From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: [Q+A] Softimage hangs after rendering with a "Press [Enter] to continue..."
   Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 19:11:12 -0400
Msg# 1640
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>     We've been rendering with Softimage, and sometimes it hangs
>     at the end of rendering with this message in the log:
> [..]
> 'INFO : "Rendering done!"
> Press [Enter] to continue...
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>      Is there a way to prevent that 'Press [Enter]' prompt?

    Yes, that's Softimage prompting to hit enter.

    That prompt can be disabled by adding the Softimage '-continue' flag
    to the "Render Flags:" in the submit-softimage form, e.g.:

            Render Flags: -continue -verbose full -pass all

    Apparently Softimage's renderer will, by default, pause at the end
    of rendering if the '-continue' flag isn't specified.

    I'll include this as a default setting in the next maintenance release
    of Rush (102.42a9, scheduled for Dec '07).

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