Rush Logo Rush Render Queue - IrushRC File Format
V 103.07 05/28/15
(C) Copyright 2008, 2015 Seriss Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 1995,2000 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.

Strikeout text indicates features not yet implemented
* indicates new features.

  .irushrc Files  

    This document describes the '.irushrc' file format that is both loaded and saved by the Irush program.

    When the user runs irush, the $RUSH_DIR/etc/.irushrc file is loaded first, then the user's own ~/.irushrc file is loaded (if it exists), overriding the defaults. When irush exits, or when certain preferences are changed within irush, the ~/.irushrc file is saved.

    This arrangement lets the administrator be able to have some control over the defaults in irush, with the user's own ~/.irushrc file to be able to override those.

    For instance, the $RUSH_DIR/etc/.irushrc file can be modified by the sysadmin to set up the default entries that will appear in the IRUSH 'Hotkeys' menu.

    Use empirical techniques to become familiar with this file's format, eg:

    1. Leave the $RUSH_DIR/etc/.irushrc file empty.
    2. Run 'irush'.
    3. Create some new Hotkey commands using 'Hotkey -> Edit'.
    4. Quit irush.
    5. Study the contents of your ~/.irushrc file.

    Then paste excerpts from your ~/.irushrc file into the global $RUSH_DIR/etc/.irushrc file, so that all users get these as defaults.

    You can release the global $RUSH_DIR/etc/.irushrc to the entire network using rushadmin(1), or 'rush -push .irushrc +any'.


    • The global $RUSH_DIR/etc/.irushrc file can be managed and distributed with the rushadmin(1) or 'rush -push' commands.

    • The user's ~/.irushrc file will override global entries under these conditions:

      • The user defines a command that uses the same function key as a global one.
      • If the user picks a 'Name' that is the same as a global one.

    • The contents of the global .irushrc file is never saved back into the user's ~/.irushrc file, so the sysadmin can be free to make changes to the global file without affecting the user's own settings.

    What follows is an list of the individual commands that appear in these files, and their descriptions..

       name      [name]
       command   [command and arguments]
       fkey      [function key number]
       output    [screen name]
       colwidths [pixel width values for each column..]
       name ..
    Defines the 'Run Command' hotkeys.

      name [text]

            name My Jobs Report
        Sets the name for this hotkey command. [text] may contain spaces, and is not quoted.

      command [command_and_args]

            command   rush -laj -fmt "Owner Title Jobid Status"
        Sets the command that's invoked in the local operating system's shell. [command_and_args] can be any kind of command line that your local operating system's shell supports, including your own commands or scripts. The output of your commands will be displayed in irush, depending on the setting of output.

        Environment variables can be specified in the 'command' lines in .irushrc files. The variables will be expanded at runtime.

      fkey [key#]

            fkey      65470
        Sets the function key that will be used to invoke the hotkey. The [key#] is an FLTK keyboard value; the following values are allowed:

        • 0 -- none (no function key defined)
        • 65470 - F1
        • 65471 - F2
        • 65472 - F3
        • 65473 - F4
        • 65474 - F5
        • 65475 - F6
        • 65476 - F7
        • 65477 - F8
        • 65478 - F9
        • 65479 - F10
        • 65480 - F11
        • 65481 - F12

      output [screen]

            output    Upper:Frame
        Sets how irush displays the output of the hotkey command.

        • lower

          Show the command's output in the 'lower' dark gray split screen. Output can be 'free form' (ie. not columnar), and irush will not try to format or interpret the output. This is the same screen you see 'frame logs' in.

        • upper

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. Output can be 'free form' (ie. not columnar), and irush will not try to format or interpret the output.

        • upper:Job

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. 'Job Controls' will appear to the left of the report, such that those controls will operate correctly if your custom report follows a similar format as the irush 'Jobs' report.

        • upper:Frame

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. 'Frame Controls' will appear to the left of the report, such that those controls will operate correctly if your custom report follows a similar format as the irush 'Frames' report.

        • upper:Cpu

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. 'Cpu Controls' will appear to the left of the report, such that those controls will operate correctly if your custom report follows a similar format as the irush 'Cpus' report.

        • upper:Host

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. 'Host Controls' will appear to the left of the report, such that those controls will operate correctly if your custom report follows a similar format as the irush 'Hosts' report.

        • upper:FrameInfo

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. The output is expected to be in similar format to the irush 'Frame Info' report.

        • upper:AllCpus

          Show the command's output in the 'upper' white screen of irush. 'All Cpus Controls' will appear to the left of the report, such that those controls will operate correctly if your custom report follows a similar format as the irush 'All Cpus' report.

      colwidths [pixel width values..]

             colwidths 54 112 74
        Sets the column widths for the report.

        When the user interactively adjusts the column widths in irush, this command is adjusted accordingly.

    theme "[themename]"
        cmap [color] [red] [green] [blue]
        fltkscheme "[schemename]"

    (New in 103.00)

    This lets you defined custom colors for irush.

    'theme' introduces a new color theme for irush; [themename] will appear in the irush Edit|Preferences|Themes submenu, so that the user can click on it to load and use this color theme; irush will change the colors based on the commands defined between the { and } braces.

      cmap [c] [r] [g] [b]

        Defines the color [r/g/b] for the colormap entry [c]. Irush's underlying toolkit (FLTK) uses colormaps for the Irush widgets. This colormap defines the colors that are displayed in Irush, and you can customize them.

        One 'cmap' command should appear for each individual color being modified.

        Irush mainly uses the colors 32-55 as a grayscale ramp for the widget colors, and color #255 is the main screen's text background color.

        (If there's a particular color you're trying to change in the irush interface, you will probably have to resort to empirical experiments to determine which colormap entry it is using)

      fltkscheme [schemename]

        Sets the underlying toolkit's 'scheme' (FLTK's Fl::scheme() call), which can be one of two values:

        • "default" -- fltk's default 'old fashioned' buttons
        • "plastic" -- fltk's newer 'plastic' style rounded buttons

        No other FLTK schemes are currently supported.

        [schemename] must be surrounded by double quotes (").

        usetheme "[themename]"
    (New in 103.00)

    Tells irush to apply the previously loaded [themename]. [themename] must be surrounded by double quotes (").

        language "[name]"

    Tells irush which local language to use. Only English and Japanese are currently supported. [name] must be surrounded by double quotes (").

    This controls, among other things, how Irush displays the renderer's output when reviewing frame logs.

    • "English" -- Default english menus and ASCII output
    • "Japanese SJIS" -- Use japanese/SJIS, assumes output from renderers in SJIS format
    • "Japanese UTF8" -- Use japanese/UTF8, assumes output from renderers is UTF8

    If the Japanese output from a renderer is not readable with 'Japanese UTF8', try 'Japanese SJIS' instead.

   Undocumented Commands  
        repeatspeed        5.00
        language           "English"
        jobsort            0 0
        framesort          0 0
        cpusort            0 0
        allcpussort        0 0
        hostsort           0 0
        usecolors          1
        usecolumns         1
        useinfoicons       0
        usehelpmsgs        0
        usesplashscreen    1
        usettyoverstrike   1
        taillogs           1
        showjobcommandlogs 1
        confirmjobdumps    1
        windowsize         949 618
        usercommand        ls -la

These commands are currently undocumented, as they are managed by irush internally, and not intended to be managed manually. However, feel free to experiment with them as you like. You will probably find the commands self documenting, and some may be useful to put in the rush/etc/.irushrc file as defaults (eg. 'repeatspeed', 'language', 'usercommand'..).