From: Stefan Andersson <sanders3d@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Greetings!
   Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 02:43:55 -0700
Msg# 991
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Hello Everyone!

I'm fairly new to the Rush system.... so bare with me if some of the
questions seems stupid :) First of all I was wondering if anyone had a
submit script that they could share which is modifyied for XSI 4.2.

As it seems now the dispatcher doesn't call up the enviroment for XSI,
so naturally the ray3.exe or mi_ray3_XSI4_2 is not a recoqnized
application (as the good ol MS god tells me).

Well... if anyone has any XSI tips to share, please do :)

best regards
stefan andersson


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