These environment variables are used by the rush system.
Some variables affect the behavior of the rush client program,
and some are set by the rush daemon to pass information to the
user's Render Script. Some
fall into both categories.
Render Scripts should at very least make use of $RUSH_FRAME
or $RUSH_PADFRAME to determine the current frame
being rendered.
General Rush Environment Variables These variables affect behavior of rush(1) and related programs.
Rush install directory. eg. "/usr/local/rush", etc.
If set to 1, one can modify other people's jobs.
The 'default' jobid for all rush(1) commands.
Rush 'Frame' Environment Variables
The current frame number, eg. '37'.
The current padded frame number, eg. '0037'.
The first frame in the job, eg. '1'. (Rush 102.42 and up)
The last frame in the job, eg. '100'. (Rush 102.42 and up)
Rush -fmt Environment Variables These variables affect rush report's default output format.
Optional report format string for the 'rush -lf -fmt env' report.
Can be set to the string normally passed as an argument to
'-fmt' (eg. 'rush -lf -fmt <STRING>').
Optional report format string for the 'rush -lj -fmt env' report.
Can be set to the string normally passed as an argument to
'-fmt' (eg. 'rush -lj -fmt <STRING>').
Optional report format string for the 'rush -laj -fmt env' report.
Can be set to the string normally passed as an argument to
'-fmt' (eg. 'rush -laj -fmt <STRING>').
Optional report format string for the 'rush -lajf -fmt env' report.
Can be set to the string normally passed as an argument to
'-fmt' (eg. 'rush -laj -fmt <STRING>').
All Render Script Environment Variables These are variables passed to the render script for each running frame during rendering.
Rush install directory. eg. "/usr/local/rush", etc.
The first frame in the job, eg. '1'. (Rush 102.42 and up)
The current frame number, eg. '37'.
The hostname we're rendering on, eg. "tahoe"
Use this variable to detect network worm avoidance.
The jobid for the rendering frame, eg. "tahoe.37"
The last frame in the job, eg. '100'. (Rush 102.42 and up)
The logfile for the script's own output, eg. "/net/rush/logs"
The padded frame number being rendered, eg. '0037'.
The job's current Ram value
The tmp directory rush automatically creates and removes.
The number of times this frame has tried to render, eg. "3".
RUSH_DIR is an environment variable used by rush(1), and many
of the various rush programs to determine where rush is installed.
It is also passed to the render script (during rendering).
This variable is the directory name of the rush directory.
Normally, this is /usr/local/rush. Appending '/bin' gives a
path to the rush(1) and rushd(8) binaries.
This variable should be in the user's environment so all rush(1) commands
can access it, and as well, should also be set in the boot scripts
before rushd(8) is started. Both rush(1) and rushd(8) depend on
this variable being set.
RUSH_FRAME is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the frame number to be rendered, i.e., "1",
"12", "104", "12.25". No padding of zeroes are used.
To get padded frame numbers, use RUSH_PADFRAME.
Jobs submitted with a floating point frame range will cause RUSH_FRAME
to return floating point values, such as "1.00", "1.05", "1.10", etc.
Right padding (1.10) indicates the precision of the frame range.
(New in rush 102.42 and up)
RUSH_FIRST_FRAME is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the frame number of the first frame in the job.
For instance, if a job has a frame range of 50-200, RUSH_FIRST_FRAME will be '50'.
No padded zeroes are used.
The render script can use this value to determine if it's rendering the first
frame in the job, eg:
# working on first frame..
(New in rush 102.42 and up)
RUSH_LAST_FRAME is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the frame number of the last frame in the job.
For instance, if a job has a frame range of 50-200, RUSH_LAST_FRAME will be '200'.
No padded zeroes are used.
The render script can use this value to determine if it's rendering the last
frame in the job, eg:
# working on last frame..
RUSH_FU is an environment variable used by the rush(1) command.
If set to '1', implies the '-fu' flag for all commands.
Not recommended for use in user's environment. This variable
is meant only to be used by GUI interfaces that are layered on top of
the rush command line tool.
RUSH_HOSTNAME is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the hostname the render script is currently running on.
This is the name that appears in 'rush -lah' reports, and
in the 'HOSTNAME' column of 'rush -lf' reports.
RUSH_ISDAEMON is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
This variable is set by the rushd daemon to contain the process ID
of the daemon.
Submit scripts in particular should check if this variable is set
to detect if the job is being submitted from within a job,
to avoid network worm scenarios eg. where a job attempts to recursively
submit itself.
Unless you intentionally want a job to submit other jobs,
the submit section of a script should check if this variable
is set, and if so, exit immediately, e.g.
Preventing Network Worms
#!/bin/csh -f
if ( $1 == "-render" ) then
render //some/path/foo.${RUSH_PADFRAME}.rib
exit 0
# Check if we're being submitted by another job..
if ( $?RUSH_ISDAEMON ) then
cat << EOF
****************** WARNING! *********************
Detected an attempt for a job to submit jobs, which unless done properly
can cause a recursive 'network worm'. As a preventative measure, this script
is DUMPING THE PARENT JOB AND KILLING ITSELF to prevent spreading a network worm.
****************** WARNING! *********************
rush -dump ; kill -9 $$
exit 1 # unlikely to get here after above..
# Do regular submit here..
rush -submit << EOF
frames 1-10
command $0 -render
cpus +any=10
logdir //server/jobs/logs/ribrender-%s
if ( $status == 0 ) exit 0
echo 'ERROR: Job failed to submit'
exit 1
RUSH_JOBID is an environment variable interpreted by the rush(1) command,
and is also passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the jobid of the current running job. i.e., "tahoe.37"
When this variable is set, the rush(1) command line tool will use this
jobid if no jobid is specified.
Example: 'rush -lf' will use RUSH_JOBID to determine
which job's framelist to display, whereas specifying a jobid
with eg. 'rush -lf tahoe.37' overrides the
RUSH_JOBID setting.
Since RUSH_JOBID is passed to the render script, rush(1) commands
can be added to the render script without specifying the jobid, as
it will be set already. eg. to reset the try count of the current
frame from within the render script, only 'rush -try 0' is needed;
there is no need to specify 'rush -try 0 $RUSH_JOBID'.
RUSH_LOGFILE is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the absolute path to the output log for the currently running render script.
The contents of this file grows as the render script generates output.
The pathname in this variable always ends with the frame number being
rendered [eg. 0001, 0002, 0003], so it will be a pathname specific
to the current frame being rendered.
This variable is dependent on the job's current
LogDir value, which can be changed
dynamically with the rush -logdir
command line option.
For example, the render script can use this variable to search the
renderer's output for error messages, and act conditionally based
on the error detected. See
Detecting Render
Problems with Grep for examples of this technique.
RUSH_PADFRAME is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the frame number to be rendered, and includes
4 padding zeroes, I.e., "0001", "0012", "0104".
The output format of this variable is controlled by the rush.conf file's
FramePad setting.
Jobs submitted with a floating point frame range will cause padded
floating point values to be returned, eg. "0012.10".
For un-padded frame numbers, use RUSH_FRAME.
RUSH_RAM is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the job's current Ram
value, which can be changed dynamically with the
rush -ram
command line option.
RUSH_TMPDIR is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains the path to a temp directory that is automatically created before the
frame starts rendering, and is completely removed after the frame completes
execution, deleting all files left behind.
This variable is dependent on the current
TmpDir setting
in the rush.conf file.
Use this variable when creating temporary files in your render script,
so that the files are automatically removed even if your renders are
bumped or dumped while in progress, e.g.,
render -output $RUSH_TMPDIR/foo.rgb
post_filter -in=$RUSH_TMPDIR/foo.rgb \
RUSH_TRY is an environment variable passed to the render script (during rendering).
It contains a value indicating the number of times this frame has
attempted to render the frame (changed from Run -> Que).
This is the number in the 'TRY' column of a 'rush -lf' report.
Can be changed with
rush -try.