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There is nothing critical about the order of connecting up the board. The order shown below is:
Extensions, Power, Telco, Ring Gen.. but these can actually be connected up in any order.

If you're new to 1A2 wiring, and are not sure what the wire colors "Y-S" or "S-Y"
refer to, please see the "Wire Colors" section near the bottom of this document.

1.1 - Mount the board or position it safely before starting 1.2 - Connect Power

1.3 - Connect 1A2 Phone Extensions

1.3 - Attach Phone Lines

1.4 - Attaching A Ring Generator (If You Have One)

1.5 - Ring Programming - Set DIP Switches For Ringing

1.6 - Testing Your Setup For The First Time

2.0 - Using Your 1A2 Multiline Phone System

3.0 - Phone System Accessories

4.0 - Interlinking Two Boards - Four Lines / 8 Extensions

5.0 - Troubleshooting

6.0 - Wire Colors