FLOG(OPCSDEFS)         Optical Printer Control System      FLOG(OPCSDEFS)

	flog - configure fader's logarithmic movement

	flog [value]    # value is a signed floating point number
	                # (-2.0 is recommended for NORMAL fades)

	Sets characteristics of log function used to calculate fades. This 
	command lets you harden the log curve, or 'soften' it to almost linear.

	Values for FLOG are normally negative, since it is usually desirable
	to have a sharper curve on the OPEN end of a fade.

	In the NEGATIVE range, FLOGs that approach -1.0 force the curve to
	become more linear, whereas values that approach -10000 (lowest value 
	recommended) harden the fading curve on the OPEN end (normal).

	In the POSITIVE range, FLOGS that approach 1.0 force the curve to
	become more linear, whereas values that approach 10000 (highest value 
	recommended) harden the fading curve on the CLOSED end (giving a comical
	'zip' to/from black).

	Values between -1.0 and 0.0 (and values between 1.0 and 0.0) cause
	a linear fade, which is more or less a DISSOLVE.


                   <----  FLOG  VALUES  ---->
FRM |  -50   |  -20   |   -5   |   -2   |    2   |   5    |   20   |  50
1   |   3.70 |   4.68 |   7.29 |  10.44 |  19.63 |  30.39 |  53.86 |  70.66
2   |   7.75 |   9.78 |  15.12 |  21.34 |  37.81 |  53.96 |  80.99 |  96.28
3   |  12.21 |  15.39 |  23.57 |  32.75 |  54.73 |  73.22 |  99.26 | 112.29
4   |  17.19 |  21.61 |  32.76 |  44.72 |  70.56 |  89.50 | 113.07 | 123.96
5   |  22.81 |  28.60 |  42.83 |  57.30 |  85.43 | 103.60 | 124.16 | 133.16
6   |  29.26 |  36.57 |  53.96 |  70.56 |  99.44 | 116.04 | 133.43 | 140.74
7   |  36.84 |  45.84 |  66.40 |  84.57 | 112.70 | 127.17 | 141.40 | 147.19
8   |  46.04 |  56.93 |  80.50 |  99.44 | 125.28 | 137.24 | 148.39 | 152.81
9   |  57.71 |  70.74 |  96.78 | 115.27 | 137.25 | 146.43 | 154.61 | 157.79
10  |  73.72 |  89.01 | 116.04 | 132.19 | 148.66 | 154.88 | 160.22 | 162.25
11  |  99.34 | 116.14 | 139.61 | 150.37 | 159.56 | 162.71 | 165.32 | 166.30
12  | 170.00 | 170.00 | 170.00 | 170.00 | 170.00 | 170.00 | 170.00 | 170.00

     Or as a graph:

              Frame       (Slow Close/Fast Open)

	         12  :                                 x
		 11  :                 x
		 10  :           x
		 9   :        x
		 8   :      x
		 7   :    x
		 6   :   x
		 5   :  x
		 4   : x
		 3   :x
		 2   :x
		 1   o.................................o
	                        Fader Positon	
                    CLOSED                            OPEN


                                 FLOG=-1 through 1
              Frame             (Linear Close/Open)

	         12  :                                x
		 11  :                             x
		 10  :                          x
		 9   :                       x
		 8   :                    x
		 7   :                 x
		 6   :              x
		 5   :           x
		 4   :        x
		 3   :     x
		 2   :  x
		 1   x.................................o
	                         Fader Positon	
                    CLOSED                            OPEN


              Frame      (Fast Close/Slow Open)

	         12  :                                  x
		 11  :                                  x
		 10  :                                 x
		 9   :                                 x
		 8   :                                x
		 7   :                              x
		 6   :                            x
		 5   :                         x
		 4   :                      x
		 3   :                 x
		 2   :          x
		 1   x..................................o
	                         Fader Positon	
                    CLOSED                             OPEN

        FLOG values above 10000 or below -10000 blow out the software with a 
	range error when you try to shoot a fade. Keep values out of this range.

	Versions prior to K1.16 did not handle values between -1
	and 1 correctly, i.e. did not generate a linear curve.
	This was fixed in K2.00 (Aug 2020)

        OPCS Commands
        CAM(OPCS)            - shoot camera (fades/dissolves too)
        OPN(OPCS), CLS(OPCS) - open/close fader shutter
        SHU(OPCS)            - move fader to an absolute position in degrees
        DXI(OPCS), DXO(OPCS) - set up dissolve in/out
        FDI(OPCS), FDO(OPCS) - set up fade in/out

        OPCSDEFS Commands
        FLOG(OPCSDEFS)   - set Fader LOGarithmic curve for custom fades
        FRANGE(OPCSDEFS) - set fade/dx's degrees range (for Hicon film stocks)
        INTERP(OPCSDEFS) - set interpolation positions (fader, focus, etc)
        SLOP(OPCSDEFS)   - correct for slop in a motor (fader, focus, etc)

        MATH(DOCS)       - math expressions (for use in frame specifications)
        SYNTAX(DOCS)     - online calculator and OPCS math expression syntax

	Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 12/14/89
© Copyright 1997 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.