RUSH LOGO Rush Render Queue - Irush Interface
V 103.07 05/28/15
(C) Copyright 2008, 2015 Seriss Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 1995,2000 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.

Strikeout text indicates features not yet implemented

   Irush Startup Screen  

    To bring up the interface, just run 'irush' from the command line, or click on a desktop shortcut. When irush comes up, the screen looks like this:

    Irush Startup Screen

    Irush is a job control and monitoring tool. You supply irush a jobid to control, and its interface will let you manipulate that job easily. An important thing to remember is: the Jobid in the upper right corner of the irush screen is the current job being controlled.

    By default, the Jobid is empty; you can either type in the jobid, pick it from a list of jobs, or invoke irush with the jobid on the command line.

    The jobid affects most all buttons in the upper part of the window. There is a black border grouping these buttons together to indicate this association:

    For instance, hitting 'Frames' or 'Cpus' (in the upper window) will list the frames or cpus for the current jobid. Same for 'Pause', 'Dump', and 'Job Edit' buttons in that button grouping.

    The large, lower window is where reports are displayed. You can highlight data from these reports using the mouse, and use the controls to affect the items you selected. The large window and the controls are also grouped with a black border to indicate this association:

    ...this example shows a frame list with several frames highlighted. Hitting any of the controls to the left will affect the highlighted frames.

    The controls change, depending on the report being displayed:

    The controls are empty if the data being displayed in the window is not recognized by irush, such as occurs if you hit the CMD button to get a directory listing.


    The following gives some hints on how to invoke 'irush -button Frames' in the background in various scripting languages. Assumes RUSH_JOBID set to the jobid:

    	    os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'irush', 'irush', '-button', 'Frames')
    	    $ENV{SHELL} = "/bin/sh";
    	    system("/usr/local/rush/bin/irush -button Frames < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1");
    	    use Win32::Process;
    	    my $pobj;
    	    my $cmd = "c:/rush/bin/irush.exe";
    	    my $err = Win32::Process::Create($pobj, $cmd, "irush -button Frames", 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, $ENV{RUSH_DIR});

   Animated Tutorial  

Here's an animated tutorial that shows how to select jobs, requeue frames, and monitor your frames' error logs.

Short tutorial on how to use irush. This is a large gif; you may want to let it completely load before watching.

   Selecting Jobs  

To select a job, you can do any of the following:

Here are examples of each technique:

Entering a Jobid
If you already know the jobid, just type it in the Jobid window.

-- OR --

Picking a Job

Click on either 'Jobs' or 'All Jobs' to get a jobs report.
Double Click the job you want to monitor.
The jobid will appear in the 'Jobid' window, just as if you had typed it.

With a jobid set, the buttons in the upper window will affect this job. For instance, hit 'Frames' to see the job's frame list.

Frames Report

The frame list shows the status of each frame, the hostname it ran on, and the start time and elapsed time for each frame. Each time you hit the Frames button, you'll get an updated report. Use the Repeat button to have the report automatically update.

With a frame report on screen, you can select certain frames, then use the frame controls (that appear to the left of the report) to modify the frames. For instance, you can requeue frames with the 'Que' button.


Highlight some of the frames in the report by clicking them.
You can also click and drag to select a range of frames, or hold down the Ctrl key to toggle-select.

To select all frames in a particluar state, you can use the Select All... pulldown menu.

Click the 'Que' button under the frame controls.
This will cause the selected frames to be requeued, and an updated report will be displayed.

   Dumping Jobs  

Dumping Your 'Current Job'
To dump only the job you're working on, you'd just use the 'Dump' button in the middle of the screen, which dumps the job shown in the 'Jobid:' window in the upper right of irush.

Dumping the "current" job

Dumping Many Jobs
If you want to dump many jobs, even jobs that aren't yours (which might be disabled by your sysadmin), hit 'All Jobs' to get the list of all the jobs on the network, highlight the jobs you want to dump, then hit the Dump button at the left:

Dumping selected jobs

All the buttons on the left side of the screen affect the jobs you have highlight, so besides dumping all the jobs, you can Pause, End, or Continue them.

How To Highlight Jobs
Note that you can highlight several jobs at a time by dragging the mouse, or hold the CTRL key down and click on several jobs to accumulate several individual jobs.

Sorting Jobs
You can sort jobs by any column; see Sorting.
You can also limit reports using the search filter.

Dumping Old Jobs
Similarly, to dump old jobs, just sort by 'Elapsed Time' to group the oldest jobs together. Example:

Dumping old jobs based on elapsed time.

Dumping Jobs By Owner
Before highlighting the jobs, you can group jobs together with the sort buttons at the top of the columns. For instance, if you want to dump a particular user's job, click the sort button above the 'Owner' column, so that the jobs are sorted by their Owner. Example:

Dumping jobs owned by "edwald".

Dumping Other People's Jobs
If you're not the owner of some of the jobs you're dumping, errors will show in the gray window after you choose 'Dump'. To dump other people's jobs, you'd need to have the "FU" button enabled.

Any error messages will appear in the gray window after you hit 'Dump'.

In some situations, your systems administrator may disable the FU button, or limit its use to certain users. See the error message for details.

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