From: Greg Ercolano <erco@(email surpressed)>
Subject: Rush + Fusion 5.1
   Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 00:58:32 -0400
Msg# 1530
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Fusion 5.1 is now supported by Rush for beta testing;
feel free to try it out by downloading the new Rush
"submit-fusion" script from here:

See the README file within that tar file for info on how to
install, and for caveats.

Use your download password to access that file.
If you don't know your download password, have your Rush support
contact email me *directly* (not on this group) from your company's
email account requesting the download password for your company.

    Fusion 5.1 introduced the new 'ConsoleSlave' application,
    described here:

    This application is what the above Rush submit-fusion script
    uses to render with Fusion.

    The 'ConsoleSlave' application is part of the Fusion 5.1 update;
    When you take the Fusion 5.1 update, be sure to take their separate
    'Render Slave' download to get their "ConsoleSlave" application.

    I've tested it under Windows only, and it seems to work quite well.
    Big improvement over the older dfscript approach, which never got
    out of alpha testing, because requeing frames and/or dumping jobs
    would leave renders still running.

    With this new version of their command line renderer, this is
    no longer a problem.. so it looks good.

    I have not tested with the linux version of Fusion 5.1 yet;
    I understand that's still in beta from EyeOn.

    I'll follow up to this thread if I have updates regarding the
    linux version. Or if you are using the linux version of Fusion 5.1,
    let me know and I can assist one of your techs to test it.