LCN Model C-71 Door Closer

Install Instructions and Drill Template

Vintage LCN Model C-71 Door Closer

I was lucky enough to purchase this LCN C-71 door closer with its intact installation instructions and drill template.
(As a side note, this model is similar to a Norton C door closer, and I used these LCN C-71 instructions to install my very old Norton C on a door recently.)

These closers often come up for sale, but there's no installation instructions, and locating this info can sometimes be hard to find. I'm dropping these here, mainly so I can find them, but to help others as well.

The drill template in particular is really important for a clean install, and at the time of this writing was impossible to find on the net, so I'm providing it here. The template is about 15" wide, so to print it properly, you have to print it at 300 DPI as two separate pages on letter sized paper, and carefully tape the pages together and cut out the template so it fits over the door properly for marking the screw drill positions relative to the top, and hinge-side edge of door.

The original blue drill template is two sided, and you'd flip it over depending on if you have a left-handed or right-handed door. In the template image below, I included both sides in a single image, along with a ruler for reference; when printed out at the right size, the ruler lines on the page should match an actual ruler. You may need to play with the scale setting in your printer dialog screen to get this right.

These old door closers came with various options, including arms that have a 'hold open' option, and an optional corner mounting bracket for mounting the closer on the opposite side of the door.

LCN C-71
Left-Handed Door Instructions

LCN C-71 installation instructions for Left Handed Door

LCN C-71
Right-Handed Door Instructions

LCN C-71 installation instructions for Right Handed Door

LCN Size "C" Drill Template

This template is used to figure out where to properly mount the door closer and jamb plate relative to the top and hinge-side edge of the door.

The full resolution image is 300 dots-per-inch (DPI), so if printed unscaled, it should print on a 300 DPI printer at the proper size, so on the printed page, the ruler's inches should match a real ruler. If not, adjust the scale setting in your print dialog. If printed as two "landscape" orientation 8.5" x 11" pages, they can carefully be taped together to make an accurate drill template.

Here are some excerpts from a 2100 page volume "The California Hardware Company" (catalog #15, dated 1950) showing their selection of hydraulic door closers at the time:

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