RUSH LOGO Rush Render Queue - Irush Interface
V 103.07 05/28/15
(C) Copyright 2008, 2015 Seriss Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 1995,2000 Greg Ercolano. All rights reserved.

Strikeout text indicates features not yet implemented

Irush Tips And Tricks, Section 3


   Right-Click Documentation  
Wonder what a button does? Or what an input field is expecting?

Just right click on any button or input field to bring up documentation for it.

In some newer versions of Irush, a menu may appear when you right click. To view the help, click on the 'Help' option.

   Cutting And Pasting from the Irush screen  

To cut and paste from the irush screen, just highlight the text as you normally would, then hit Edit->Copy, or you can use the Ctrl-C shortcut (on OSX use CLOVERLEAF-C). Then paste into your email or a text editor as you normally would.

   Multiple Selection  


Need to select several items in the frame or cpu reports? Just hold down the Control Key while you click and drag to several selections.

   Resizing the split screen  

Sometimes irush presents an upper and lower screen, such as when viewing frame logs.

The bar that splits the two screens can be dragged around to make one window larger than the other.

   Colored text control  

By default, irush will color text in the irush screen to clarify the reports.

If you find this distracting, you can disable colors using the checkbox Edit->Preferences->Use Colors.

   'Tool-Tip' Help Messages  

'Tool-tips' are those little yellow help messages that pop up over buttons when you leave the mouse still:

If you find this distracting, you can disable them by turning off the checkbox Edit->Preferences->Help Messages.

   Tailing Frame Logs  

When a frame list report is on the screen, you can double click on a frame to view the log.

By default, the 'Tail Logs' preference is enabled, so when irush views the log, it will show new lines as the render progresses, similar to the unix 'tail -f' command.


When tailing is enabled, irush is constantly watching the file for changes. The 'Logs' button will stay yellow to indicate this.

To prevent irush from automatically scrolling while tailing is enabled, hold the left mouse button down on either the scroll bar, or in the text area.

   REP: Auto-updating Reports  

You can use the 'REP' (Repeat) button to auto-update reports.

This is useful when monitoring a job for problems; you can have reports such as the 'Frames' or 'Frame Info' reports automatically update to show progress. Or, have the 'Jobs' report auto-update, to keep an eye on several jobs.

When you hit the REP button, all the buttons that can be repeated turn green.

You can then hit one of those buttons, and that report will then be automatically updated every few seconds, just as if you kept hitting the button manually. It's a two-click procedure:

The 'REP' button will stay green while REP mode is enabled. While in REP mode, you can hit other buttons, and they will begin repeating instead.

To disable repeat mode, hit the green 'REP' button, and it will change to gray indicating the mode is off.

The update rate can be changed in the Edit|Preferences|Repeat Rate menu:

Not only can you repeat the report buttons, but you can also repeat custom commands you've setup in the 'CMD' window (so that you can, for example, repeat an 'ls' or 'dir' command to keep an eye on an image directory), or even one of your custom 'Hotkeys'.


It is advised to use as 'slow' an update rate as possible, to prevent distracting the daemon from getting your frames busy running because it's constanting having to update your reports. For job servers managing a large number of jobs, or a large number of machines, use slower update rates. (eg. '10 seconds' or more, instead of '5')