From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Re: [Q+A] Rush "donemail" -- how do I send Rush reports in a fixed
   Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 16:11:11 -0400
Msg# 2399
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On 05/04/15 12:11, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>     As a simple example, let's say you want a script to email the
>     'rush -lj', 'rush -lfi' and 'rush -lf' reports "To:" prod@your.dom,
>     and have the message be "From:" rush@your.dom..
>     [perl script snipped]

    And here's the functionally of that same script, but written in python:

______________________________________________________________________ snip

#!/usr/bin/env python -B


     Invoke this script via 'jobdonecommand'.
     Any arguments are treated as email addresses to send email message to.

03/31/15 erco@(email surpressed) 1.0 - initial implementation with html formatting
07/12/15 erco@(email surpressed) 1.1 - python port, added links to LogDir

import os,sys

def HtmlEscapeCommand(cmd):
    Run a command and html-escape all its output
        $1 - command to run
        Returns a multiline string of the command's output, html-escaped.
    out = ""
    try: p = os.popen(cmd, "r")
    except (IOError, os.error), emsg:
        raise RuntimeError("popen(%s): %s" % (cmd,emsg))
    while (True):
        line = p.readline()
        if not line: break
        line = line.replace("&", "&amp;")
        line = line.replace("<", "&lt;")
        line = line.replace(">", "&gt;")
        out += line
    return out

### MAIN

if os.path.exists("c:/rush"): rushdir = "c:/rush"
else: rushdir = "/usr/local/rush"

rushsendmail = rushdir + "/etc/bin/rushsendmail"

mailfrom = "rush@your.dom"

# Parse "To:" addresses from argument list..
mailto = ""
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
    if mailto == "": mailto += sys.argv[i]
    else: mailto += ", " + sys.argv[i]
jobid = os.environ["RUSH_JOBID"]

#    See 'rushsendmail -help' for more info.
#    You can replace this with a perl module or SSL based mail transports..
mail = os.popen("%s -t -f%s -p25" % (rushsendmail, mailfrom), "w")

# Mail header that enables HTML content
mail.write("To: %s\n" % mailto
          +"From: %s\n" % mailfrom
          +"Subject: Rush Job: %s DONE\n" % jobid
          +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"                           # how to do..
          +"Content-Type: text/html\n"                     # ..the html formatting.
          +"Content-Disposition: inline\n"
          +"\n"                                            # empty line ends header
          +"<html><body><pre style='font:monospace'>\n"    # start html content, use pre-formatted monospace

# Mail message
#   Since this is HTML content, any "uncontrolled" content must be HTML escaped
#   to prevent HTML special characters (&, <, >) from being mistaken as HTML tags..
mail.write("<B>--- Frame Info Report</B>\n"
          +HtmlEscapeCommand("rush -lfi %s" % jobid) + "\n"
mail.write("<B>--- Frames Report</B>\n"
          +HtmlEscapeCommand("rush -lf %s"  % jobid) + "\n"
mail.write("<B>--- Job Report</B>\n"
          +HtmlEscapeCommand("rush -ljf %s" % jobid) + "\n"
mail.write("</pre>\n</body>\n</html>\n")                # ends html content

# Done
______________________________________________________________________ snip

    To use it, name it /yourserver/rushscripts/
    and when you submit the job, you can have it run when the job
    finishes rendering the last frame with:

rush -submit << EOF
    jobdonecommand python /yourserver/rushscripts/ you@your.dom render_folks@your.dom

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