The $RUSH_DIR/etc/hosts file must contain the names
of all hosts that participate in rendering.
The hosts file can be updated on the fly. Simply edit the file,
make changes, then use 'rush -push hosts +any' to copy the local
changes to all the machines, and the daemons will pick up your
modifications within a minute.
The rushadmin tool makes this
easy to do; just run rushadmin, click on 'hosts' to edit the file,
save when done, and hit 'Send' to send the file to the network.
Or you can use these commands.
Rush won't talk to any machine not in the rush hosts file,
as a security measure. So be sure all machines (including
license servers) are in the rush hosts file on all machines.
The format of the hosts file is single lines of 5 white space
separated fields, one line per host:
Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.
Example Hosts File
daemon-hostcache full
app-hostcache demand
# The 'Host' field should contain short names for hosts (aliases are ok),
# and must be unique.
# The 'Criteria/Hostgroups' field must *NOT* contain white space, and words are
# comma delimited. All hosts must contain '+any' in the Criteria/Hostgroups field.
#Hostname Cpus Ram MinPri Criteria/Hostgroups
#-------- ---- ---- ------ ------------------------------------
tahoe 2 256 0 +any,+work,sgi,irix,irix6.5
superior 2 256 0 +any,+work,sgi,irix,irix6.2
ontario 1 128 0 +any,+work,linux,linux6.0,intel
erie 1 128 0 +any,+work,sgi,irix,irix6.4
rf1 2 1024 0 +any,+farm,linux6.2
rf2 2 1024 0 +any,+farm,linux6.2
rf3 2 1024 0 +any,+farm,linux6.2
rf4 2 1024 0 +any,+farm,linux6.2
rf5 2 1024 0 +any,+farm,linux6.2
eval1 2 1024 0 +any,+eval,linux7.2
eval2 2 1024 0 +any,+eval,linux7.2