flruler - a simple onscreen pixel measuring ruler for debugging GUIs
flruler [no options]
flruler displays a ruler on your desktop that you can drag around to measure elements in GUIs. Intended for GUI development/debugging to verify widget separations and sizes, though may also be used for general computer graphics, including measuring pixel distances of images, widgets in web applications, etc.
To move flruler, just click and drag it to where you want it. Press ESC to exit. You can make copies of the ruler by Middle-Clicking or hitting C. You can rotate the ruler(s) using the Up/Down/Left/Right arrow keys.
There are currently no command line options.
Keyboard Description -------- --------------------------------------------- c Copy the current ruler (that has keyboard focus) Esc Closes current ruler (that has keyboard focus) q Quit all rulers _ Up | Down |_ Re-orients ruler Left | Arrow points to where zero will be Right _| + Increase length of ruler by 10% - Decrease length of ruler by 10%
Left-Drag Drags current ruler around for positioning Left-Double-click Reverses direction of current ruler's numbers Left-Triple-click Rotates current ruler 90 degrees Middle-Click Makes copy of current ruler
flruler Version 1.05 Written by Greg Ercolano.
The latest version of flruler can be downloaded from http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/flruler/
To build flruler from source, you need FLTK, the multi-platform GPL graphics toolkit
(which supports Windows, Linux, OSX, IRIX..) from http://www.fltk.org/
To report bugs, send email to erco@seriss.com, and include "flruler bug report" in the Subject: of the message, or it will be ignored.
Copyright (C) 2012, 2006 Greg Ercolano.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more information, see the LICENSE.txt file that came with the source.