From: Luke Cole <luke@(email surpressed).au>
Subject: Win2K Submit Error
   Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 03:33:11 -0500
Msg# 1197
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Hi Greg,

We have encountered a problem submitting jobs from a Win2K host where the specified log directory is located on a share exported from our netapp filer.

The Win2K host already has the share mapped (by the same user that the running rushd is owned by) and is accessible as usual via windows explorer etc.

The exact error message we receive when submitting the job is:

"rush: `rush -submit: Logdir '\\na2.fuel\red\blah\blah\blah': Logon failure: Unknown user name or bad password.'"

The error does not occur if we redirect the logs to a non-netapp share.
The error does not occur if we submit the job from a WinXP host.

Luke Cole
Systems Administrator / TD

FUEL International
65 King St., Newtown, Sydney NSW, Australia 2042

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