From: Antoine Durr <antoine@(email surpressed)>
Subject: semi dynamic hostgroups/criteria hosts file
   Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 15:13:00 -0400
Msg# 1552
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Is there a way to have the set of hostgroups to which a host belongs be configured from a program, rather than entered statically into the Rush hosts file?

Right now, I have:

#Host           Cpus    Ram     MinPri  Criteria/Hostgroups
#-------------  -----   -----   ------  -------------------
rushmaster      0       1024    0       +any,+linux,+server

# workstations
f1              4       8192    0       +any,+linux,+desktop
f2              4       4096    0       +any,+linux,+desktop
f3              4       4096    0       +any,+linux,+desktop

# servers
fgs2            2       2048    0       +any,+linux,+server

I have a standalone program (called 'hostgroups', appropriately enought!) that if I give it 'fgs2' as a parameter, returns a list that looks similar to '+any,+linux,+server'. How do I wedge my program into this list here or onto what Rush things are the host groups?

-- Antoine

Floq FX Inc.
10839 Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

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