From: murphy <>
Subject: environment variables in win xp 64bit
   Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 08:14:34 -0500
Msg# 1795
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we have some strange problems rendering maya scene with realflow mesh inside.

we have a network installation of different maya versions and different platforms. As a central point for preferences, plugins and modules we use MAYA_APP_DIR environment variable pointing to a network disk.

during rush render maya cries it can not find Reaflowmesh.mll plugin. But when I run rushrender$$$.bat used by rush to render my frames and execute it manually from cmd line it works perfectly and all plugins are successfully loaded. I suspect there is a huge difference running the bat file manually and running the same file from rushd. It seems to me system environments are not visible to mayarender when invoked from rush. We have modified our submit to include set MAYA_APP_DIR just before render is executed in our bat file but it did not helped.

Now I really do not know what else could be wrong . . . .



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