From: Luke Cole <luke@(email surpressed).au>
Subject: Maxwell Standalone Renders on OSX
   Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 01:41:14 -0500
Msg# 1825
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We are experiencing a problem getting maxwell standalone renders working successfully on osx. The problem appears to be due to the maxwell standalone renderer needing to open a graphical console window to output logging information rather than writing to stdout.

Rush is configured to run apps on the osx machines under a dedicated render user account, and if this user is not logged in to the osx window server, the maxwell standalone "command line" client (mxcl) fails with the following error, because the dedicated render user does not have permission to access the window server:

_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.

Annoyingly, there appears to be no means of forcing mxcl to run in a silent mode - it will always attempt to open a graphical console window. On our dedicated osx render nodes, this is not really an issue, as we are able to leave these machines logged in under the dedicated render user, and all is well.

We would like to be able to render on some of our high-end osx workstations in the evenings however, and as these are usually left logged in under artist user accounts, the jobs end up failing due to the above error.

I was wondering if anyone might have any suggestions on how we could work around this issue?

Thanks in advance,

Luke Cole
Research & Development

FUEL International
65 King St., Newtown, Sydney NSW, Australia 2042

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