From: An Nguyen <an@(email surpressed)>
Subject: rush error messages
   Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 20:57:45 -0400
Msg# 1720
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Hi Greg,
I was wondering what file descriptor you use to output your
rush: 'rush -laj': sendto(angel:696): No route to host
messages to the terminal.

I've been trying redirect 2>/dev/null but the message still gets echoed into the
terminal. i've tried cmd  1>blah 2>bob to redirect them into files,
but i still get that message outputted onto the terminal.

Just trying to remove these messages from the pipe input i'm trying to use for my
rush stats curses script.


An D Nguyen

Systems Programmer / Perl Poet
Research & Development
FUEL International Pty Ltd
65 King Street, Newtown, Sydney NSW, 2042

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