From: Victor DiMichina <victor@(email surpressed)>
Subject: aerender batch framing
   Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:56:45 -0400
Msg# 2051
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Anyone have the issue with batching aerender where ae returns an exitcode of 0 "success" yet only renders a portion of the batch?    I've attached two log files,  one is 

"aerender_full_success.rtf"  showing a log from a successful 10-frame batch,  highligting the batch frames,  and the output.   So the node was asked to render frames 211-220, and it rendered them all,  exiting with a success code.

"aerender_partial_false_success.rtf"  shows a log from an attempted 10-frame batch (same job),   and shows the output being only one frame.    Sometimes it's one,  sometimes it will do three,  five,  it's all random.   

AE has many weirdnesses that I have to deal with,   but usually I can parse for errors and auto-requeue the frame.   This one shows no difference that I can see in the log,  it just doesn't render the frames.

Anyone seen this?    I want to report this to Adobe.     I also want to find a pattern here to check for this and re-queue frames.

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 Done     0211       1       mp-grima         31469    mp-aragorn.10  03/14,12:22:33 00:04:31     \
### mp-aragorn.10: 0211\
--------------- Rush 102.42a9d --------------\
--       Host: mp-grima\
--        Pid: 31469\
--      Title: AE_10-r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep\
--      Jobid: mp-aragorn.10\
--      Frame: 0211\
--      Tries: 0\
--      Owner: joeblow (-/-)\
--  RunningAs: cineon (1110/20)\
--   Priority: 452\
--       Nice: 10\
--     Tmpdir: /var/tmp/.RUSH_TMP.1350\
--    LogFile: /bandaid/RushLogs/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep.log/0211\
--    Command: perl /bandaid/2D_Apps/RushSubmits/ -render CS5  /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/projects/ae/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep r01_sn1200_DISP_001 - 10 280 3 Fail 0 off -mp\
--    Started: Mon Mar 14 12:22:33 2011\
	  SCENEPATH:  /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/projects/ae/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep\
	       COMP: r01_sn1200_DISP_001\
	BATCHFRAMES: 10 (211-220)\
	    RETRIES: 3 (Fail after 3 retries)\
	       PATH: /Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/usr/local/rush/bin:/usr/local/rush/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/rush/bin\
Executing: aerender -project " /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/projects/ae/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep" -comp "r01_sn1200_DISP_001"  -s 211 -e 220 -mp\
WARNING:After Effects warning: Output color depth exceeds project color depth.\
PROGRESS:  3/14/11 12:22:46 PM PDT: Starting composition r01_sn1200_DISP_001.\
PROGRESS:  Render Settings: Best Settings\
PROGRESS:  Quality: Best\
PROGRESS:  Resolution: Full\
PROGRESS:  Size: 2048 x 1234\
PROGRESS:  Proxy Use: Use No Proxies\
PROGRESS:  Effects: Current Settings\
PROGRESS:  Disk Cache: Read Only\
PROGRESS:  Color Depth: Current Settings\
PROGRESS:  Frame Blending: On for Checked Layers\
PROGRESS:  Field Render: Off\
PROGRESS:  Pulldown: Off\
PROGRESS:  Motion Blur: On for Checked Layers\
PROGRESS:  Use OpenGL: Off\
PROGRESS:  Solos: Current Settings\
PROGRESS:  Time Span: Custom\

\b PROGRESS:  Start: 00211\
PROGRESS:  End: 00220\
PROGRESS:  Duration: 00010\

\b0 PROGRESS:  Frame Rate: 24.00 (comp)\
PROGRESS:  Guide Layers: All Off\
PROGRESS:  Skip Existing Files: Off\
PROGRESS:  Output Module: EXR_4_Displacement\
PROGRESS:  Output To:  /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/elements/2D_elements/r01_sn1200_DISP_001/r01_sn1200_DISP_001_[#####].exr\
PROGRESS:  Format: OpenEXR\
PROGRESS:  Output Info: Piz compression\
PROGRESS:  Start Frame: 211\
PROGRESS:  Output Audio: -\
PROGRESS:  Channels: RGB\
PROGRESS:  Depth: Floating Point\
PROGRESS:  Color: Premultiplied\
PROGRESS:  Resize: -\
PROGRESS:  Crop: -\
PROGRESS:  Final Size: 2048 x 1234\
PROGRESS:  Profile:  -\
PROGRESS:  Embed Profile:  \
PROGRESS:  Post-Render Action: None\

\b \cf2 PROGRESS:  00211 (1): 29 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00212 (2): 30 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00213 (3): 29 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00214 (4): 26 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00215 (5): 25 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00216 (6): 24 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00217 (7): 25 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00218 (8): 22 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00219 (9): 22 Seconds\
PROGRESS:  00220 (10): 21 Seconds\

\b0 \cf0 PROGRESS:  3/14/11 12:27:00 PM PDT: Finished composition r01_sn1200_DISP_001.\
PROGRESS:  Total Time Elapsed: 4 Min, 14 Sec\
aerender version 10.0.1x19\
PROGRESS: Launching After Effects...\
PROGRESS: ...After Effects successfully launched\
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 Done     0191       1       mp-theoden       23042    mp-aragorn.10  03/14,12:20:23 00:03:39     \
### mp-aragorn.10: 0191\
--------------- Rush 102.42a9d --------------\
--       Host: mp-theoden\
--        Pid: 23042\
--      Title: AE_10-r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep\
--      Jobid: mp-aragorn.10\
--      Frame: 0191\
--      Tries: 0\
--      Owner: joeblow (-/-)\
--  RunningAs: cineon (1110/20)\
--   Priority: 452\
--       Nice: 10\
--     Tmpdir: /var/tmp/.RUSH_TMP.1533\
--    LogFile: /bandaid/RushLogs/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep.log/0191\
--    Command: perl /bandaid/2D_Apps/RushSubmits/ -render CS5   /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/projects/ae/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep r01_sn1200_DISP_001 - 10 280 3 Fail 0 off -mp\
--    Started: Mon Mar 14 12:20:23 2011\
	  SCENEPATH:  /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/projects/ae/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep\
	       COMP: r01_sn1200_DISP_001\
	BATCHFRAMES: 10 (191-200)\
	    RETRIES: 3 (Fail after 3 retries)\
	       PATH: /Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS5:/usr/local/rush/bin:/usr/local/rush/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/rush/bin\
Executing: aerender -project " /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/projects/ae/r01_sn1200_DISP_001.aep" -comp "r01_sn1200_DISP_001"  -s 191 -e 200 -mp\
WARNING:After Effects warning: Output color depth exceeds project color depth.\
PROGRESS:  3/14/11 12:20:32 PM PDT: Starting composition r01_sn1200_DISP_001.\
PROGRESS:  Render Settings: Best Settings\
PROGRESS:  Quality: Best\
PROGRESS:  Resolution: Full\
PROGRESS:  Size: 2048 x 1234\
PROGRESS:  Proxy Use: Use No Proxies\
PROGRESS:  Effects: Current Settings\
PROGRESS:  Disk Cache: Read Only\
PROGRESS:  Color Depth: Current Settings\
PROGRESS:  Frame Blending: On for Checked Layers\
PROGRESS:  Field Render: Off\
PROGRESS:  Pulldown: Off\
PROGRESS:  Motion Blur: On for Checked Layers\
PROGRESS:  Use OpenGL: Off\
PROGRESS:  Solos: Current Settings\
PROGRESS:  Time Span: Custom\

\b PROGRESS:  Start: 00191\
PROGRESS:  End: 00200\
PROGRESS:  Duration: 00010\

\b0 PROGRESS:  Frame Rate: 24.00 (comp)\
PROGRESS:  Guide Layers: All Off\
PROGRESS:  Skip Existing Files: Off\
PROGRESS:  Output Module: EXR_4_Displacement\
PROGRESS:  Output To: /foo/bar/path/to/r01_sn1200/elements/2D_elements/r01_sn1200_DISP_001/r01_sn1200_DISP_001_[#####].exr\
PROGRESS:  Format: OpenEXR\
PROGRESS:  Output Info: Piz compression\
PROGRESS:  Start Frame: 191\
PROGRESS:  Output Audio: -\
PROGRESS:  Channels: RGB\
PROGRESS:  Depth: Floating Point\
PROGRESS:  Color: Premultiplied\
PROGRESS:  Resize: -\
PROGRESS:  Crop: -\
PROGRESS:  Final Size: 2048 x 1234\
PROGRESS:  Profile:  -\
PROGRESS:  Embed Profile:  \
PROGRESS:  Post-Render Action: None\

\b \cf2 PROGRESS:  00191 (1): 3 Min, 25 Sec\

\b0 \cf0 PROGRESS:  3/14/11 12:23:58 PM PDT: Finished composition r01_sn1200_DISP_001.\
PROGRESS:  Total Time Elapsed: 3 Min, 26 Sec\
aerender version 10.0.1x19\
PROGRESS: Launching After Effects...\
PROGRESS: ...After Effects successfully launched\



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