1 My little breakfast in the Korean Airlines
VIP lounge, Bradley Int'l Terminal.
All to myself, just the way I like it.
2 God, what the hell am I doing awake before Noon?
3 Mmm, breakfast. Milk, fruit, Coffee, and a
shot of Cognac.
5 Arrived in Korea 10 hours later. Couldn't sleep
on the plane. Check into Hotel Sofitel,
here's the night-time skyline of Seoul
from my hallway window.
7 Seoul Hyatt, first night spent 'on the town'.
8 The club is down these stairs..
11 Monceaux, master builder of Optical Printers,
feels the rhythm.
9 10 A wild scene.. (the weird effects were caused by the
strobe lights in the club..)14 Me, after some dancing.
Dark circles under eyes denote this is hour
22 of my first day.
13 Hmm, my feet stopped moving?
Lots of pretty girls at the club.
15 One of the 'drinking rooms' next to the bar.
16 17 Things start getting blurry..
18 Time to leave; on our way out of the Hyatt.
19 20 21 Nightcap after the club, at the Cowboy Bar.
Thought I'd take a shot of the boys. Monceaux
and Sangsup don't seem to want any
photographic evidence.
22 But after the boys juice up, they're chillin.
And of course everyone warms up if the pretty
bar maid offers to take a few shots of us.
John is armed with a Black Russian, Sangsup's
associate has a White Russian, and I'm
drinking plain orange juice at this point.
23 Left to right, John Monceaux, Sangsup Lee of
Koala Productions, his business associate,
and myself. I'm on hour 24 at this point,
still manage to pull a smile, though. How
come I'm always the only one with 'red eye'?
24 Why is this cartoon character punching
himself in the head?
Hmm, I guess that's what the helmet's for.
25 Next day, Monceaux studies his work, as Sangsup looks on.
The Korean National Police's mascots would like you to move on to the..