From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: Restricting User CPU's
   Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 17:07:34 -0500
Msg# 2017
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Daniel Browne wrote:
> [posted to rush.general]
> Rush CPU's, yes; I'd like make it so that no matter how many jobs an artist=
>  has sitting in the queue, he or she can utilize only a maximum of say 10 r=
> ender machines at any given time.

	There's a few ways;

	1) When they submit the job, their "Cpus:" setting controls
	how many cpus the job gets. So in the simple case:


	..they'll only get 10 frames rendering in parallel max.

	But if they make several cpu specifications, like:

		+any=10@100 +any=5@900

	..then in that case one can get a total of 15.

	If you want to cap the /entire job/ at 10, then..

	2) Set a 'maxcpus' for the job to be 10. This will cap the entire job
	   so that even if they keep adding cpus, no more than 10 will run at a time.

	   Either the user can set this themselves at the "Submit Options:" prompt
	   (under the "Rush" tab), eg:

			Submit Options: maxcpus 10

	   ..and that would cap the job's cpus to no more than 10.
	   In the "Cpus" report of irush, you'll see messages like "Maxcpus reached 10/10"
	   when cpus get turned away due to the cap.

	   If you want to 'invisibly' force this, you can jam that command
	   into (for instance) the script by finding this section
	   of the script:

    my $submit = <<"EOF";
title           $in{JobTitle}
frames          $newframespec
command         perl $G::self -render $batchframes $batchstart $batchend ...

	..and adding a line "maxcpus 10", eg:

    my $submit = <<"EOF";
title           $in{JobTitle}
frames          $newframespec
command         perl $G::self -render $batchframes $batchstart $batchend ...
maxcpus         10			# <-- ADD THIS LINE

	..that will force the job to have a maxcpus of 10,
	regardless of what the user specifies.

	Note that this can be changed after the job has been submitted
	inside irush using Job Edit -> Job Info -> MaxCpus:

	I advise making it a 'policy' not to change this, and let
	peer pressure/producer pressure take it from there.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
Rush Render Queue,
Tel: (Tel# suppressed)ext.23
Fax: (Tel# suppressed)
Cel: (Tel# suppressed)

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