From: Luke Cole <luke@(email surpressed).au>
Subject: Rush + Autodesk Cleaner?
   Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:55:37 -0400
Msg# 1510
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I was wondering if anyone has had any success getting Autodesk Cleaner (on Win32) working with Rush? I have tried a couple of different approaches without much success.

My initial attempt involved a rush render script in perl that would call Cleaner in command line mode via the perl system() call. This would result in Cleaner launching and displaying an error dialog complaining about invalid syntax, even though the exact same command typed into the console (rather than invoking it programmatically from perl using system()) executes successfully (I'm guessing the windows- style command switches that the Cleaner command requires are causing problems for system()).

As a second attempt, I created a small DOS batch file containing the Cleaner command and invoked this from my rush render script, hence shielding perl from the evil windows command switches (which only appear inside the batch file). Calling the batch file from the perl script worked better - the job is queued up and renders on our Cleaner machine successfully, the output from Cleaner is captured in the rush logs, unfortunately however the batch file never seems to return once the Cleaner render has finished, and so the rush job runs forever.

I tried putting in an exit statement in my batch file after the call to cleaner to ensure that the correct return code is being generated, however it seems that this line never gets called when I execute the bat file from within my perl render script - when I run the batch file directly in the console instead, everything behaves as expected.

I presume that this issue is due to the way the Win32 console behaves when invoked programmatically - I was wondering if there is some special trick that I need to get batch files working correctly with rush?


Luke Cole
Research & Development

FUEL International
65 King St., Newtown, Sydney NSW, Australia 2042

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