admlog - Sample Output

% admlog | head -30
#       R O T W A N G   A D M I N I S T R A T I O N   L O G
#       When modifying the system, log your changes with 'admlog -new'.
#       Put your new entries at the top, under the datestamp provided.
#       Please follow the format of other entries.

--- 07/16/95,22:18:21 - erco: new links for sb/rb

        Added links to use my sb/rb, instead of linux's bad one:

                rm /usr/bin/{sb,rb}
                ln -s /home/bin/sb /usr/bin/sb
                ln -s /home/bin/rb /usr/bin/rb

--- 07/16/95,21:31:00 - root: new links for xdm errors

        Added a link in /usr/adm for xdm errors, to keep an eye out for trouble

                ln -s /usr/X11/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors /usr/adm/xdm-errors

--- 07/11/95,18:04:32 - root: new kernel installed

    Installed new kernel: linux-1.2.11

        1) Download kernel source from /pub/Linux/kernel to /usr/tmp

        2) Install sources:
% admlog -help

        admlog - when changes are made to the system, log them here

        admlog                  - view additions [uses more(1)]
        admlog -new             - Make new entries
        admlog -edit            - Edit the log
        admlog -help            - help

    The -new and -edit options put a lock on the log file to prevent 
    more than one person from editing the file.

% admlog -new
(screen clears, editor comes up with new dated blank entry which you should fill in)
# R O T W A N G A D M I N I S T R A T I O N L O G # # When modifying the system, log your changes with 'admlog -new'. # Put your new entries at the top, under the datestamp provided. # Please follow the format of other entries. # --- 07/18/95,02:44:33 - erco: YOUR_ONE_LINE_DESCRIPTION Your_multi_line_comments_here --- 07/16/95,22:18:21 - erco: new links for sb/rb Added links to use my sb/rb, instead of linux's bad one: rm /usr/bin/{sb,rb} ln -s /home/bin/sb /usr/bin/sb ln -s /home/bin/rb /usr/bin/rb