(C) Copyright 1995,2000 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.
V 102.41 03/05/04
How To Configure..
- Configuring 'rush -lj' and 'rush -laj' Reports
- Configuring 'donemail' for Windows
- Configuring User's Password to Never Expire
- Rush User Access to Network Server
- Fix Your System Path
Configuring 'rush -lj' and 'rush -laj' Reports
Configuring 'donemail' for Windows
Configuring Users to be Members of the Administrator Group
- Login as Administrator
- Invoke the User Manager:
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Users And Passwords
- Double-click on the user's name
- Choose the "Group Membership" tab
- Click on the 'Other:' radio button, and select "Administrators"
- Hit Apply.
Configuring DOMAIN Users to be Members of the Administrator Group
- Login as Administrator
- Right click on "My Computer" and click "Manage".
- Click "Local Users and Groups", click Groups and double click
on "Administrators".
- Click the "Add" button, and type in the domain qualified user's name,
eg: DOMAIN\username
- Hit Apply.
Configuring User's Password to Never Expire
- Login as Administrator
- Invoke the User Manager:
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Users And Passwords |
Advanced | Advanced User Management | Users
- Double-click on the user's name
- Choose "Password never expires"
Rush User Access to Network Server
It's important for the Rushd service to have read/write access to your
network server to prevent this problem.
Having access means being able to login as that user, and not get one of these
dialogs when you try to browse over to the network disk:
To prevent that, make sure your disk server has that user configured
with a correct password, or open the share permissions until you can login
as the user, and access the server without getting that error.
If you're disk server supplies its disks via Samba, you can open
the permissions to the disk (note green text):
# Disk entry excerpt from smb.conf
comment = Jobs Disk
path = /raid/jobs
read only = no
public = yes <-- public access
guest ok = yes <-- guest access
force create mode = 0666
force directory mode = 0777
hide dot files = no
This will open up permissions to your disk such that, for sure, you
won't get the above dialog after you login and access the server.
Then tighten down security from there, making sure you don't re-induce the
dialog. Make sure you have your Windows machines set up to correctly work
with Samba to manage password logins correctly.
Fix your System Path
Installs of Houdini have been known to break the Windows system path
such that standard programs like more and ping give 'Command not found'
To fix this under Windows 2000:
- Login as Administrator, and bring up the "Environment Variables" panel:
Start | Control Panel | System | Advanced | Environment Variables
- Under 'System variables', Double-Click on the "PATH" variable
- Carefully insert at the *very beginning* of the "Variable Value" field:
There should be NO SPACES, and there should be a ';' at the end of what
you typed, so that it separates your entry from the settings that follow it.
- Hit Apply, and OK.
- Open up a new DOS window, and see if commands like 'ping' and 'more' work now.
Only new DOS windows will be affected by the change.