From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: WaitFor question
   Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 20:12:40 -0500
Msg# 2157
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On 12/02/11 16:16, Mr. Daniel Browne wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I was trying to help our editor alter the waitfor time on a large number
> of dailies jobs, but the waitfor command in the terminal kept putting
> the jobs into a run state:
> rush -fu seinfeld.165 -waitfor 22:00
> The only way the job goes into waitfor correctly is if changing it from
> iRush, and then only if you strip the date out of the waitfor field.
> We're still running 102.42a9d

Hi Dan,

    Hmm, irush is running the same command, so there really shouldn't
    be any difference I don't think.

    If a job is rendering, and you change it to 'waitfor 22:00'
    (ie. wait until 10pm tonight), it acts like 'pause':

	> new frames won't be started until 10pm
	> already running frames will continue to render
          (unless you use eg. 'rush -que run' to requeue them)

    Here's a test I just ran with 102.42a9d, and the results seem

$ rush -lj
STATUS   JOBID            TITLE                     OWNER          %DONE %FAIL BUSY    ELAPSED REMARKS
-------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- --------
Run      ta.1             TEST_WAITFOR              erco              %0    %0    1   00:00:02

$ rush -waitfor 22:00 -fu ta.1
waitfor 22:00: WaitFor Time=22:00,12/02/2011

$ rush -lj
STATUS   JOBID            TITLE                     OWNER          %DONE %FAIL BUSY    ELAPSED REMARKS
-------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- --------
Wait     ta.1             TEST_WAITFOR              erco              %0    %0    1   00:00:13 Wait for 22:00,12/02/2011
^^^^                                                                            ^^^            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    You should immediately see the job enter the 'Wait' state (STATUS=Wait)
    after running the '-waitfor 22:00', but busy frames will still continue
    to run (BUSY=1)

    To also stop the rendering frames, you'd need to requeue them as a
    second step, with e.g. 'rush -que run ta.1 -fu' or similar.
    Then they too won't restart until 10pm.

    This all should be the expected behavior; let me know if you're
    seeing or expecting something else.

Greg Ercolano, erco@(email surpressed)
Seriss Corporation
Rush Render Queue,
Tel: (Tel# suppressed)ext.23
Fax: (Tel# suppressed)
Cel: (Tel# suppressed)

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