From: Stephan Kosinski <>
Subject: Re: [OsX 10.5.5] After Effect CS3 render issue.
   Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:12:48 -0400
Msg# 1789
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Thank you Greg,

I think I will go like that for now, ignoring the warning. I was just trying to understand but maybe I'm too curious :)

I'm not yet advanced enough to parse and use the log file inforamtion in order to change the ownership of the file but I'll keep everyone up-to-date if a solution comes out.

Have a nice day.


Greg Ercolano wrote:
Stephan Kosinski wrote:
Hello Greg, hello rush folks!

	Thank you for the tip. Actaully it now renders the images
properly 2 of the 3 machines I'm testing AErender on.

	On the two rendering machines I still get the message:

Mon Sep 29 10:52:51 loganM005 aerender[5254] <Warning>: 3891612: (connectAndCheck) Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to or launch Window Server before login.
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.

	.... But it renders the current image properly.

    Sounds like no one is logged into the window manager on that machine.
    I'd ignore it as just a warning.

    Definitely lobby for Adobe to fix aerender so that it does not need
    to interact with the window manager. They really need to fix that
    so that aerender can be a true command-line-only app. All this
    is because the app is really still interacting with the window manager.

	As mentionned in the link you sent the rendered images belong to root.
	On the one of the rendering machine (loganM014)I get this message:

Executing: aerender -project "/Volumes/PROJECTS/dakperso/dakperso_BASE/2d/AFTER_EFFECTS/dak/TRACKING_TEST/project_files/rush_test.aep" -comp "test_ShaveAndHairCut" -s 3 -e 3
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
PROGRESS: Launching After Effects...
aerender ERROR -600: GetProcessForPID failed at line 847
	.... and the image does not render.

	Hmm, I haven't seen that one, but it looks like there are
	many hits on google for that error message. Apparently it comes
	up in different contexts.

	My guess is it has to do with someone being logged in over
	the window manager or remote desktop.

	I think you'll have to ask Adobe what that means, as it says it
	failed "at line 847", but doesn't say which file.

What is strange is that when I launch the line in a ssh session the images renders well:

[loganM014:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS3] dak% ./aerender -project "/Volumes/PROJECTS/dakperso/dakperso_BASE/2d/AFTER_EFFECTS/dak/TRACKING_TEST/project_files/rush_test.aep" -comp "test_ShaveAndHairCut" -s 3 -e 3
PROGRESS: Launching After Effects...
Mon Sep 29 11:30:55 loganM014 aerender[2265] <Warning>: 3891612: (connectAndCheck) Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to or launch Window Server before login. _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
PROGRESS: ...After Effects successfully launched
PROGRESS:  9/29/08 11:31:00 AM: Starting composition test_ShaveAndHairCut.

	That is strange, I'd say try logging into the window manager
	on that machine, and see if that changes things.

- What will be the best way to add "chown" and a "chmod" command at the current image completion in order to make to rendered image belongs to the user who launched the job?

	It sounds like you're asking if you can chown the rendered image
	so that it isn't owned by root, due to the aerender setuid hack.
	(you should not need "chmod", the umask can control that)

	From the perl script, I'd say 'I don't recommend you try',
	as there are too many things to make this hard:

		1) You'd have to parse the image pathname from the log
		   which is in OS9 format, eg:
dakperso:dakperso_BASE:IMAGES:USERS:dak:TRACKING_TEST:work:test_AFX_rush.[#####].tga you'd have to translate that into unix format,
		   and convert the [#####] to the frame number.

		2) You have to be sure the pathname you parse is valid;
		   you don't want to be chowning random files from the log
		   that might 'look like' a pathname. It would be more reliable
		   if AE printed some unique leader on the pathname line, like:

Writing output image: dakperso:dakperso_BASE:IMAGES:USERS:dak:TRACKING_TEST:work:test_AFX_rush.[#####].tga

		3) If the perl script is running as a normal user, trying to use
		   chown on a root-owned file will likely fail unless the chown
		   command is run as root itself (or sudo)

	All the above together is fairly complicated, and a little too scary
	if you ask me.

	However, if you know how to hack AfterEffect's javascript, then you
	might be able to hack the chown() command in there, since aerender
	will be running as root, and within AE, the pathname will likely
	be more easy to access. But I have no information on this. Possibly
	Adobe support, or one of their newsgroups can advise on how to do this.

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