From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: aerender batch framing
   Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 12:08:34 -0400
Msg# 2057
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Greg Ercolano wrote:
> 	In the latter case, from the developer's point of view, the /lack/ of information..
> 	In the above error case, the exit code of 0 is bad too..
> 	Also, it's important they log actual OS errors..

    BTW, feel free to include my observations in your bug report, and feel free
    have them contact me for questions. When I end up in conversation with the devs,
    clarity one way or the other is usually found; either the problem can be fixed,
    or there's a clear reason why it can't.

    Just knowing the latter is useful to us, and let's us know there's no fix coming,
    so we can try triage techniques, like having the submit script try to detect
    missing info by parsing the PROGRESS output.

    Normally I'd jump on that, but it's a sketchy thing to do in this case
    because AE is inconsistent with its output; sometimes I've seen it not print
    progress info at all, even with AE's "-v ERRORS_AND_PROGRESS" flag.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
Rush Render Queue,
Tel: (Tel# suppressed)ext.23
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