Using the Finder to Copy Submit Scripts to your File Server

    If you don't like using the command line, you can use the Finder to copy the rush submit scripts. However, the command line probably gives you better control of the permissions.

  1. Open the Finder to view the /usr/local/rush/examples/Applications directory
  2. In the Finder's menu, choose "Go->Go to Folder", and enter the pathname /usr/local/rush/examples/Applications:

    If you don't have an 'Applications' directory under rush/examples, you probably have a release of rush that is older than 102.40f. (eg. 102.40e, 102.40c..) and should be using the older unix/windows setup instructions.

  3. Open another Finder window to the network directory where you want to put the submit scripts.
  4. In the Finder's menu, choose "File->New Finder Window", then choose "Go->Go to Folder", and enter the pathname for the directory on your file server where you'll put the submit scripts, eg. //yourserver/jobs/rushscripts/

  5. Copy the scripts from the examples/Applications Finder window to the file server Finder window.
  6. Just select them all and drag and drop to make the copies.

    The scripts will be copied in such a way that the icons will be preserved, and visible to the users when they visit the directory.