Well, here's some good hostnames to get you going.
The idea is to come up with some kind of category, so that people have something to remember all the names by. Some categories: Geographical (countries, cities, parks, rivers, lakes, streets), entertainment (flintsones, simpsons, disney films, celebrities), companies (hotels, airports, local shops, restarants), astronomy (planets, comets, space missions), literature (mythology, philosophers, writers of particular generes, languages), political (presidents, judges, congressmen, terminology), science (units of measure, anatomy, instruments, scientists), industry (tools, machines, inventions, inventors), computers (terminology, programming languages, number systems).
Some hostnames I've seen, used, or expect to use..
(Not responsible for typos; do your own spell checks!)
- Greg Ercolano -------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Lakes As Computer Names My personal favorite. -------------------------------------------------------- action enid marion sawtooth alturas erie meade seeley bantam fairfax merritt seminole baron fallriver michigan sevuer beaver fenton minnetonkas shasta beshear geneva mono sinclair bluestone george navajo spirit bluewater greenbo okeechobee storm burke greers ontario stump caddo greeson ozarks summer candlewood gull patoka sunapee cedar harding peck superior champlain harris perry sutton claytor hartwell placid tahoe como hauser pleasant texoma cowan heron pontchartrain travis crater higgins powell trinity crescent holt pyramid tule crystal horsehead redfish tupper cumberland houghton rend tygart cypress huron rico ute degray isabella rush verret delta kickapoo sabbatia walker donner kissimmee sabine walloon eagle leech sakakawea wheeler elk liberty salton wilson elwell locust sardis zoar emporia lurleen saugatuck -------------------------------------------------------- Water Terminology as Hostnames If you're an oceanographer, you can probably come up with a lot more.. -------------------------------------------------------- aqueduct bar bay beach brook cape coast creek culvert dam dock gate harbor hook inlet island jetty kill marina pier point river seaside shoal shore sound stream trench wash zanja -------------------------------------------------------- Los Angeles Streets A never ending source of hostnames. My pick if I had to assign names to a really large network. Great for subnets. (name the subnets after the cities) -------------------------------------------------------- LA/Beverley Hills Streets: North/South -------------------------------------- almont alpine alta ambassador arden bedford benedict beverley brighton camden canon chalette clark clifton coldwater cove crescent dabney dayton della doheny elcamino elm evelyn foothill greenacres hartford hillcrest lapeer leona lindacrest linden lomavista maple mountain oakhurst oxford palm pamela peck pine reeves rexford robertson rodeo roxbury shadowhill sierra spaulding stonewood summit sunset swall tower wallace wetherly LA/Hollywood Streets: East/West ------------------------------- adams beverly exposition fountain franklin hollywood jefferson melrose olympic pico sunset venice washington wilshire yucca LA/Hollywood Strees: North/South -------------------------------- ardmore beachwood bronson cahenga carson cole curson detroit doheny fairfax flores formosa fuller gardener gower highland holt hoover hudson kings kingsley labrea lajolla mansfield normandie oxford robertson rossmore serrano seward sweetzer sycamore tamarind vermont vine western wilcox wilton wooster San Fernando Valley Streets --------------------------- balboa bevis burbank cahuenga calvert canoga fallbrook flower haskel hatteras kester lankershim oxnard platt reseda shoup tampa vanowen victory winetka woodman woodlake -------------------------------------------------------- Phonetic Alphabet The ultimate in dry, boring hostnames common in the early days of the internet. Nerd factor: really high -------------------------------------------------------- Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whisky Xray Yankee Zulu -------------------------------------------------------- The Nine Planets and Their Moons If your boss is into astronomy.. Nerd factor: really high -------------------------------------------------------- mercury venus earth moon mars phobos deimos jupiter metis adrastea amalthea thebe io europa ganymede callisto leda himalia elara ananke carme pasiphae sinope saturn pan atlas prometheus pandora epimetheus janus mimas enceladus tethys telesto calypso dione helene rhea titan hyperion iapetus phoebe uranus cordelia ophelia binaca cressida desdemona juliet protia rosalind belinda puck miranda ariel umbriel titania oberon caliban sycorax prospero setebos stephano trinculo neptune naiad thalassa despina galatea larissa proteus triton nereid pluto charon -------------------------------------------------------- The Simpsons I see these names used a lot for hostnames at CGI companies.. -------------------------------------------------------- lisa bart maggie homer marge millhouse martin ralph burns smithers barney grampa flanders wiggum lovejoy willie apu bob skinner edna (krabappel) krusty nelson quimby brockman apu riviera otto patty selma frink Simpson Animals --------------- itchy scratchy snowball stampy laddie princess mojo pinchy -------------------------------------------------------- Atomic Bomb Tests Scare your friends with these as hostnames. -------------------------------------------------------- Atomic Bomb Test Names: Operation Teapot Nevada Test Site Feb/May 1955 ----------------------------- wasp - 2/18/55 - 1kt moth - 2/22/55 - 2kt tesla - 3/1/55 - 7kt turk - 3/7/55 - 43kt hornet - 3/12/55 - 4kt bee - 3/22/55 - 8kt ess - 3/23/55 - 1kt apple-1 - 3/29/55 - 14kt wasp-prime - 3/29/55 - 3kt ha - 4/6/55 - 3kt post - 4/9/55 - 2kt met - 4/15/55 - 22kt apple-2 - 5/5/55 - 29kt zucchini - 5/15/55 - 28kt Atomic Bomb Test Names: Operation Plumbbob Nevada Test Site May/Oct 1957 ----------------------------- boltzmann - 5/28/57 - 12kt franklin - 6/2/57 - 140 ton lassen - 6/5/57 - .5 ton wilson - 6/18/57 - 10kt priscilla - 6/24/57 - 37kt hood - 7/5/57 - 74kt diablo - 7/15/57 - 17kt john - 7/19/57 - 2kt kepler - 7/24/57 - 10kt owens - 7/25/57 - 9.7kt stokes - 8/7/57 - 19kt shasta - 8/18/57 - 17kt doppler - 8/23/57 - 11kt franklin-prime - 8/30/57 - 4.7kt smokey - 8/31/57 - 44kt galileo - 9/2/57 - 11kt wheeler - 9/6/57 - 197 ton laplace - 9/8/57 - 1kt fizeau - 9/14/57 - 11kt newton - 9/16/57 - 12kt rainer - 9/19/57 - 1.7kt whitney - 9/23/57 - 19kt charleston - 9/28/57 - 12kt morgan - 10/07/57 - 8kt -------------------------------------------------------- Metric Prefixes Dry, but at least you'll always have those crazy names handy. Nerd factor: Really high. -------------------------------------------------------- yocto 1e-24 zepto 1e-21 atto 1e-18 femto 1e-15 pico 1e-12 nano 1e-9 micro 1e-6 milli 1e-3 centi 1e-2 deci 1e-1 deca 1e+1 hecto 1e+2 kilo 1e+3 mega 1e+6 giga 1e+9 tera 1e+12 peta 1e+15 exa 1e+18 zetta 1e+21 yotta 1e+24 Units of Measure ---------------- acre amp a angstrom atomosphere barrel bar btu bushel cc caliber cal calorie candela carat celsius c cord coulomb cup curie cps degree deg dram dyne em erg farenheit farad faraday fathom fpm fermi foot ft frigorie furlong gallon gal gamma gauge gauss gilbert gill grain gram hand henerie hogshead horsepower inch iron joule kelvin knot lambda lambert lea league lightyear link liter lumen lux maxwell meter mile mil mickey newton ohm ounce parsec peck perch pica pint pound psi quart rad radian revolution rpm rod tontgen rood shake slug span spoon stere stoke stone tablespoon tap teaspoon therm ton volt watt weber yard Time Measurement ---------------- second minute hour day week month year decade century millenium epoch cycle leapyear now later today tomorrow yesterday equinox -------------------------------------------------------- Days/Months For small networks or subnets only.. -------------------------------------------------------- sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday january february march april may june july august september october november december -------------------------------------------------------- Greek and Roman Gods Nerd factor: high First, a short list, then, a giant list.. Spelling Torture Factor: high -------------------------------------------------------- Greek Gods Roman Gods ---------- ---------------- zeus jupiter hera juno poseidon neptune hades pluto aphrodite venus apollo ares mars artemis diana athena minerva hephaestus vulcan hestia vesta hermes mercury demeter ceres dionysus bacchus
Greek/Roman Mythology | |||||
Acheron Achilles Actaeon Admetus Adonis Aeacus Ae?etes Aegeus Aegisthus Aegyptus Aeneas Aeolus Aesculapius Aeson Aether Aethra Agamemnon Aglaia Ajax Alcestis Alcmene Alcyone Alecto Alectryon Althaea Amazons Amor Amphion Amphitrite Amphitryon Anchises Ancile Andraemon Andromache Andromeda Anteia Anteros Antigone Antinous Aphrodite Apollo Aquilo Arachne Ares Argo Argus Ariadne Arion Artemis Asclepius Astarte Asterope Astraea Atalanta Athena Atlas Atreus Atropos Aurora Auster Avernus | Bacchus Bellerophon Bellona Boreas Briareus Briseis | Cadmus Calliope Calypso Cassandra Castor Celaeno Centaurs Cephalus Cepheus Cerberus Ceres Chaos Charon Charybdis Chimera Chiron Chronos Chryseis Circe Clio Clotho Clytemnestra Cocytus Creon CreĆ¼sa Creusa Cronus Cupid Cybele Cyclopes | Daedalus Danae Danaides Danaus Daphne Decuma Deino Demeter Diana Dido Diomedes Diomedes Dione Dionysus Dioscuri Dis Dryads Dryope | Echo Electra Elysium Endymion Enyo Eos Epimetheus Erato Erebus Erinyes Eris Eros Eteocles Eumenides Euphrosyne Europa Eurus Euryale Eurydice Eurystheus Euterpe | Fates Fauns Faunus Favonius Flora Fortuna Furies |
Gaea Galatea Galatea Ganymede Glaucus Golden Gorgons Graces Graeae | Hades Haemon Hamadryads Harpies Hebe Hecate Hector Hecuba Helen Heliades Helios Helle Hephaestus Hera Hercules Hermes Hero Hesperus Hestia Hippolyte Hippolytus Hippomenes Hyacinthus Hydra Hygeia Hyman Hyperion Hypermnestra Hypnos | Iapetus Icarus Io Iobates Iphigenia Iris Ismene Iulus Ixion | Janus Jason Jocasta Juno Jupiter Juventas | Lachesis Laius Laocoon Lares Latona Lavinia Leander Leda Lethe Leto Lucina Lynceus | Maia Manes Mars Marsyas Medea Medusa Megaera Meleager Melpomene Memnon Menelaus Mentor Mercury Merope Mezentius Midas Minerva Minos Minotaur Mnemosyne Moirae Momus Morpheus Mors Morta Muses |
Naiads Napaeae Narcissus Nemesis Neoptolemus Neptune Nereids Nestor Nike Niobe Nona Notus Nox Nymphs Nyx | Oceanids Oceanus Odysseus Oedipus Oenone Ops Oreads Orestes Orion Orpheus | Pales Palinurus Pan Pandora Parcae Paris Patroclus Pegasus Pelias Pelops Penates Penelope Pephredo Periphetes Persephone Perseus Phaedra Phaethon Philoctetes Phineus Phlegethon Phosphor Phrixos Pirithous Pleiades Pluto Plutus Pollux Polyhymnia Polymnia Polynices Polyphemus Polyxena Pomona Pontus Poseidon Priam Priapus Procris Procrustes Proetus Prometheus Proserpine Proteus Psyche Pygmalion Pyramus Python | Quirinus | Remus Rhadamanthus Rhea Rivers Romulus | Sarpedon Saturn Satyrs Sciron Scylla Selene Semele Sibyis Sileni Silvanus Sinis Sirens Sisyphus Sol Somnus Sphinx Sterope Stheno Styx Symplegades Syrinx |
Tantalus Tartarus Taygeta Telemachus Tellus Terminus Terpsichore Terra Thalia Thanatos Themis Theseus Thisbe Thyestes Tiresias Tisiphone Titans Tithonus Triton Turnus | Ulysses Urania Uranus | Venus Vertumnus Vesta Vulcan | Winds | Zephyrus Zeus |