Trip To Idyllwild, CA. April 2001

Route 74 looking out towards Palm Desert.
This stretch of road was made famous by the first 15 minutes
of the movie "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" (1963).

Peter, checking out the drive down..

The way to Joshua Tree state park..

Jane, and the view to Palm Desert.

Cholla Cactus Garden, Joshua Tree State Park.

Cholla Cactus Garden.

Dried plant, Cactus Garden.

Whacked out Orangutan.

Weird lookin weasel/porcupine.

Post #5, cactus garden.

Another dried out plant.

Near Jumbo Rocks, Joshua Tree State Park.

Pretty weird..

Snow? But it's April! In California!
Blue Bird hotel, Idyllwild.


Jane at the local restaurant, Idyllwild.

Peter and Jane, Idyllwild.