From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: Override lastsubmit in submit gui
   Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:24:15 -0500
Msg# 1700
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Andrew Kingston wrote:
> I want to be able to override certain values in the lastsubmit file with 
> the defaults automatically when I open a submit gui.

	If you're using 102.42a8, submit-maya, submit-shake, and
	submit-softimage support the -field command line argument, eg:

		perl //yourserver/rushscripts/ -field "JobTitle" "Foo"

	..see 'submit-maya -help' for more info.

	In 102.42a9, *all* the submit scripts support this -field flag.
	(BTW, it's not hard to add this feature to the older scripts..
	if anyone needs help with that, follow up here)

> For instance, if I 
> open up & put "Maya Job" in the Job Title box, then 
> submit my job, the next time I open up I want the Job 
> Title to be its default value (blank), but the rest of the values to be 
> the same as my previous job.  I can't quite work out how to do this, so 
> any help is appreciated.

	You should be able to do that from the command line via:

		perl //yourserver/rushscripts/ -field "JobTitle" ""

	I suppose you could just make a simple foo.bat script on your
	desktop that invokes that command.

	Or you can hack logic into the submit script that does this if
	you want the behavior for all users. To do that, you could add
	some code in the MAIN_Input() section of the script where you
	can resave the form file to remove the 'JobTitle:' line, just
	before the section of code that invokes 'input' to open the form.
	If you need a code example for that, just let me know and I can
	paste it here.

	But my guess is the above foo.bat file is probably the best thing
	for you, so that this behavior is local to you.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
Rush Render Queue,
Tel: (Tel# suppressed)
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