From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: Rush 102.42a9c and Snow Leopard
   Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 19:31:21 -0500
Msg# 1913
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Greg Ercolano wrote:
> Mr. Daniel Browne wrote:
>> The machine stops responding after the last line, which corresponds to =
>> the knew hosts file being acknowledged:
>>> 12/07,13:58:45 INFO/HOST  Reloading /usr/local/rush/etc/hosts
> 	Hmm, we'll have to work offline on this; I can't seem to replicate here.
> 	Will contact each other by phone.

   OK, after a phone conversation, it seems on Snow Leopard machines
   when the rush/etc/hosts file reloads, the UDP listener is getting closed,
   and replaced with a unix domain socket.

   Since rush doesn't use unix domain sockets, this seems a bit odd.
   Also, I can't seem to replicate this on other platforms, only snow leopard.

   Whatever the case, this is causing the daemon to become unresponsive to
   UDP transactions, but still responds to TCP (eg. 'rush -ping' still works).

   This can be seen pretty clearly with 'lsof' before and after:

$ lsof | grep rushd
rushd     1447           root  cwd       DIR       14,5       374 600231 /usr/local/rush/var
rushd     1447           root  txt       REG       14,5   3086040 599807 /usr/local/rush/bin/rushd
rushd     1447           root  txt       REG       14,5   1054960  24705 /usr/lib/dyld
rushd     1447           root  txt       REG       14,5 199118848 526079 /private/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_i386
rushd     1447           root    0r      CHR        3,2       0t0    303 /dev/null
rushd     1447           root    1w      REG       14,5      3169 600232 /usr/local/rush/var/rushd.log
rushd     1447           root    2w      REG       14,5      3169 600232 /usr/local/rush/var/rushd.log
rushd     1447           root    3w      REG       14,5         5 600323 /usr/local/rush/var/.rushd.LCK
rushd     1447           root    4u     IPv4 0x040f1ef8       0t0    TCP *:rushd (LISTEN)
rushd     1447           root    5u     IPv4 0x047cc9c8       0t0    UDP snow.erco.x:rushd
                                 ^^                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

lsof | grep rushd
tail      1100           root    3r      REG       14,5      3231 600232 /usr/local/rush/var/rushd.log
rushd     1447           root  cwd       DIR       14,5       374 600231 /usr/local/rush/var
rushd     1447           root  txt       REG       14,5   3086040 599807 /usr/local/rush/bin/rushd
rushd     1447           root  txt       REG       14,5   1054960  24705 /usr/lib/dyld
rushd     1447           root  txt       REG       14,5 199118848 526079 /private/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_i386
rushd     1447           root    0r      CHR        3,2       0t0    303 /dev/null
rushd     1447           root    1w      REG       14,5      3231 600232 /usr/local/rush/var/rushd.log
rushd     1447           root    2w      REG       14,5      3231 600232 /usr/local/rush/var/rushd.log
rushd     1447           root    3w      REG       14,5         5 600323 /usr/local/rush/var/.rushd.LCK
rushd     1447           root    4u     IPv4 0x040f1ef8       0t0    TCP *:rushd (LISTEN)
rushd     1447           root    5u     unix 0x037c8910       0t0        ->0x03fbf1c0
                                 ^^     ^^^^                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                        Unix socket                      What the heck?

    I'll follow up when I've done more tracing to see what's causing that.

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