From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: -b maya flag
   Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 14:33:54 -0400
Msg# 1357
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Gary Jaeger wrote:
Is there any way using rush to use a step rate with maya renders? I commonly render out slow versions of animations as tests using -b .5, etc. That doesn't work with rush.

	The new submit-maya6 script in 102.42a6 supports both
	floating point frame ranges, and stepped frame ranges
	when batching.

	Did you upgrade to 102.42a6 already?
	If not, contact me directly and I'll supply you the upgrade info,
	which is free to all existing customers.

	If so, open the submit-maya6 interface, and click the "Help"
	button at the bottom, and scroll to the section on
	"Maya Floating Point Rendering", eg:

Maya Floating Point Rendering
Here's an example of rendering with floating point frames.
Maya has the capability of rendering the frames 'between frames',
sometimes useful for motion blurring, or slowing the animation
of a sequence down by rendering images between frames:

    Job Title:                        -- (Blank uses scene name)
   Scene Path: //path/scenes/ -- Scene file to render
     Renderer: maya(sw)               -- Use Maya's software renderer
      Threads: 1                      -- One thread for each frame
       Frames: 10.0-50.0,0.2          -- Render 10.0 - 50.0 stepping at 0.2
 Batch Frames: 1                      -- Renders 1 frame per machine
         Cpus: +any=5                 -- Use any 5 available cpus

This will create a job that generates a floating point frame list,
where Maya will write out 'integerized' frame numbers (with the
decimal points removed) that looks like eg:

    Rush Frame    Output Image
    ----------    ------------
        0010.0    foo.0100.iff
        0010.2    foo.0102.iff
        0010.4    foo.0104.iff
        0049.6    foo.0496.iff
        0049.8    foo.0498.iff
        0050.0    foo.0500.iff

When 'batching' is used, several floating point frames will be
rendered at a time, eg:

       Frames: 10.0-50.0,0.2          -- Render 10.0 - 50.0 stepping at 0.2
 Batch Frames: 5                      -- Renders 5 frame per machine

..this will create a "batched frames" job that generates a frame list
for every 5th floating point frame, each of which will render 5 frames
at a time on each machine:

      Rush          Scene
      Frame         Frame      Output Image
     --------    _  -------    -------------
                |   10.0       foo.0100.iff
                |   10.2       foo.0102.iff
      0010.0  --|   10.4       foo.0104.iff
                |   10.6       foo.0106.iff
                |_  10.8       foo.0108.iff
                |   11.0       foo.0110.iff
                |   11.2       foo.0112.iff
      0011.0  --|   11.4       foo.0114.iff
                |   11.6       foo.0116.iff
                |_  11.8       foo.0118.iff
        :        _
                |   49.0       foo.0490.iff
                |   49.2       foo.0492.iff
      0049.0  --|   49.4       foo.0494.iff
                |   49.6       foo.0496.iff
                |_  49.8       foo.0498.iff
      0050.0  --|_  50.0       foo.0500.iff

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Rush Render Queue,
Tel: (Tel# suppressed)
Fax: (Tel# suppressed)
Cel: (Tel# suppressed)

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