 thru 1.0 at .10 increments. 
	The equivalent in longhand would be:

		spd .20 cam 1
		spd .30 cam 1
		spd .40 cam 1
		spd .50 cam 1
		spd .60 cam 1
		spd .70 cam 1
		spd .80 cam 1
		spd .90 cam 1
		spd 1.0 cam 1

	Depending on how SPD(OPCSDEFS) is configured in your OPCSDEFS.OPC
	file, the values you supply can be ROTATIONAL -or- EXPOSURE speeds.

	The SPD(OPCSDEFS) command may be adjusted to automatically convert
	ROTATIONAL speeds to EXPOSURE speeds, according to the number of 
	degrees in your camera's shutter. See SPD(OPCSDEFS) for more info.

	SPD(OPCSDEFS)       - setting default speeds for motors
	RAMP(OPCSDEFS)      - motor ramping maximums
	MRP(OPCSDEFS)       - maximum ramping pulses for the shutter
	SPDINTERP(OPCSDEFS) - set auto-interpolation for exposure speeds

	Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 11/29/89
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.