RUSH_PADFRAME is an environment variable interpreted by the rush(1) command,
and is also passed to the render script.
It contains the jobid of the current running job. i.e., "tahoe-37"
When this variable is set, the rush(1) command line tool will use this
jobid if no jobid is specified.
Example: 'rush -lf' will use RUSH_JOBID to determine
which job's framelist to display, whereas specifying a jobid
with eg. 'rush -lf tahoe.37' overrides the
RUSH_JOBID setting.
Since RUSH_JOBID is passed to the render script, rush(1) commands
can be added to the render script without specifying the jobid, as
it will be set already. eg. to reset the try count of the current
frame from within the render script, only 'rush -try 0' is needed;
there is no need to specify 'rush -try 0 $RUSH_JOBID'.