From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: Logging in Rush and XSI
   Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 13:40:10 -0800
Msg# 1156
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Jon Herman wrote:
> What would be the best place to store rush log files on a render farm with a 
> master submit host?

	'Somewhere on your file server' is my initial response; the pathname
	would be up to you.

	I might need more info to know what you're really looking for.
> Currently, we have a logging server and a separate submits host server.
> Would it be more efficient to have the logs stored on the submit host versus 
> having them stored on another server?

	The config you have sounds efficient -- you've dedicated a server
	to the managing of log files separate from the single submit host server.

	As always, I warn everyone with a large network to NOT submit all
	jobs to a single server; you totally loose the distributed load management,
	and put a single point of failure on all your jobs.

	The default is for the user's workstation to be the submit host,
	and if you want to avoid that, then set up a few servers to be
	used in rotation for job serving, depending on the scale of your

> I'm also looking for documentation for XSI logging levels and logging 
> output. Specifically, I need to know the details of  XSI progressive logging.
> Below is snippet of an XSI log at the "progressive" level:
> JOB  0.3  progr:    99.4%    rendered on Render1.3
> JOB  0.4  progr:    99.7%    rendered on Render1.4
> JOB  0.3  progr:   100.0%    rendered on Render1.3

	This looks not like XSI, but Mental Ray logging.

	I don't know offhand how XSI tells mental ray what the logging level
	should be. It's possible it's controlled in the XSI scene file.

	XSI does have a command line argument "-verbose", which according
	to the minimal docs I have on XSI:

		-verbose [ "none" | "error" | "progression" | "full" | "all" ] try '-verbose error' and see if that helps.
	It looks like you might have 'full' or 'all' currently.

	But as I say, the above output excerpt you're showing appears
	to be the output of Mental Ray, so unless XSI passes the -verbose
	setting on to mental ray, you may have to dig deeper.

	If nothing else, you can filter away these 'progr:' messages by
	piping the output of XSI through 'grep -v "  progr: "' (unix)
	or 'findstr /V progr:' (windows)

	Such hacks can be made in your render script.

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