Rush Windows Install Instructions
(C) Copyright 1995,2003 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.
V 102.40g 05/06/03

  Windows Install Instructions  

   To Install Rush  

  1. Install 'Active Perl' for windows from

    It's a *free* download. The rush submit scripts are written in Perl, so unless you intend to write your own submit scripts, you'll need to install perl.

  2. Unzip the rush distribution to C:\RUSH
  3. Edit the C:\RUSH\ETC\HOSTS file.

    Create an entry for all hosts you'll be using for Rush. Remove the example entries (amber, bart..).

  4. Install the license as C:\RUSH\ETC\LICENSE.DAT
  5. Run the following commands in DOS to install the daemon.

      cd \rush\etc\bin

    Note: You will *NOT* need to reboot after installation.

    If you see errors about 'unrecognized command or batch file', you probably have this problem.

  6. Configure the Administrator password for the new 'rushd' service.

    1. Bring up services:

        WIN/NT: Start -> Control Panel -> Services
        WIN/2K: Start -> Control Panel -> Adminsitrative Tools -> Services

    2. Double click the new 'Rushd' service.
    3. Set up the account the Rushd service will run as.

      If you're using a Windows 'domain', it is recommended you create the domain user 'ntrush' that has administrator priveleges, give the account a password, set the password to never expire, and configure the Rushd service to run as that user.

      Click 'This Account', configure login for network 'Administrator'. (Under Win2K, you'll need to click on the 'Logon' tab, first)

      	      WORK GROUPS                    WINDOWS NETWORK USER
      	      ---------------------------    ---------------------------
      	      This Account: Administrator    This Account: DOMAIN\ntrush
      		  Password: <PASSWORD>           Password: <PASSWORD>
      		   Confirm: <PASSWORD>            Confirm: <PASSWORD>
      		     (Replace DOMAIN with your windows domain name)
    4. Highlight 'Rushd' and hit 'Start'.

      This starts the daemon, and enables it to start on reboot.

  7. Verify things are working.

    Open a new DOS window and type:

      rush -ping

    If you get any errors, see troubleshooting.

  8. Handle cross platform configuration issues.

    If you have a mixture of UNIX and WINDOWS machines, see the UNIX CAVEATS below.

  9. That's it.

    You can optionally run this test submit script, just to verify jobs can be started, listed, and dumped:


    To submit a real job, similar to what TDs use, you can run this test which includes complete instructions for someone who has never used rush before.

   Network Install  

    Once rush is setup and working on one machine, and the C:\RUSH\ETC\HOSTS file contains entries for all the machines on your net, it's then a simple matter of copying the C:\RUSH directory to all the other machines, then running the appropriate followup steps.

      NOTE: Be sure you've already installed ActiveState Perl before installing Rush on the network machines.

    You can automate the Rush install procedure in a number of ways, the following shows how to do it if you're running the 'remote shell' service on the remotes. This way, step #2 can be done with the Windows 'rsh' command.

    1. Copy the entire C:\RUSH directory to the remote machines.

      An example would be:

        for %i in ( nt1 nt2 nt3 ) do xcopy /e /i C:\RUSH \\%i\C$\RUSH
    2. Run the install script on each machine.

        cd \rush\etc\bin

      Or you can automate this process using rsh, assuming you have Remote shell services configured on your Windows machines; rsh services are available from the net. One I've used is the Winsock RSHD available from

      An example of automated executing of the install script would be:

        for %i in ( nt1 nt2 nt3 ) do rsh %i c:\rush\etc\bin\install.bat
    3. Configure the administrator and password for the Rushd service.

      a) Bring up 'Services':

        WIN/NT: Start -> Control Panel -> Services
        WIN/2K: Start -> Control Panel -> Adminsitrative Tools -> Services

      b) Double click on Rushd, and change the settings to:

      	 WORK GROUPS                    NTRUSH NETWORK USER
      	 ---------------------------    ---------------------------
      	 This Account: Administrator    This Account: DOMAIN\ntrush
      	     Password: <PASSWORD>           Password: <PASSWORD>
      	      Confirm: <PASSWORD>            Confirm: <PASSWORD>
      		(Replace DOMAIN with your windows domain name)
    4. Start the service by clicking 'Start'.

      NOTE: You can also stop/start the rushd service from the DOS command line via:

        net stop rushd
        net start rushd
    5. Check the daemon logs for errors.

      Look in the c:/rush/var/rushd.log files, or use 'rush -dcatlog +any'

      Common errors (and their soultions) can be found in the Admin FAQ.

   To Uninstall Rush  

    1) Run the C:\RUSH\ETC\BIN\UNINSTALL.BAT script
    2) Remove the C:\RUSH directory

    Note: You will *NOT* need to reboot after an uninstall.

   Unix Caveats  

    If you plan to use Perl on windows, it is highly suggested you use
    ActiveState Perl, since it is the best implementation of perl for the
    windows platform in general. Rush does not care which perl you use,
    but some perl implementations are inherently buggy, experience has shown.

    If you have a mixture of unix and NT machines, be sure:

        o Your unix machines have a valid user called 'ntuser'

        o The uid/gid for this user is configured in the C:\RUSH\ETC\RUSH.CONF
          file for ntrushuid and ntrushgid

        o Both Unix and NT machines have the same 'rush hosts' files, 
          eg. C:\RUSH\ETC\HOSTS is the same as /usr/local/rush/etc/hosts

        o Both Unix and NT machines can resolve each other's hostnames, 
          eg. you can 'ping' nt machines from unix, and vice versa.

   To Install www-rush  

    www-rush is the optional web GUI, which has pretty much been superceded
    by the newer GUI irush that comes with the rush installation.

    However, if you want to set up the web GUI which allows people to
    monitor and control render queue jobs remotely via Netscape,
    for docs on the GUI itself, see the www-rush docs.
    'www-rush' is a single perl script found in /rush/cgi-bin/,
    and should be installed on your internal network's web server.

    It has been tested to work with either Apache/unix, or IIS/NT.
    (IIS is Microsoft's web server that comes with NT Server)

    www-rush will work with IIS, provided:

        o You have properly installed IIS, and enabled 'cgi-bin' scripts.

        o You have installed ActiveState perl (
          On install, be sure to enable the check flags for IIS.

        o You have installed rush on the server, and have included 
          the server's hostname in the /rush/etc/hosts file.

        o You view www-rush with Netscape. (Explorer has problems)

    Then it's just a matter of putting the script in IIS's 
    /inetpub/scripts/ directory, tweaking variables at the top if need be.

    To install www-rush on an Apache web server, just put
    in the cgi-bin directory, like any other cgi-bin script.

   Legacy Docs  

    Some old legacy docs are here which show how to manually configure 
    the service. These docs are no longer recommended.

   Trouble Shooting  

    Check the Admin FAQ for common problems.

    If you have installed the software, and started the daemon, you should
    be able to open a new DOS window, and be able to run 'rush -ping' 
    to see the following (or similar) output:

        C:\rush>rush -ping
        myhost: RUSHD 102.20b PID=166     Boot=03/13/01,02:08:52  Online, 0 jobs, 0 procs

    Some common errors:

        o "The name specified is not recognized as an
          internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

          Make sure you ran the install.bat script first. It modifies your path
          to include C:\RUSH\BIN.

        o "Connection refused"

          This means the daemon did not start. Look in C:\RUSH\VAR\RUSHD.LOG for
          error messages, and send them to:

              Greg Ercolano

    Possible error messages in the C:\RUSH\VAR\RUSHD.LOG

        o "HOST_GetLocalHostname(): NO LOCAL HOST --- ABORT ---"

          This means the local hostname for the machine is not in the
          C:\RUSH\ETC\HOSTS file. If the local host is named farm37, then
          make sure farm37 is an entry in that file.

        o "bind(): address already in use"

          This means there are either two daemons running, or you need
          to wait a few minutes if you just told the daemon to restart.

    Make sure you configured the Administrator user and password for
    the service in the Control Panel->Services->Rushd screen.

   Problems With Houdini  

    It seems for a while now, houdini's setup has some kind of bug
    that breaks the PATH for DOS shells. After installing houdini,
    one finds commands like 'ping' and 'nslookup' no longer work,
    and are 'unknown commands'.

    Houdini's setup program does something that breaks the PATH,
    such that important things like C:/WINNT/SYSTEM32 are no longer
    in the path.

    To fix the problem in WINNT:
        1) Go into Control Panel -> System -> Environment

        2) Add C:/WINNT/SYSTEM32 to the "System Variables"
           PATH. Be sure to include the proper semicolons to separte
           this new addition from the other paths. 

        3) Hit APPLY, then OK.

        4) Now open a NEW DOS WINDOW, and try invoking 'ping'.
           If done correctly, 'ping' should print out a help report.
           If done incorrectly, 'ping' will still give a command not
           found error.

    To fix the problem in Windows 2000:

        Go into Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
        and follow steps 2 through 4 above.