From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: Shake rendering
   Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 16:39:20 -0400
Msg# 1727
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Michael Oliver wrote:
> I know shake has a very indepth command line renderer that will allow you to 
> parse a variety of things including file-in, file-out, resize, adding text, 
> etc....
> I'm looking for a way to execute a shake script that has already been 
> created, but be able to change certain variables (ie. file-in nodes). 
> Anyone know if this is possible without having to send the shake script to a 
> parser first?  There will only be one file in and one file out.
> For example..could you send a command like:  shake -exec foo.shk -fi 
> targas.tga -fo  (I know this command does not work..looking for 
> something similar that does! :) )

	Hmm, others should probably respond here who know shake
	better than me..

	But as a side note, IIRC, you can use environment variables
	to communicate with your shk script.

	So eg. your .shk file you might have:

IN1 = FileIn("$file_in", ..);
OUT = FileOut(COMP, "$file_out", ..);

	..and so, from a csh script, you might invoke shake this way
	to pass those values to the .shk file:

#!/bin/csh -f
setenv file_in  "targas.tga"
setenv file_out ""
shake -exec foo.shk

	..or from perl:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$ENV{file_in}  = "targas.tga";
$ENV{file_out} = "";
system("shake -exec foo.shk");

	I have not tested this, just going by the shake docs on
	environment variables, and some long ago braincells on
	shake file programming.

	I'm not sure if the ""'s are needed in the .shk file around the
	$file_xxx variables.

	I'm also not sure if there's a way to more easily pass variables
	via the shake command line.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
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