From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: [Q+A] After Effects: Is there a way to open the Rush submit form
   Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 03:38:45 -0400
Msg# 2359
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On 07/07/11 14:38, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>> Is there a way to open the 'submit-afterfx' form from within After Effects?
>      Feel free to modify the script to taste.
>      What follows is the Rush.jsx script:

    [This is kinda old -- noticed I never posted this update for cs5, so posting it now -erco]

    Adobe changed their API in CS5 which caused the previous script
    to fail with this error message:

           Unable to execute script at line XX.  TimecodeDisplayType is undefined you would want to use this script instead for CS5 and up:

// Rush.jsx
// This script brings up the submit-afterfx interface from within AfterFX
// with the values for scene file, frame range, compname, etc. preset in the form.
// To install, save this script as "/Applications/Adobe After Effects/Scripts/Rush.jsx"
// It will then automatically show up in the Files -> Scripts menu of AE.
// TODO: Currently supports Mac OSX only. Should be modified to support Windows.
// by Simon Bjork with the help of Greg Ercolano.
// Based on a Nuke script by Greg Ercolano.
// February 2011  Version 1.4 -- Simon Bjork and Greg Ercolano
// July 2011      Version 1.5 -- Greg Ercolano -- added check if no scene loaded, code cleanup
// November 2012  Version 1.6 -- Greg Ercolano -- CS5: changed TimecodeDisplayType -> timeDisplayType, etc


//                      |
//                     \|/
//                      v
var SCRIPT = "/your/server/rushscripts/";    // path to on your server
var CPUS   = "+any=5@100";                                    // default cpu specification
var BATCH  = 5;                                               // default frame batching value


// See if scene file is loaded
if ( ! app.project.file ) {

    // No scene file loaded? Just open default submit form
    alert("No scene file loaded.\n" +
          "Using previously rendered submit defaults.");

    // Run submit script with no arguments. Assume defaults from last submit.
    var cmd = "perl " + SCRIPT + " " + " > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &";
    var out = system.callSystem(cmd);

} else {

    // Scene file loaded? Get scene filename, frame range, comp name, etc.
    var mycomp = app.project.activeItem;                          // The comp to be submitted.
    var projectPath = app.project.file.fsName.toString();         // Path of current AE project file.
    app.project.timeDisplayType = TimeDisplayType.FRAMES;         // Sets time display to use frames.

    // Start and End frames of workarea in frames.
    var wa_start = mycomp.workAreaStart;
    var wa_end = mycomp.workAreaDuration + wa_start;
    var sfrm = timeToCurrentFormat(wa_start, mycomp.frameRate, false);
    var efrm = timeToCurrentFormat(wa_end,   mycomp.frameRate, false);
    sfrm = parseFloat(sfrm);
    efrm = parseFloat(efrm);

    // Name of AE project file and remove .aep extension.
    var aeproj        =," ");
    var aeproj_no_ext = aeproj.substring(0,aeproj.length-4);
    var jobtitle      = aeproj_no_ext;
    var compname      =;

    // Run submit script
    var cmd = "perl " + SCRIPT + " " +
                    "-field JobTitle: "     + jobtitle          + " " +
                    "-field Frames: "       + sfrm + "-" + efrm + " " +
                    "-field ScenePath: "    + projectPath       + " " +
                    "-field CompName: \""   + compname          + "\" " +
                    "-field BatchFrames: "  + BATCH             + " " +
                    "-field Cpus: \""       + CPUS              + "\" " +
                    " > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &";
    var out = system.callSystem(cmd);
/// END: Rush.jsx

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